The mayor's eyes flashed with light, "Of course, if you encounter a strong enemy in the future and are at risk of death, you can naturally use it. I hope to see you able to practice Xuantian Kung to the highest level as soon as possible. Let us evaluate it. What role can the highest level Xuantian Technique play? At that time, we can decide whether to spread this secret skill. The reason why I let you tell me is to have one more backup record, but it is limited to you and me. You Have you ever taught Xuantian Kung to others?"

You can also use it when you can kill people and silence them.Tang San thought silently in his heart.

Tang San shook his head, "I only taught Teacher Wang how to control the wind blade."

In fact, he tested whether Ling Muxue could learn the Xuantian Kung Fu, but Ling Muxue didn't know it was the Xuantian Kung Fu, because he already had the demon-god transformation, and the attempt failed.

He didn't say it because he didn't want to cause any more trouble to Ling Muxue and the others.

The mayor's reaction was beyond Tang San's expectations, but it was acceptable.Although his current mental strength is not high, there is still no problem with the little spiritual consciousness hidden in his mental power to judge whether a person's words are sincere.

"Okay. Remember, what you said to me today must not be mentioned to any outsiders again. Including within our organization, do not tell anyone. I will record a confidential file on all your situations. This If I am alive, no one will be able to see this file, not even those with a higher level than me in the organization. Once I die, the person who succeeds me will get this file and continue to keep it with you. The fewer people know about it, the safer you are.”

Having said this, he paused, and a light seemed to flash deep in his eyes, "If in the near future, it can be proven that the skills you practice can be promoted to a higher level, then maybe we humans will have our own Chance."

"Hmm." Tang San didn't know what to say except nodding.

When the mayor discovered his secret, he was actually ready to kill and silence him. His biggest trump card is the bit of spiritual consciousness he brought from his previous life. Once it breaks out, he believes it is still possible to solve most problems. But it is precisely because of this that once he uses it, his spiritual consciousness is consumed, and it will never be recovered before he reaches the god level.

What Tang San didn't expect was that the mayor's reaction seemed to be better than the best-case scenario he expected.Not only would she keep it a secret, she would even ask him to keep it a secret too.This also made Tang San couldn't help but take a higher look at the Redemption Organization.

"Become a disciple." The mayor suddenly said.

Tang San was stunned for a moment, "Apprenticeship?"

The mayor looked at him, his eyes calm again, "What else?"

"Okay." What else could Tang San say? There are people under the roof! At that moment, he knelt down on the ground and saluted.


The mayor nodded with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his calm face, "Xiaosan, if one day in the future it can be proved that the technique you practice is suitable for all mankind, the teacher hopes that you can agree to contribute it. For the sake of our humanity Rise and make an important contribution.”

"Yeah." Tang San secretly cursed, don't you already know?What do you want me to contribute?

The mayor said: "My name is Zhang Haoxuan. My demon god transformation is the Flame Tiger King. The Flame Tiger ranks second among tiger monsters, second only to the golden bloodline of the Tiger King. It is the ninth level."

Ninth level?Tang San was shocked, this could be said to be the most powerful existence he had seen since coming to this world.Although he had a feeling that he was completely unable to compete during the fight just now, now that he heard Zhang Haoxuan say it in person, he understood the extent of this man's cultivation.If compared with his previous life, this person is equivalent to standing at the peak of the soul master level below the god level, comparable to the existence of a titled Douluo.And from what he said, the blood power of his demon-god transformation was quite good.

The tiger is the king of beasts. Tiger monsters should be among the best among the entire monster clan. The Flame Tiger is ranked second among tiger monsters. The bloodline of the Fiery Tiger King is really not weak!

The mayor said: "From now on, you are a part of the redemption. According to your cultivation level, you could have directly become an orange-level redemption. But in order to conceal your strength, let's start from the original red-level redemption."

Before Tang San could ask, the mayor continued: "In our redemption, every member is graded. Only members of different levels can obtain different levels of authority. There are seven major levels in total. They correspond to The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The red level is the lowest and the purple level is the highest. You are the first to enter, so you will naturally be red level salvation. Accumulate merit and you can upgrade. In order to encourage everyone to improve their cultivation and speed up their cultivation, follow the rules of the organization , fifth-level existences, regardless of their merit accumulation, as long as they are formal members of the organization, can be upgraded to orange level. This is why I said just now that you can have orange level."

"When you reach the seventh level of cultivation, you can naturally be promoted to the yellow level. The ninth level corresponds to the green level. This is also the limit to which the cultivation level can be directly improved. For the higher level three level, in addition to having a strong cultivation level, you must also Only those who have made great contributions to the organization are eligible to have it.”

Rainbow Seven Levels.It’s interesting!Tang San thought silently in his heart.

"Teacher, what level are you at?" Tang San asked with curiosity on his face.

Zhang Hao

Tang San said: "Are you the highest level redeemer here?"

Zhang Haoxuan shook his head and said: "No, there are two people here who have a higher redemption level than me, but the situation is quite special and they do not directly manage the affairs of the organization here. I am still mainly responsible for the Kerry City side. of."

"Understood." Listening to his story, Tang San had a little understanding of the Redemption Organization.

Zhang Haoxuan said: "In order to hide your identity and not be discovered by the monster clan, there is a special secret method within the organization to verify your identity. I will imprint the secret method on the back of your hand. When a higher-level redeemer is in front of you, you can use it You can use the secret method to detect your mark, and at the same time, you can also show your mark to let the other party find out the authenticity, so that we can help each other when necessary."

"Teacher, are all the people in this town members of our organization?" Tang San asked the question he wanted to know the most.

Zhang Hao Gradually you know. Therefore, you must also hide your identity. This is why I want to accept you as my disciple, so that you can have a normal identity on the surface. You don’t have to worry about anything, you just need to work hard to practice That’s it.”

"Let me briefly tell you about the situation in this town. Our town relies on Kerry College for its existence, so it is also called a college town. It is dedicated to serving Kerry College. Therefore, many times, some people in the town They all go to the academy to do some work. Relatively speaking, as vassals, the treatment we get in the academy is relatively good. At least the monsters here are relatively high-quality and will not easily hurt the vassals. In the academy Work is also a kind of experience, and sometimes it has some benefits for us. You will also know this in the future. Under appropriate circumstances, I will also let you enter the academy for experience. "

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