Full-time sword repair

Chapter 573 The head is targeting her!

Facing Nangong Wu's question, Leng Feiyan looked calm.

"There is no mission, I'm here, I'm just too bored in the sect, I'm going out to relax, and I'll take a look at the performance of the disciples of the sect."

"So that's how it is." Nangong Wu was stunned, and a little embarrassed said: "Master, this child Tianhan..."

"I already know." Leng Feiyan said softly, his tone was calm, showing no emotion.

"Chu Tianhan has inner demons and needs to be dealt with by himself. His master can't help him with this matter. If he can't kill the inner demons, his future prospects will be worrying."

After Leng Feiyan finished his evaluation, he said: "However, he lost to Luo Muxian this time and lost face to the Sword Sect. He must be punished. After returning to the Sect, he will be fined for one year, temporarily dismissed from the post of deacon of the Punishment Hall, and resigned from the Sword Sect." The Pavilion retreats and thinks about past mistakes, and you can't leave the customs until you get rid of your demons."

"Follow the order of the head!" Nangong Wu hurriedly cupped his fists.

All the disciples could not help but mourn for Chu Tianhan for a second in their hearts.

This punishment is too miserable, the position in the sect is cut, the salary is fined for one year, and he has to retreat and think about his mistakes.

However, Jianzong has always been rewarded for meritorious service and punished for mistakes.

Chu Tianhan lost in front of the world's monks to a demon disciple like Luo Muxian, who was much weaker than him, and made Jianzong feel ashamed. He really couldn't forgive him easily.

It should be punished like this.

Nangong Wu was afraid that Leng Feiyan would transfer his anger to him, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "It's just in time for the master to come. I'm afraid Lin Jichen will need you to take action in a while. This Situ Zhao is obviously murderous."

Leng Feiyan said calmly: "Are you so sure that my apprentice will lose?"

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone, Nangong Wu shrank his neck in fear, and said bitterly: "Master, although Lin Jichen is extremely talented, if he trains well in the future, he will definitely surpass Chu Tianhan, but he is too young now, so ..."

"As the elder of the sect, you are the leader of all the participating disciples, but you say such words, which will damage the morale of the disciples and fine you half a year's salary. You will not be required to bring it to the next Immortal Ascension Conference." Leng Feiyan said calmly. .

Nangong Wu's face was ashen, and he could only smile wryly: "Follow the order of the head."

At this time, Nan Gongyue quietly stepped forward, and asked weakly: "Master... Do you think the younger brother can beat Situ Zhao..."

Leng Feiyan glanced at her unexpectedly.

Nan Gongyue felt a chill down her back. She remembered that Leng Feiyan had always been very kind to her. Although she was not a disciple, she regarded her as a half-disciple.

She was the only one in Jiangongshan who could go up to play occasionally since she was a child, and she even got a few words of advice from Leng Feiyan.

If Elder Nangong Yuanda hadn't said that he wanted to train his granddaughter himself, Leng Feiyan would have accepted her as his apprentice.

Even so, the relationship between Nangong Yue and Leng Feiyan is actually pretty good.

Leng Feiyan has always been lenient and caring towards her.

That's why she dared to ask questions.

But looking at it now, why does it feel like the head has changed, when a pair of beautiful eyes are staring at her, it seems to be looking at the enemy?The attitude is not as good as before.

How is this going?

Nangongyue's mind went blank, and her face turned pale.

Could it be that I did something wrong?But after thinking about it, she didn't seem to have done anything wrong.

Fortunately, after staring at her for a second, Leng Feiyan withdrew his gaze and spoke coldly.

"Situ Zhao is just an individual cultivator, but he relies too much on physical strength and things outside his body. His own strength is not strong, and his fighting belief and experience are far inferior to Chen'er. If Chen'er can grasp these two points, it may not be impossible to turn defeat into victory."

Nangong Yue oh oh Mu Leng nodded, just wanted to have fun, but suddenly thought that Leng Feiyan's address just now seemed a bit wrong.

