People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 87 I have no money, it’s legal for me to plunder!

this moment.

On the faces of the three people in Xia Ye, in addition to being amazed, they were more surprised!

They actually all know these women! !

"Sir Natsuye, aren't these people...the Nine Snakes Pirates?"

Nami asked in surprise next to Xia Ye.

Ah Jin also had a strange expression on his face.

Yes, it’s the Nine Snakes Pirates!

And the woman who stunned everyone was undoubtedly Boya Hancock.

At this moment, Xia Ye couldn't help but look strange.

Didn’t this idiot woman escape?

Why are you being captured and auctioned as a slave now? ?

At this time, the auctioneer's voice continued to sound.

"I believe that all distinguished guests have clearly seen the beauty of these women, especially this one, who is the highlight of our finale!"

He pointed at Boya Hancock and introduced solemnly: "Everyone, she is a powerful Devil Fruit user!"

"In addition, she is also the leader of these women and serves as the captain of the pirate group. At the same time, she is also the king of a country!"

"In other words, as long as you buy her, you can own everyone on the stage, and even own a country!"

boom! ! !

After the auctioneer finished speaking, the entire venue was in a sensation!

Most people never thought that Boya Hancock had so many identities besides being stunningly beautiful!

A devil fruit user, a pirate captain, and the king of a country! ?

No matter which identity it is, it is very interesting, let alone three identities superimposed!

At this moment, almost everyone went crazy!

Saint Charles, who had been fascinated before, even screamed.

"One billion, I'll pay you one billion beli, I'm going to settle on this woman!"

Before the auctioneer could even bid, he started bidding directly.

The auctioneer was startled, and then he shouted: "Sir Charlos has made one billion beli, is there anyone higher than him?"

In fact, the starting price for their auction for Boya Hancock was only [-] million. Now that Charles Saint suddenly called it [-] billion, he naturally didn't bother to correct it.

After hearing Saint Charles's bid, the lively venue gradually calmed down.

Even if many people are very interested, they don’t have the guts to bid anymore.

But at this moment, two voices sounded one after another.

"11 million Bailey!"

"I'll offer you 12 billion. Hey, St. Charles, I'm also very interested in this woman!"

It's those two Celestial Dragons.

They were obviously not afraid of Saint Charles, and they also made bids at this time.

The auctioneer's eyes suddenly lit up and he said loudly: "12 billion for the first time, 12 billion..."

Saint Charles's face darkened, and he did not say any threatening words, but continued to bid: "14 billion!"

"15 billion!"

"16 billion!"

With several Tianlong people jealous, the bidding price quickly approached 20 billion beli!

Two billion Baileys is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

The annual tax revenue of many countries is probably not that much!

Countless people were secretly stunned.

The Nine Snakes Pirates and others on the stage were thrown into the abyss by the price calls.

They are really going to become slaves! ?

Realizing this, everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates looked desperate.

The leader, Boya Hancock, was trembling as she was once again dominated by the fear of slavery!

Those dark days are coming again!

In despair, she glanced at the three Celestial Dragons bidding and was even more shocked.

Her eyes were focused on Saint Charles.

The fear was immediately amplified little by little!

This guy is the Tianlong who tortured her a few years ago!

The other party may not recognize her, but she can still recognize the other party's ugly appearance even after turning into ashes!

So, is she going to fall into the hands of this devil again? ?

Thinking of this, Boya Hancock was completely desperate.

And the other side.

Nami suddenly asked Xia Ye for help with a complex expression: "Sir Xia Ye, can you take a picture of her?"

Having suffered two losses at the hands of Boya Hancock, Boya Hancock left a deep impression on Nami.

For this reason, Nami even secretly vowed to find her place with Boya Hancock next time.

But what she didn't expect was that when they met again, Boya Hancock would become a real slave.

How could he be so embarrassed when he was clearly the one he was determined to surpass? ?

Even Nami herself couldn't describe the emotion at this moment.

But she knew very well that she didn't want to see Boya Hancock in such a mess.

So she took the initiative to ask Xia Ye for help.

Hearing this, Xia Ye glanced at Nami with a smile but not a smile: "If she is photographed, you may not be able to keep your gold, right?"

The bidding price for Boya Hancock is now close to 20 billion.

They obviously don't have that much money, even with the income from Kongdao Bei, so they must use the gold from Kongdao.

As for those golds, Nami, a little money addict, obviously cherishes them very much.

But at this moment, Nami didn't hesitate at all: "It doesn't matter!"

