
The tiger-masked man appeared faster than he thought, and his goal was achieved, but at the same time, Tang San also understood more and more that the redemption organization should not be strong. A strong and tight organization would never be found so easily. A secret investigation would be a better choice. Precisely because they lack talents and they possess fourth-level strength at a young age, how could they not pay attention to it?

A faint smile appeared on his face, Tang San nodded and said, "Can I start?"

The tiger-faced man narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to look at Wang Yanfeng and his wife.

Wang Yanfeng pulled his wife back slowly, making way for a small space in the room.

The tiger-masked man was about to speak when suddenly, a sense of crisis came over him.There was a flash of green light, and a wind blade had already arrived in front of him.

This wind blade does not look big, but it is very solid, so that the wind blade that was originally light cyan has turned into a green color, pleasing to the eye but sharp.

The tiger-faced man raised his hand like lightning and grabbed the wind blade in an instant, and a scene that shocked him happened at that moment.

The wind blade that was already only a few feet away from him actually stopped at the last moment. The pause was very abrupt and completely violated the laws of movement.

The palm that the tiger-faced man grabbed was already covered with a layer of patterned hair. The palm was obviously swollen, but it was empty.

At this moment, the green wind blade accelerated a second time and arrived in front of the tiger-masked man almost instantly.

At this distance, the tiger-masked man was already unavoidable.

"Roar——" A deep roar came from the tiger-faced mouth. A low roar accompanied by air waves spurted out, exploding the wind blade in front of him. But the mask on the tiger-masked man's face exploded because of this roar.

This time, the tiger-faced man actually suffered a small loss.

Wang Yanfeng could see clearly from the side that what Tang San sent out was not one wind blade, but two.The first wind blade flew out in a rotating manner, relying on the high-speed rotation to complete the hovering in the air.Tang San had also practiced this technique with Wang Yanfeng, but even Wang Yanfeng thought he couldn't do it like he could with his arms and fingers, where he wanted the wind blade to stop wherever he wanted.

Then a wind blade flew out from behind and hit the stopped wind blade. The two wind blades were activated at the same time, and more fine wind blades erupted in a covering attack.If the tiger-faced man hadn't blown away part of the wind blade with his roar, he would have suffered even greater losses.

The mask was broken, revealing the appearance of a middle-aged man with a resolute face.He was obviously a little stunned.And the next moment, he saw two more wind blades flying out of Tang San's hands, drawing two graceful arcs and heading straight for him.

The tiger-faced man's eyes condensed, and a dark blue halo emitted from his body. In an instant, the temperature in the entire room seemed to have dropped a bit.The dark blue hair on his hands became a little thicker, and his arms became thicker.But when he exerted his demon-god transformation, it seemed that only his hands and arms had changed, and other parts of his body had not changed.

The wind blade was silent, and it looked as if it was shot out of the way, slicing across both sides, but the tiger-masked man did not relax his vigilance at all. He didn't need to use his eyes to see, he could feel the two wind blades slashing towards his back after spinning.

Whether it was the hovering wind blade or the arcing wind blade in front of him, it all gave him an eye-opening feeling.

When Gui Gui reported to him about Tang San's situation, he still couldn't believe it. A child who was only nine years old could defeat several fourth-order monsters in a row?In his opinion, this was no different than a fantasy.But at this moment, he somewhat believed it. This skill alone was enough to shock him.If this was all taught by Wang Yanfeng, then this Wang Yanfeng would be amazing!

Of course, Tang San was more important, and his younger age meant that his potential would be greater in the future.

Just as thoughts were swirling in his mind, Tang San was still shooting out silent wind blades from his hands. These cyan wind blades look like antelopes hanging their horns and are traceless, but they still make the tiger-masked man feel threatened.

The first two wind blades that flew out did not hit his back as expected, but actually missed and passed about a foot away from his back. At this time, an ice shield had formed behind him. But it did not play a defensive role.

Tang San had already shot away twelve wind blades one after another, and the whole room was filled with green light.But none of these green lights destroyed anything in the room, and they all circled around the tiger-masked man.

This was the first time he had seen such a strange wind blade control, and it was at this moment that he chose to take the initiative.

His eyes instantly turned dark blue, and a pair of tiger palms were covered with ice mist. The tip of his toes touched the ground, and a powerful aura instantly erupted. The temperature in the room dropped sharply, and a layer of ice armor-like existence appeared on the surface of his body. He didn't care about the wind blades at all, and just rushed towards Tang San.

This pounce is extremely fast, tiger pounce!

And those wind blades flying in the air seemed to be triggered at the moment he just started taking action, and they shot towards the tiger-faced man like an ocean embracing all rivers.

The wind blade is still silent, but it is this silent wind blade that gives people the most threatening feeling.

The tiger-faced man didn't care, but the ice armor on his body became a little more solid.

Seeing that he was about to rush in front of Tang San, Tang San moved at this moment.The tiger-faced man felt his eyes flash, and Tang San in front of him disappeared, as if what was standing there before was just a phantom.

At the same time that Tang San dodged in an instant, the wind blade also arrived.At this time, Wang Yanfeng and Qiu Jing were on the side with their mouths wide open in surprise.

They couldn't believe their eyes.The twelve wind blades that were very scattered in the air before were gathered into a neat row, and they were slashed towards the same position on the back of the tiger-masked man in an orderly manner.

The technique of returning hundreds of birds to the forest!

With Tang San's mental power, of course he still couldn't control hundreds of wind blades, but he was very familiar with just twelve.

Birds Returning to the Forest Technique: Birds are flying and gathering when they enter the forest. Face your opponent's strong defense and focus your attacks on one point!

Don't worry, Tang San's wind blade was already compressed. Even if it was an ordinary wind blade, it would definitely not be comfortable if it fired twelve consecutive shots at one location.

With a "bang" sound, the first wind blade exploded.Just as the tiger-faced man was about to turn around, the second wind blade had already arrived.

Two consecutive blasts of wind blades made him stagger.Then there are the third and fourth roads!

As streaks of green light shone, the ice armor on the tiger-faced man's back was blown up, causing patches of ice mist and strong wind to appear. He just made a simple movement to turn around, but couldn't do anything.

At this time, he was already filled with horror, but he was helpless.

What's more important is that when the fifth wind blade falls, his ice armor will be broken.

He worked hard to gather the power of his bloodline and continued to strengthen his ice armor, but his body was being bombarded uncontrollably and kept moving forward step by step.

Tang San silently felt that when the ninth wind blade fell, the tiger-faced man's body had already hit the wall.The ice armor on his body also suddenly shattered.The last three wind blades did not fall again, but quietly disappeared into the air.

For a moment, wind and ice elements swirled around the entire wooden house, as if a snowstorm had just blown here.

The tiger-faced man who was throwing himself against the wall felt a stinging pain in his vest, and blood surged in his chest. For a moment, he couldn't help himself.

He suddenly turned around, and his body had continued to change. To be precise, when the seventh wind blade fell on his back, he had completed the demon-god transformation, and his body expanded to a height of two and a half meters. They are all covered with tiger fur with dark blue markings.

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