Who among the serious people of Douluo cultivates?

Chapter 4: [The beginning of spiritual dialogue with Bibi Dong]

s: This chapter was previously banned due to violations.Many thanks to the editors for taking the time out of their busy schedule to review it. After modification, it is now being republished.

"You are such a little brat, you are so big as a brat!

What are you covering up? I've seen everything that needs to be seen and touched it...Okay, okay, I'll go out and you hurry up and get dressed. "

It wasn't until he saw that his face was a little angry that Xu Jiuyue closed the door and walked out.

Tang Yan quickly got out of bed and put on his clothes in three strokes.

Even Lao Wang next door was ashamed when he saw this speed.

Xu Jiuyue, known as Widow Xu in the village.

I am twenty-six years old this year, which is the time when I am at my best.

Ripe peaches are juicy, sweet and refreshing.

In fact, she was never married, but because she was older and lived alone in such a remote place, people in the village called her Widow Xu.

Several people had pursued her before, but those men who had been here died inexplicably.

There is no whole body in death.

Later, gradually no man dared to approach her easily.

Everyone used to call her Widow Xu and avoid her.

The reason why Tang Yan met her is a long story.

The goat's milk and cow's milk he had grown up eating were all brought by Xu Jiuyue.

Letting Tang Hao, who was as rude as a bear, take care of a newborn baby, wouldn't this be embarrassing a bear?

Later, as Tang Yan grew up, he would run into her every time he secretly went to the back mountain to practice.

The relationship between the two is like family.

Once, Xu Jiuyue encountered a wild boar and was injured. Tang Yan happened to be nearby and arrived in time to save her.

It was also that time that he came to the place where Xu Jiuyue cooked for the first time.

Since then, from time to time, when passing by, Tang Yan would go to her house to have a meal or something.

Apart from anything else, Xu Jiuyue's craftsmanship is really good.

In his words, the royal chef is no more than that.

Xu Jiuyue is good at everything and pretty, but she just likes to tease him.

Tang Yan skipped the crawling stage and could walk directly.

It just walks crookedly and unsteadily.

At that time, Xu Jiuyue also liked to sleep with him in his arms every night.

For this reason, Tang Hao had suspected that Xu Jiuyue was a human trafficker several times.

A strange woman, this is too good for his son, right?

Being hugged to sleep is both painful and joyful for Tang Yan, who has adult thinking and wisdom, and often suffers from insomnia.

After getting dressed, he began to wash his face.

Today is the third day.

While washing his face, he observed the system board in his mind.

It's still there!

Through the board, he learned the name of the system: Twin System.

There is a text written on it.

To officially start the system, you need to answer all three multiple-choice questions correctly.

If it fails...

Then give the girl a beautiful reward!

When he saw this line of prompts, he felt emmmmm in his heart...

I don’t know which idiot designed this system, but it’s so good.

If you fail to answer, shouldn't you be punished? Why should you reward a beautiful girl?

So if I keep answering wrong questions on purpose, can I form an army of beauties?

Direct good guy!

Based on his intelligence, I seriously doubt this is a trap.

Therefore, even if there was only one chance in ten thousand, he still did not dare to risk his life and chose to answer the question incorrectly on purpose.

I can only secretly greet the th generation ancestor of this system designer.

Question : System activation conditions. If you need to sacrifice something, what would you choose?

A: One’s own sexual happiness

B: Dad’s sexual happiness

C: Yu Xiaogang’s sexual happiness

D: Choose all three of the above

After reading the first question and options, Tang Yan was dumbfounded on the spot.

Who is it!

Who on earth designed such an evil system and created such high-level problems!

Choose A, you must be unwilling to do so.

The designers are not that stupid either.

As a host, the future boss of the world will have a harem of thirty thousand, right?

But if you think about it differently, if you want to gain powerful power and get a golden finger, shouldn't you pay a price?

As for answer B, it's even more deceptive. This is because he plans to sacrifice his father's happiness for the rest of his life.

According to the style of Qidian, parents offer sacrifices to heaven, and their magic power is boundless.

Maybe this answer is right.

However, to think about it differently, what if the system designer wants to test the character of the system?

A person who can even sacrifice his own father's happiness is definitely not a good bird, and the system cannot be left in the hands of such a person.

Next is answer C, sacrificing Yu Xiaogang’s penis.

This answer suited him best.

But often times, the more it looks like the correct answer, it turns out to be the wrong answer.

Many people should have a deep understanding of this argument in multiple-choice questions in mathematics and English.

As for the last option D, rule it out.

The answer to this model, whether it is right or wrong, can be seen at a glance.

That leaves three.

Choose one of three.

Tang Yan was in trouble.

I feel like I can’t choose any one, but I feel like I can choose just about any one.


He is now almost % sure that the designer of this system must be a middle school boy.

And very sick.

"Xiaoyi, come out to eat!"

Xu Jiuyue's voice came from outside the house.

"Sister Jiuyue, come right away!"

As he opened the door and walked out, he started clicking Tiger on the system panel.

One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain and hunt the tiger...

After the last word fell, he decisively chose the relevant option.

Taking a closer look, I suddenly felt a chill coming from my crotch.

There was no time to think of anything else, so he subconsciously reached down and used the monkey-stealing peach trick on himself.

"so far so good!"


Safe and sound.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Never let him know who designed this system in the future, otherwise he will have to be castrated.

Even Jesus couldn’t stop what he said!

At this time, the voice of the system came from my mind.

【drop! 】

Choose option C, the answer is correct.

Tang Yan: "..."

After carefully checking it in his mind, his finger clearly touched option A.

As a result, the system reported C.

A string of black dots flashed on his forehead, and he was extremely speechless.

I have to say, system, you are really stubborn!

The moment the system sounded, a shrill scream suddenly came from a residence near Notting College.

That voice makes one feel heartbroken when listening to it.

There is also a kind of ecstasy that sounds creepy.

Yu Xiaogang looked down at his crotch, which suddenly became dripping with blood. While screaming, he burst into tears. He cried so hard that it made people want to cry.

Tang Yan could no longer see this scene.

He is busy reading the second question now.

Question 2: How old is Bibi Dong this year?

This is a fill-in-the-blank question.

It’s terrible!

"That old woman Bibi Dong, who knows how old she is this year!"

"This question is simply trying to make things difficult for me!"

He walked to the yard and sat down at the dining table, thinking angrily in his heart.

At this moment, Wuhun Palace.

Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong's Palace.

Bibi Dong was eating breakfast when a voice suddenly came from her mind.

"That old woman Bibi Dong, who knows how old she is this year!"

"This question is simply trying to make things difficult for me!"

When the sound ended, there was a click, and the white jade bowl in Bibi Dong's hand was priceless, but she crushed it to pieces in an instant...

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