Full-time sword repair

Chapter 571 Who Says He Can't Win!

Hearing that the opponent was Situ Zhao, Lin Jichen also felt bitter.

Situ Zhao is the strongest disciple of Jiulong Valley.

Among the disciples of the Demon Sect, his strength is comparable to that of Baili Canfeng and Li Xinghun.

Even if he is weaker than Baili Canfeng and Li Xinghun, it is not something he can deal with now.

Lin Jichen didn't expect his luck to be as bad as Li Mu's.

The first opponent in the final was the top three of the Demon Sect.

If he breaks through to the spiritual realm, he is absolutely sure.

But the key is that the current him is only at the Jindan stage.

Master didn't come either, so I had to bite the bullet and go.

Hearing this duel, Nangong Wu's face became even uglier. He sighed and said, "I'm afraid that the treasures of this year's Ascension to Immortals Conference will not be destined for our Sword Sect. It will depend on Chi Yan Boxing Sect and Yuanji Fa Sect."

He didn't talk nonsense.

On Zhengdao's side, without Chu Tianhan, there would be basically no Sword Sect.

Li Mu has been eliminated.

Nangongyue is his daughter, and he knows her strength very well.

Stronger than Li Mu, but still a certain distance away from Chu Tianhan. If you have to compare, it is about the same strength as Luo Muxian.

It is impossible to compete for the top three.

But the biggest reward of the Immortal Ascension Conference is only for the top three.

Originally, Chu Tianhan was the absolute favorite to win the championship, stronger than those of Mozong.

But who knew that he was unexpectedly defeated by Luo Muxian.

Now only Ye Dingsong, the chief disciple of the Scarlet Flame Fist Sect, and Mu Lingbing of the Yuanji Fa Sect are left to compete for the top three.

Although Fang Qingzhu, the mysterious medical sect, is also very strong, but he is a medical practitioner after all, so he has little chance of winning.

After hearing this, Nan Gongyue was dissatisfied and said: "Father, junior brother hasn't competed yet, you just say such frustrating words, is there anyone like you who is an elder?"

As she said that, Nan Gongyue looked at Lin Jichen and encouraged her, "Junior Brother, don't listen to my father's nonsense, but have confidence in yourself. I believe in you."

Lin Jichen looked at Nangongyue's eyes full of trust, and then glanced at the dejected and unbelieving expressions of the other disciples, a hint of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

The more others look down on him, the more he has to prove that he can do it!

His character is inherently strong.

In his previous life, he established the Yelan Tingyu Guild, but no one favored him, and all the grand dukes would not take him seriously and trampled on him at will.

Even Guo Jie and his best 'brother' Xu Ziyi didn't believe that they could support a guild at all, and kept persuading him to give up and let him join other big guilds.

But Lin Jichen held back all his energy and turned a small low-level guild into a well-known guild!

That's what he is, he likes to challenge the impossible.

Now, he is only at the Golden Core level, and no one is optimistic about his battle with Situ Zhao.

On the contrary, this once again aroused Lin Jichen's long-lost indomitable will.

After he was reborn, his journey went smoothly. In the eyes of everyone, he was extremely talented, headed the sect and accepted disciples, and had a bright future. He had never tasted this kind of feeling again.

Lin Jichen himself knew that if the master was here and gave him a spirit transformation pill to break through the spirit, he would have a good chance of winning the first place.

But in reality, how can it be so smooth, accidents will always come.

You can't just give up because of an accident.

Situ Zhao?The top three of the Demon Sect?

Who said Lin Jichen couldn't win!

"Little sister, don't worry, I haven't forgotten the agreement with your father, wait for my good news."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking softly, he turned around and fled into the arena in the river like a flying shuttle!

And Situ Zhao has been waiting for a long time.

Situ Zhao has a bald head, but it has nothing to do with Buddhist cultivation. It's just that the magic skills he cultivates are too overbearing. He doesn't have a lock of hair on his body, not even eyebrows.

As to whether there are other hairs, it is not known.

Situ Zhao was a tall man with a hulking back, much stronger than Xing Sen, like a little giant.

The brocade robe and belt on his body revealed a pair of knotted arms, and his fists were huge, with purple lightning flashing faintly on them.

His eyes are like electricity, full of energy.

Just standing there already has an intimidating aura,

Whether it was the belt, the robe, the gloves, the boots, or even the rings on his hands, he wore four pieces, all of which were shining with golden light.

He was armed to the teeth, and his body was shining with gold.

Lin Jichen, who was always well equipped, looked like a beggar in front of him.

This is definitely the 'RMB player' in the world of Xianxia.

"Lin Jichen, a disciple of Tianyan Sword Sect, the closed disciple of Leng Feiyan, who is the head of the sect, has entered the Jindan realm for half a year, and has defeated Mo Shaoku, Feng Ruhai, Qin Zong and other demon heroes. Strength is indeed a rare talent, if you are given a few more years, you may really surpass Chu Tianhan."

Situ Zhao was the first to speak out, telling Lin Jichen's message word by word, even full of praise.

"Oh? So I'm so good? I'm even embarrassed by what you said."

Lin Jichen smiled and spoke with a relaxed expression.

Situ Zhao grinned, a row of teeth gleaming, but the smile was a bit ferocious, even a bit perverted.

"Don't be embarrassed, you deserve my praise, but for a promising righteous disciple like you, it's best to kill you when you are fledgling."

"Are you scared? Afraid you won't be able to beat me in the future? Shouldn't you let me go and challenge you again when you're a fighter like you?" Lin Jichen joked.

Situ Zhao laughed loudly, and said with disdain: "What you said is only done by a fool in a book written in a scholar's pen. I, Situ Zhao, always like to kill all crises in the cradle in advance. It is not me to let the tiger go back to the mountain." character."

Speaking of this, Situ Zhao even laughed and said: "But if that idiot scholar Baili Canfeng, it is possible to do that, it's a pity, you didn't meet him, but me."

Lin Jichen didn't change his expression when he heard the words: "You are so confident that you can kill me? Can't I admit defeat?"

"Of course you can admit defeat, and you can even admit defeat now, which saves me a lot of energy, but if you admit defeat, your Dao heart will be crippled, and a seed of cowardice has been planted so far. You are a sword cultivator, a sword cultivator , the most taboo is cowardice, if you admit defeat, you will ruin your future! I don’t need to worry, hahaha.”

Situ Zhao laughed wildly with confidence. These words were clearly aggressive, but he used them just right to hit the sore spot.

Situ Zhao said it on purpose to stimulate Lin Jichen and prevent him from admitting defeat.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Jichen had no intention of admitting defeat at all.

"Competition, start!"

Zhuge was announcing the start of the match, and looked at the two on the ring with interested eyes, and even looked forward to the battle between the two.

The audience and disciples on both sides couldn't help shouting for the two of them.

"Xiaochen! Come on!"

"Xiao Linzi! Let my old lady beat him!"

"Brother Lin, come on, come on~"

"Rogue Lin! Work harder!"

The person who said this came from the site of Tianyin Temple, Chu Hongling who stood at the front among a group of nuns.

Lin villain is Chu Hongling's new name for Lin Jichen. This guy made a big fuss in the nunnery and told thousands of nuns about Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai. Now a bunch of nuns and sisters don't want to abide by the rules and regulations, and they yearn for beautiful love all day long.

Master Jinghui and her master Master Xuanqing both blamed her on her head.

Chu Hongling, who couldn't get enough of her anger, gave him such a 'pet name'.

Lin Jichen has already blocked all external sounds.

As soon as Zhuge Zheng's voice fell, he took the lead!


One more~

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