Relying on the passive acceleration of Fenglei's sword, Lin Jichen directly skipped Xing Sen and the others, and went directly to Wanshi's rear camp.

Today's Lin Jichen, although he is still in the mid-stage Golden Core, but in terms of attributes, no player can compete with him.

It's easy to deal with top players, but it's as simple as chopping melons and vegetables against these ordinary crispy players.

After rushing into the crowd, Lin Jichen seemed to have no scruples. A Dharma cultivator was the first to be targeted and had no time to react.

Because Lin Jichen's speed was so ridiculously fast that he didn't even know how he rushed over.


Lin Jichen struck the sword first, and the Dharma cultivator was gone.

The crispy skin that had already lost [-] blood couldn't withstand Lin Jichen's sword.

Lin Jichen slashed out a streak of frost-white sword energy, and a large number of players were caught again.

Lin Jichen is quite familiar with various martial arts skills, and each skill can easily take away more than a dozen lives.

It's as if the harvester drove into the wheat field and pushed it all the way!

Seeing Lin Jichen's arrogant appearance, Wang Jinghao's face turned livid with anger.

"Are they all pig brains? Standing up and being beaten? There's no way to hide!"

At this moment, many law practitioners and medical practitioners came to their senses and chose to use physical methods to avoid it.

Seeing that he killed so many Wanshi members in the blink of an eye, Xing Sen and the others certainly would not stand idly by, and immediately turned around at full speed, trying to stop Lin Jichen from continuing to do evil.

Lin Jichen immediately changed his target, and in a flash, he went towards Wang Jinghao!

"President, be careful!" Wan Shi members shouted hastily.

Wang Jinghao also felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, so he immediately used his family skills and hid in the crowd.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen didn't intend to give up just like that. With a lot of skills and mana, countless sword shadows turned into a hurricane and swept away!

"Blade Storm!"

Immediately afterwards, a Buddha seal descended from the sky!

"The seal of the reborn Buddha!"

There was another wail when two spirit skills fell down in a row.

It's also a good thing that Wang Jinghao is not a crispy professional, he plays finger repair, which is a type of physical training, and it is also thick in blood and high in defense.

He also flashed out of the range of the sword array in time so that he would not be killed by Lin Jichen.

Seeing that Wang Jinghao escaped far away again and completely mixed into his subordinates, Lin Jichen could only give up temporarily.

"Brother Wang, we are good brothers, why did you run away when you saw me?"

Lin Jichen didn't forget to tease, but the sword in his hand still stirred up the situation among the members of Wanshi, and he was eager to kill.

"My brother, your mother's brother, Lin Jichen, I'll fuck you..."

Wang Jinghao cursed loudly.

But going on like this is not the solution.

Lin Jichen held down the entire Wanshi Guild almost by himself.

If he doesn't die, the players of Wanshi dare not attack the city at all. If the president is killed, they will all have to be scolded, and their wages may even be deducted.

Xing Sen and the others wanted to make a quick decision and besiege and kill Lin Jichen, but this guy was like a loach, relying on his abnormal speed, he played seven in and seven out in the crowd, shuttled freely.

In the past, Zhao Yun single-handedly treated a hundred thousand troops as nothing, but today Lin Jichen single-handedly killed a hundred thousand monks with his sword!

One person, stunned the entire guild!It is also one of the best grand guilds in Muxian Prefecture.

Without the help of the Eternal Guild, the coalition forces lacked the most powerful force, which also allowed Yueying to breathe, and once again supported the attack of the crowd.

Li Feng heard that he was the closest to the Wanshi Guild, and when he saw this scene, he acted righteously.

"Xiaoyan, Crazy General, Wang Wu, you guys go to help the Wanshi Guild deal with Lin Jichen, don't let him delay."

"Yes, boss!"

Laughing Yan took the lead, and a dozen experts from the Blood Fiend Guild immediately rushed towards the Wanshi Guild.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Lin Jichen and the Wanshi Guild are deadly enemies, and the same hatred as the Blood Fiend Guild is as deep as the sea!

That's why Li Fengwen decided to help Wang Jinghao so decisively.

It was indeed useful for Kuangxiaoyan and others to join in. Dozens of top experts surrounded and suppressed Lin Jichen, and quickly blocked all of Lin Jichen's retreat positions.

"Lin Jichen, today you are doomed!" Kuangxiaoyan grinned grinningly. Nearly thirty top experts were there, and there were hundreds of thousands of players behind him.

Today, Lin Jichen can't escape with his wings!

However, facing the siege, Lin Jichen's expression was normal, and he looked at the laughing man with a disdainful smile.

"I said what cat or dog is barking here. It turns out that you are mentally handicapped. What's the matter? The scar has forgotten the pain? Do you think you can do it again?"

Facing Lin Jichen's ridicule, Mang Xiaoyan gritted his teeth and said, "Your surname is Lin, today you will pay for your arrogance! Set fire to him!"

After finishing speaking, the remote professional players behind them all aimed at Lin Jichen.

rustle rustle...

Countless spells and spiritual arrows flew towards Lin Jichen.

Seeing this scene, Laughing Yan laughed out loud, thinking that he was sure of winning.

With so many skills thrown at him, Lin Jichen still has a reason for his immortality?

However, what they hit was Lin Jichen's phantom.

The next moment, Lin Jichen had already swept across the sky, approaching the Laughing Flame.

"You like to laugh, right? I'll let you laugh slowly!"

After Lin Jichen said these words, he slashed the Qingming sword in his hand, and in an instant, the sword energy was like a waterfall, bursting out with astonishing power.

The unexpected laughter froze, and the smile froze on his face.

Until the sword energy bombarded him, a number of [-] points of damage jumped out.

Before he could react, Lin Jichen's Qing Ming Sword suddenly burst out a large amount of feathered sword energy in the air.

"Frost Moon Slash!"


In all directions, almost all the masters who surrounded Lin Jichen were pierced by the feathered sword energy.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jichen activated 'Heart Eater', holding the Qingming Sword that had turned crimson red, and slayed towards the Laughing Flame!

Kuang Xiaoyan's face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly used his family background to avoid Lin Jichen's sharp edge first.

But as soon as he left, Lin Jichen's mocking voice came from behind him.

"You bloody wastes are also worthy of making trouble? A bunch of scum, don't piss and take care of yourself, let me die!"

While speaking, Lin Jichen made a few simple strikes, seven times the damage of a critical strike, and directly killed the Laughing Flame in seconds.

Then, Lin Jichen did the same thing, chasing and killing Xue Fiend's masters. After a while, the dozen or so people sent by Li Fengwen all became the souls of Lin Jichen's sword.

After solving these people, Lin Jichen still didn't forget to shout loudly in the direction of Li Fengwen: "Li Wangba, it's been a long time since your blood evil guild is still so hot, I suggest you hurry up and find a factory to work and make screws. A bunch of waste is a waste of money, oh, sorry, forgot, you are also a waste, waste with waste, never."

After Li Fengwen heard it, his mouth almost twisted with anger.

Lin Jichen, that bastard, still has such an open mouth, I really want to tear his mouth apart!

Wang Jinghao started to fight for Li Fengwen, and ordered to his guild: "Why are you still standing there, keep fighting! Focus on him!"

Countless skills, once again hit Lin Jichen who seemed to have nowhere to escape.


Two more~

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