Yuan Luo patted Tang San on the shoulder and said: "Every experience has made you mature. Practice well. They also sent people to kill me. I'm afraid I was under surveillance when I was in Tiandou City, and I Not aware of it at all.”

"They actually sent people to kill you?"

Tang San was a little scared, but fortunately Yuan Luo was fine, thinking about it now was terrifying.

"So, your own strength is the most important. When the time comes, after you win the championship, Uncle Hao will help you!"

Yuan Luo gave Tang San some confidence, and it seemed that he should have come out of the Blue Silver Grass, but he still felt a little unwilling in his heart.

"Brother Luo, do you know my father?"

Tang San asked in doubtful words, but Yuan Luo understood what he meant. He was clearly asking about Haotian Douluo, not the blacksmith.

"I don't know, I just listen to what you say!"

Yuan Luo said casually that he didn't want to get involved in these things.

Turning his head and taking a look, Tang San actually opened the Purple Demon Eyes. Is that the case?

"Brother Luo, what information do you know? Can you tell me about it?"

Tang San's words were a little gloomy, lacking the vitality before.

"Brother Luo, if you know, just talk to me."

Xiao Wu also hugged Yuan Luo's arm with a coquettish look on her face. She knew Yuan Luo couldn't stand this anymore.

I'm afraid until now, Xiao Wu thought that her cuteness impressed Yuan Luo, rather than that she disgusted Yuan Luo.

"Well...I don't know much."

"You should also know that my previous murderous aura was in the field. I guess the master should have told you that it was obtained from a place I went to. Your father has also been there, and he also has the same field."

"Since you are twin martial souls, then the two martial souls must be similar. How can you practice with ordinary blue silver grass? It is not your own chance, but the martial soul."

"What kind of bluesilver grass can respond to the unconscious bluesilver grass on the ground? Why are these bluesilver grasses obedient? When they are unconscious, only things in their blood will make them respond to you. You should just guess It’s time to take on your identity as Blue Silver Grass.”

"In this case, your Blue Silver Grass is not simple, but why do you think it is very simple? Because he is very weak. If a weak person wants to protect himself, there is only one way, and that is to hide, so there is no need to worry about your Blue Silver Grass. Yes, no problem at all.”

"Okay, I've said so much, I'm too lazy to tell you more!"

Yuan Luo clapped his hands and saw the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy. He should go back to sleep!

"Hey! Brother Luo!"

Tang San was speechless. Why did he stop talking in the middle of the sentence? He didn't care, the most important thing was his father's information!

But even so, Yuan Luo's words just now gave him other ideas.

According to Yuan Luo, plants can still respond without consciousness. In the case of blood, only kings and emperors will allow them to behave like this.

Then your martial soul must be a king or an emperor.

As a disciple of the master, I naturally have a lot of knowledge.

But I have never heard of anyone possessing the King’s Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. Why would I possess it?

Why does his mother possess such a high-end martial spirit?

A terrifying thought appeared in his mind. If this was really the case, then everything would fit perfectly.

"Xiao Wu, I'm a little confused, I'm going back first!"

Tang San returned to his residence, said something to Xiao Wu and left directly.

He needs to take time to clear his mind. If it is true, the result will be really terrifying.

But Yuan Luo was still sleeping soundly like a dead pig.

The next day, Shrek Academy faced the Star Luo Empire team, but Yuan Luo did not participate. If he had participated, there would be no drama for Dai Mubai. Let him resolve his hatred by himself.

A few days later, everyone arrived in front of the Pope's Palace, and only the Shrek Academy team, the Divine Wind Academy team, and the Spirit Hall team were left.

Yuan Luo followed several people to the front of the hall, and naturally he stood at the end.

Looking at the majestic hall in front of him, Yuan Luo had the urge to grab it, but it was just an impulse.

After four people walked out of the gate, thousands of people onlookers shouted.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The huge crowds of people and the sound like a thunderclap swept across the place, which showed the image of the Pope in the hearts of everyone.

Bibi Dong appeared at the front, and Yuan Luo was a little flustered.

Bibi Dong has seen him before, so he won't cause trouble for him later.


It should be that he has made trouble for himself before. Anyway, that’s all the trouble. A little more won’t be a problem.

"See His Majesty the Pope!"

The soldiers and soul masters present all knelt down on one knee. In their eyes, the highest leader was the Pope, the god in their minds who could not be surpassed.

Except for the eight Yuan Luo people, everyone present knelt down on one knee and did not dare to look at Bibi Dong.

"How dare you be unreasonable to the Pope!" the cardinal shouted coldly!

Bibi Dong waved her hand, signaling him to stop.

Then, she glanced down and found someone she didn't expect.

"Luo Yuan?"

Bibi Dong's voice came out, making everyone wonder, who is Luo Yuan?

Seeing Bibi Dong looking at him, Yuan Luo couldn't pretend anymore.

Why did you forget this?

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Pope, my real name is... Yuan Luo!"

Yuan Luo looked at Bibi Dong with a smile, not affected by his domineering look at all. He was also a man who had endured the murderous city, how could he be suppressed.

Bibi Dong was obviously a little surprised. At this time, Hu Liena also heard it. She turned around and saw that it was Luo Yuan who she had met before.

He was standing in front and didn't see him before. Unexpectedly, the other party actually appeared in Shrek Academy.

"It's okay. You said you wanted to join the Spirit Hall before, so you can come over!"

Bibi Dong spoke with such majesty that Ning Fengzhi, Tang San and others, the master and many others were shocked.

Yuan Luo actually wants to join the Spirit Hall?

And you knew Bibi Dong before?

Everyone looked at Yuan Luo with puzzled eyes, wanting to get the answer.

"I'm so sorry, Your Majesty the Pope, it's Luo Yuan who wants to join the Spirit Hall. What does it matter to me, Yuan Luo!"

Yuan Luo smiled slightly. Whoever wants to join can join. Anyway, I am too lazy to join. When the time comes, I will become your tool for Bibi Dong. Who am I going to cry to?


Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly, and a huge momentum rushed towards the audience.

Others had cold sweat on their faces and did not dare to look at her.

Yuan Luo also smiled slightly and stared directly into Bibi Dong's eyes without any fear, which surprised the other party.

"His Holiness the Pope doesn't want to work on the next project?"

Yuan Luo asked loudly, "It's not an option to keep looking at each other. We are looking at each other with our future mother-in-law!"

"Be flat!"

Bibi Dong, who endured the anger, still withdrew the pressure. With a flick of his hand, three shiny soul bones appeared in the air, making everyone covet them, but no one dared to step forward to grab them.

"The reward belongs to the winner, I hope everyone will work hard!"

After that, everyone went to draw the competition.

Just like normal, with all kinds of twists and turns, Kamikaze Academy just wants to fight Shrek Academy, no matter what the means.

Another invisible battle.

Right now!

"Wait a minute!" Yuan Luo suddenly said, his eyes showing annoyance!

Isn’t it just a game?

Are you using it in such a light or dark way?

"Master, there's no need to admit defeat, just do it!"


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