Douluo Zhiqingtian

Chapter 7: The first soul skill, invincible

Yue Guan saw Yuntian standing up and said excitedly: "Boy Tian, ​​has the absorption been successful? You have broken the best first soul ring age limit of a soul master by nearly twice. Let's see what your first soul skill is?"

The only soul ring behind Yun Tian flashed, and he took the Qingtian Gun. The gun body shone with white light, and the gun head flashed.

Yuntian said to Ju Douluo: "My first soul skill is called Omnibusting. It increases my strength by fifty percent, and every ten levels it increases by ten percent. It also has an armor-breaking effect, and the weight of the sky-high gun increases by one hundred kilograms." .”

The initial weight of the Sky Gun is fifty kilograms, and the weight can increase with the number of soul rings.

Ju Douluo's eyes lit up. This soul skill was a bit abnormal. The sky-raising spear itself was already extremely sharp, and it weighed one hundred and fifty kilograms, which was already quite heavy.

In addition, this kid's physique is different from that of ordinary people, and he has to increase his strength by 50% to break armor. If this gun hits the soul master, he may be seriously injured.

Ju Douluo asked Yuntian: "Is there any limit to your armor-breaking effect?"

Yuntian shook his head: "There are no restrictions. This effect is absolute and directly ignores 50% of the opponent's defense."

Ju Douluo was surprised and said: "Oh my god, is this really the first spirit ring? It is indeed a super martial spirit. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead." Ju Douluo laughed at himself.

Yuntian comforted him: "Your Majesty is so outstanding, even if you compare with those super geniuses, you are not far behind. Moreover, you are a Titled Douluo. It would be great if I could practice to become a Titled Douluo."

Ju Douluo smiled when he heard this: "Boy Tian, ​​you are quite good at comforting people. From now on, you don't have to call me Mianxiao. It's awkward. Just call me grandpa."

Yuntian smiled and respectfully called Ju Douluo grandpa. In fact, Yue Guan's age was indeed enough to be his grandpa.

Yue Guan suddenly had a smile on his face, "Okay, boy Tian, ​​if anyone bullies you in Wuhun Hall from now on, you will mention my name."

Yuntian felt happy. No, there were thugs at the Title Douluo level. As long as he worked harder, when he had his second and third soul ring, he would find an opportunity to let Ju Douluo take him to the Sunset Forest. This would Didn’t you get the fairy grass?

After helping Yuntian obtain the first soul ring, everyone hurriedly left the soul hunting forest without any reason to stay.

On the carriage, Ju Douluo took out a ring and said to Yuntian: "Boy Tian, ​​this is the Nether Sea Nether Ring. Seeing that you don't have a space soul guide, I'll give you this one. This Nether Ring has twenty cubic meters." The space can only store dead things."

"Thank you, Grandpa Ju." Yuntian said with a smile.

Yuntian picked up the ring and looked at it carefully. The ring was entirely light blue, with a white gemstone in the middle. It shone brightly under the sunlight. It was indeed worthy of the name Youhai.

Yuntian put on the ring and asked Ju Douluo: "Grandpa Ju, what is Wuhundian Junior College like? Are there many geniuses there?"

Ju Douluo smiled: "Does the Wuhun Hall have a junior college? It is very big. There is a competition every three years. The rewards of the competition are very generous. There are almost geniuses from all over the continent who come to the Wuhun Palace."

"However, boy Tian, ​​you don't have to worry. With your number one soul skill, coupled with your extraordinary physique and powerful martial spirit, you are enough to stand out from the crowd. Moreover, your talent is also one of the best, so there will naturally be no shortage of training resources. Just don’t worry.”

Ju Douluo touched Yuntian's head, showing no airs like a titled Douluo.

After hearing this, Yuntian thought to himself, it seems that the Wuhundian Junior College is generally pretty good, at least much better than Tang San's Noting Junior College. It seems that his starting point is very high.

However, Tang San was the son of luck after all, and there would be many opportunities in the future. However, he had a system. Who was stronger, Yuntian believed that it would definitely be him.

After all, no matter how lucky Douluo Continent is, it is still a low martial plane. He has the "Book of Immortality" in the perfect world plane, which can be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow. With Tang San's little things, he can't win no matter what.

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