Dust? ? ?

Isn't that a little too intimate?

Nan Gongyue felt sour in her heart, she secretly glanced at Leng Feiyan, and found that she was looking at her with a half-smile, with a hint of complacency in her eyes.

That's right, it's pride!And it's still the kind of pride that a little girl is jealous of!

Fortunately, Nangongyue was young and had never experienced any jealousy, so she didn't understand.

But what she was sure of was that the master was targeting her.

Young birthday!Nangong Yue felt that she must be hallucinating!

Today's head, so strange!Was it taken away?

In the arena, the battle is still going on.

A light flashed in Lin Jichen's mind after being knocked into the air, and he took out two pills and stuffed them into his mouth while flying upside down.

[Xuanpin·Bloodthirsty Pill]: The first-class elixir of Xuanpin, the damage of general attack is increased by +15%, and it comes with a 2% blood-sucking effect, which lasts for 30 seconds, and only one can be taken per hour.

[Earth Grade·Wusheng Pill]: Earth grade medium elixir, within half an hour after taking it, strength +300, skill damage +20%, and during this period, skill cooling time -10%.

There is no way, the hardware is even worse, and it can only be forcibly upgraded by pills.

After taking the elixir, Lin Jichen's body glowed with blood.

Strength increased by 300 points, basic attack damage increased by 15%, skill damage increased by 20%.

Now, his attributes finally caught up with Situ Zhao.

Race against time, Lin Jichen stopped in the air and backed away.

The magic power surged, and the Qingming Sword made a sword chant sound, and countless sword shadows surrounded the whole body.

Twisting the sword in one hand, but with the other hand, a golden Buddha seal with the word "卍" appeared.

Both moves light up at the same time!

"Blade Storm!"

"The seal of the reborn Buddha!"

At the same time, two spiritual skills blasted at Situ Zhao. Situ Zhao was trapped by the sword array, and a huge Buddha seal hit hard on his head!


Situ Zhao urged the dragon scale armor body, trying to block the attacks of countless sword shadows and Buddha seals again.

However, this time, it was not as he wished.

Sword Shadow's damage has been greatly increased, and Foyin's power has also become much stronger.

Situ Zhao had a careless idea, and both spiritual skills caused a lot of damage to him!


"-1800! -1800! -1800..."


Situ Zhao also vomited blood. In order to avoid the seemingly endless harassment of sword shadows, he could only forcefully fly out of the sword formation.

There is an extra mark on the head, and the speed has dropped by 40%!

Lin Jichen took advantage of the victory to pursue and directly cast the third skill!

"Peerless Sword Shadow!"

Six invisible flaws appeared on Situ Zhao out of thin air.

Lin Jichen flew towards him with a sword of wind and thunder, and the Qingming sword slashed through the void!

A long wound opened on Situ Zhao's shoulder blade!


Although Wushuang Jianying is still far away from Zhizhen, he has also been trained to Dacheng level by Lin Jichen.

Each vulnerability has been increased from 5% of total health to 7%.

The higher the blood volume, the stronger the single-target effect of Wushuang Jianying.

This is the magical skill taught to him by his precious master!

Lin Jichen couldn't help but miss Leng Feiyan again, alas, if only Master was here, he wouldn't have to fight so hard.

Situ Zhao was startled by the sword, and the dragon-scaled armor moved with all his strength, releasing various skills of the golden equipment on his body.

"Magic armor to defend against the enemy!"

"Solid as a rock!"

"Golden mask!"

These equipments are all defensive skills, which also fit Situ Zhao's physical training.

But he never expected that Lin Jichen's Wushuang Sword Shadow would ignore his equipment defense.

It was another sword, cutting through the defense without any barriers, leaving another deep wound on his body!


It can be seen from this that Situ Zhao's combat experience is really not good, and he blindly wants to rely on equipment advantages.


Three shifts~

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