Wang Yanfeng and Qiu Jing lived upstairs. After living together for so long, Tang San naturally wouldn't pay attention to normal movements, but at that moment, he seemed to sense that there were more than just two people upstairs.

He suddenly became alert and glanced at Wang Zhong, who was meditating and practicing in the bed next to him but was unaware of it. He stood up again and opened the window.

Lingxi's eyes widened, and the world in front of him suddenly turned into color again. Tang San immediately felt that the wind element in the air was much richer than normal. This was clearly someone mobilizing a large amount of wind element, and from the wind Judging from the restless elements, this is not for practicing, but for fighting.

Without any hesitation, Tang San immediately walked out through the window and climbed directly along the outer wall to climb the stairs.

In just a few clicks, he was already outside the window on the second floor.

The window was open, and inside the room, three people were silently confronting each other.

Wang Yanfeng had already activated the Wind Wolf Transformation at this time, and so had Qiu Jing beside him. What surprised Tang San was that the aura exuding from his master's wife, who was always kind and caring to them, actually had a fourth-order level at this time. The changes in her wind wolf transformation were obviously smaller than that of Wang Yanfeng, and she stood slightly behind Wang Yanfeng.

But standing in front of their couple was a man wearing a mask.

This man was tall, dressed in black, and had a strange-looking mask on his face. The pattern on the mask looked a bit like a tiger, but it had blue lines.

"Hello, Brother Wang, don't be nervous." The tiger-faced man pressed his hands in a gesture that seemed to be reassuring.But the aura on his body was also faintly revealed. Although he did not use the demon god transformation, his cultivation level was obviously higher than that of Wang Yanfeng and his wife, and he was at least a fifth-level powerhouse.

A fifth-level powerful human being?

Tang San held his breath and concentrated, trying his best to contain his aura. Without using the brand in his body, his hiding ability was still very strong.

"Who are you?" Wang Yanfeng asked warily.

The tiger-faced man chuckled, "Exist to save mankind, and live for the rise of mankind."

Wang Yanfeng's pupils shrank obviously, and he almost blurted out: "Salvation?"

Although Tang San outside the window had already guessed it, when these two words came out of Wang Yanfeng's mouth, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

Has salvation been found?

When Wang Yanfeng first started teaching them, he once thought about whether there was a relationship between Wang Yanfeng and salvation. After all, there shouldn't be many humans who can reach level four or above. But judging from the current situation, he should be aware of the redemption, but he has not participated in it.

Hearing him say the word salvation, the tiger-faced man nodded slightly and nodded to him, "Yes, it's us. It was Gui Gui who told me where you live."

Wang Yanfeng was obviously startled when he heard the word "guigui", but his tense body did not relax, but became more vigilant.

The tiger-faced man said concisely: "She is one of ours. I think you should have guessed something. Without our help, how easy is it to gain a foothold in Kerry City?"

After hearing what he said, Wang Yanfeng took a deep breath and slowly retracted the sharp claws on his hands.

"What do you want from me?" Wang Yanfeng asked in a low voice. Qiu Jing beside him also looked puzzled.

The tiger-faced man also lowered his voice and said: "We humans are struggling to survive on the goblin continent. The vast majority of the people can't even open their minds and can only be enslaved by them. What does Brother Wang think about this? view?"

Wang Yanfeng smiled bitterly and said: "What can I say? The monster clan and the spirit clan are so powerful, can we overthrow them?"

The tiger-masked man was silent for a moment, "Do you know how the Redemption Organization was originally established?"

Wang Yanfeng was stunned, not knowing why the other party suddenly changed the topic, and shook his head in confusion.

The tiger-faced man's voice became a little deeper, "Because we who have the ability to transform into demons and gods don't have mothers. The desire to avenge our mothers brought us together. At that time, the desire for redemption was that one day, we could So that our children can have a mother.”

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Wang Yanfeng, Qiu Jing, or Tang San outside the window, their hearts trembled almost instantly.Qiu Jing's eyes turned red instantly.

Yes, almost all humans who can possess the transformation of monsters and become vassals of monsters and spirits have no mothers.Unless both husband and wife are human vassals, it is possible for their children to have a mother.However, how could the first generation of humans with the ability to transform into demons and gods have such an opportunity?

Their mother had them because she was bullied by monsters and spirits. And their mothers will be brutally killed when they awaken the demon god transformation.

The tiger-faced man continued: "I was confused when I first awakened. After I became wise, I even thought that if my mother didn't have to die and could always be with her, I would rather not have this power. Be wise. Even if you just survive in confusion, at least you can still be with her. And it was the emergence of this thought that made my heart even more filled with pain and overwhelming hatred. In my mind, her The impression has long been blurred, and I can’t even remember her appearance. I can’t even find her whereabouts now.”

"Each of us redeemers is an avenger. Yes, you are right. The monsters and spirits are so powerful, what can we do with our meager strength? Can we overthrow their rule? Now It seems completely unrealistic. However, if we cannot overthrow them, why not resist? Let them slaughter us and let them kill our relatives and tribesmen?"

"Do you know that among some large monster tribes, we have secretly enlightened some female tribesmen who take the initiative to feed tigers with their bodies to seduce monsters, just so that their offspring can give birth to children with the ability to transform into monsters and gods. Even if they have the ability to transform into monsters and gods. They knew clearly that they would die once their children awakened and transformed into demon gods, but they still had no hesitation. One such mother once told us that after she died, she took her children away to join the redemption, not for revenge, but just so that we humans could A little more hope.”

Wang Yanfeng listened to his story silently, released his wind wolf transformation, and said calmly: "Why are you telling me this? I have seen many worse things than what you said."

"Then what?" The tiger-faced man asked, "What happens after you see too much? Are you numb?"

Wang Yanfeng said calmly: "What else?"

The tiger-faced man said solemnly: "Join us. Redeem more people with us."

"Rescue more people?" Wang Yanfeng smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's not like you don't know about the demon-god transformation. How far can we achieve by practicing the demon-god transformation? As the bloodline between humans continues to be passed down, the intensity of the bloodline of the demon-god transformation will fade. All you can do is some assassinations, what else is there?"

The tiger-faced man said solemnly: "I thought the same thing when I first joined Redemption. At that time, I just wanted revenge. I thought this was enough for me. But later I discovered that Redemption It's not just that. We are opening up our own world. I can't tell you more details. But what I can tell you is that the goal of redemption has never been assassination or killer organizations. It is to enable human beings to be more capable. Live a good life. Yes, our current abilities are limited, and the people we can help are also limited. But we believe that as long as we work hard, we can see the light."

Wang Yanfeng's body trembled slightly. The words "create his own world" really touched him.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you are discovered by joining the Redemption?" Wang Yanfeng said with a frown.

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