
Blood Infant Douluo saw the ghost infant man die under the tongue of the black-rimmed toad. He was momentarily confused and was caught by the dragon turtle. The dragon's mouth spurted a "golden holy arrow" and hit Blood Infant Douluo in the chest.

Blood Infant Douluo was knocked away. How could the black-rimmed toad let go of the opportunity? It jumped up and spat poisonous gas at Blood Infant Douluo.

Blood Infant Douluo's soul skill Blood Infant Shield blocked the poisonous gas of the black-rimmed toad. Blood Infant Douluo was about to counterattack when he suddenly had a splitting headache: "Are there other ten thousand year soul beasts here? Isn't it ten thousand years old?" Do all Nian Soul Beasts live alone? Let’s leave here first.”

Soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old live alone and have their own territory and will not exceed it.

Blood Infant Douluo turned around and ran towards the sea. On the way, he released the soul guidance device stored in the boat, jumped on the boat and drove the boat quickly to disappear on the sea level.

"Fortunately, he was not discovered by Blood Infant Douluo."

Mei Hua poked her head out from behind Dragon Turtle and smiled happily when she saw Blood Infant Douluo running away.

The black-rimmed toad said: "You're a good boy. He knows how to last-hit. Hey, seize the opportunity and give the old woman a shot."

Meihua said: "Brother Toad, who am I? How can I miss the opportunity to beat up a drowned dog?"

In fact, Meihua knew that they would be in danger even if they didn't fight Blood Infant Douluo away, so she seized the opportunity when Blood Infant Douluo was attacked by the Black-orbited Toad, and used her mental power to sneak attack Blood Infant Douluo's brain, making Blood Infant Douluo mistakenly think that he was still in danger. There was a ten-thousand-year spiritual soul beast standing by.

Blood Infant Douluo's injury would not recover without a few years of rest.

Meihua picked up the long-tubed soul guide that had fallen aside. There were two words "Douwang" engraved on it, which was the soul guide that had just trapped the black-socketed toad. Meihua thought it would be good to use it for big fish.

Mei Hua shamelessly said to Black-Eyed Toad, "Brother Toad, this soul guide belongs to me, and you don't know how to use it anyway."

The black-rimmed toad said: "Quack, good boy, you are picking up the bargain. Quack, it's useless for me to hold it, it's yours."

"Thank you, Brother Toad. Sister, put it away."

Mei Hua handed the net to Mother's Life. Mother's Life had already absorbed the electric eel's soul ring, and Mother's Life directly put the net into the earring of the storage soul guide.

"How are you"!

Xin Yi saw that the dragon turtle was covered in blood, and that none of its shells and scales were good. Xin Yi wiped the dragon turtle's face.

The black-rimmed toad saw the miserable dragon turtle and said, "Old turtle, how are you?"

The dragon turtle raised its dragon head with Xin Yi's help and said: "The injury is too serious, I can't resist the thunder."

Soul beasts with more than 200,000 must withstand thunder tribulation before they can grow into ferocious beasts.

Dragon Turtle has been one hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and the thunder disaster is about to come in these days. Now he is seriously injured and has no ability to resist the thunder disaster.

Xin Yi said: "What should we do? Boss, please think of a way!"

In Xin Yi's eyes, Mei Hua is omnipotent. Mei Hua said, "I don't know how to save it."

Seeing that Xin Yi was about to cry, the black-eyed toad said: "There is still a way, gua, it depends on the old turtle's choice, gua."

Plum Blossom said: "Brother Toad, what can I do?"

The black-eyed toad said: "Take the form of a human being."

"What is it like to transform into an adult?" Mei Hua was surprised. Soul beasts with a hundred thousand year old soul beast and less than two hundred thousand year old soul beast have two choices at this stage. One is to survive the thunder tribulation and become a ferocious beast, but if he fails to resist, his soul will fly away. The other is to become a human and lose a hundred thousand years of cultivation, and start practicing again.

When a soul beast transforms into a human being, it must go to the human world to experience and learn human emotions and desires.

When a soul beast transforms into a human, its original body becomes a human spirit, and it can generate its own soul rings before level seventy.

Before level 70, they are considered soul beasts. After level 70, they can be considered soul masters. They can absorb soul rings and soul bones, but if they are killed, they will still produce soul rings and soul bones.

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