Xia Ye smiled immediately and suddenly raised her voice.

"20 billion."

As soon as the words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Boya Hancock, shrouded in boundless despair, seemed to see a beam of light coming from the endless darkness.

That beam of light cut through the darkness and shone on her, bringing a refreshing warmth to her body and mind.

Then she raised her head and looked along the end of the beam of light, and saw a familiar handsome face...

It's him!

At this moment, Boya Hancock's whole body trembled, and tears overflowed from his eyes unconsciously.

As for the three Saints of Charros, their expressions naturally changed slightly!

Especially Charles St.!

It's this guy again, running out to go against him again and again!

What on earth is he trying to do! ?

Saint Charlos gritted his teeth and shouted: "25 billion!"

The two Tianlong people suddenly became silent.

It didn't matter that they were fighting among themselves just now, but now that Xia Ye jumps in, they are naturally in agreement with the outside world.

Of course, the most important thing is that 25 billion is also very stressful for them.

However, Xia Ye's smile remained unchanged: "30 billion."

Hearing this bid, before anyone else responded, Nami and Akin's expressions changed.

Especially Nami.

As the part-time treasurer of our pirate group, she knows the current pirate group's property very well.

In fact, even with gold, they don't have enough money.

Because the gold she obtained from Sky Island was only estimated to be around one billion beli.

However, considering the huge volume of gold, there should be a premium when selling it, so their total assets now are probably more than 20 billion.

But now, Xia Ye has called 30 billion!

Such a number is obviously very stressful for the Tianlong people.

Because of this moment, even Saint Charles fell into a daze.

It doesn’t have that much pocket money!

If it wants to spend 30 billion, I'm afraid it will have to use its family's funds!

But you don’t need to think about it to know that a useless Tianlong like him is not qualified to use family funds!


Saint Charles came back to his senses, his face became gloomy.

Still want to bid?

But if it can’t pay for it then, it will be even more embarrassing! !

But at this moment, Spandam suddenly reminded in the ear of Saint Charlos: "Sir, Saint Charros, you may not have that much money that summer night."

Spandam was also aware of the financial resources of St. Charros.

But he knew better that Xia Ye probably didn't have that much money.

Even though Xia Ye swallowed a lot of property from Saint Charros when she debuted, it wasn't that long ago and Spandam didn't believe that Xia Ye could have that much money now.

Upon hearing this, Charles Saint's eyes suddenly lit up. Without waiting for the auctioneer to speak, he shouted: "Okay, I'll give it to you, but I want to see how you are going to come up with 30 billion beli." !!”

At this time, Saint Charlos also realized that he couldn't even get 30 billion, so how could Xia Ye get it! ?

As soon as Saint Charles' words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little subtle.

"Dover, do you think he can afford that much money?"

Backstage at the venue, Diamanti asked Doflamingo.

At this time, he couldn't help but become curious.

Because even for their Don Quixote family, it would be very difficult for them to come up with 30 billion Baileys at once.

So, what ability does Xia Ye have to spend 30 billion at once?Even if you deduct his empty island shells, it's not enough! ?

Doflamingo suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

He also felt that Xia Ye couldn't handle it.

But there is nothing better to offer. In this way, he can take the opportunity to show his favor to Xia Ye.

I believe that as long as we help Xia Ye get off this stage, it will be easier to find him to cooperate.

Just when Doflamingo was thinking this, something funny happened!

In the auction venue, with Saint Charlos withdrawing, Boya Hancock and others were naturally bought by Xia Ye for 30 billion beli.

But then, when it came to handing over the money and delivering the goods, Xia Ye spread her hands.

"Sorry, I don't have any money."

After hearing this, the auctioneer's expression suddenly became exciting.

Saint Charros stood up and laughed loudly: "Look, I just said he has no money!"

He looked like a winner: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and catch this guy. He's asking for a price even if he has no money. He's just here to cause trouble!"

Xia Ye looked at Charles Saint as if he were an idiot: "I have no money, can you just have it?"

Saint Charros was stunned when he heard this.

Spandam was also stunned. What does this mean?

The corners of Xia Ye's lips curled up: "Now, as the King of the Qibukai, I have to exercise my rights."

"What right?"

Someone asked blankly.

Xia Ye suddenly chuckled: "Of course it is the legal right to plunder!"

"Don't you know that it is legal for the king to plunder the Shichibukai! Haha!"

Hearing this, Nami, Akin, Doflamingo, and Diamanti's expressions suddenly became extremely exciting!

As for Saint Charlos and others, they were stunned for a moment.


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