People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 84: Dover’s idea, the one who challenges the Tianlong people!

at this time.

Xia Ye, Nami, and Ah Jin were already sitting in the venue.

Perhaps it was because they took out the Sorashima shells, or perhaps because they were recognized. Although they were placed in a corner, they had a wide view and comfortable seats.

Xia Ye didn't pay attention to this and just looked at the stage quietly.

Nami and Akin looked around, obviously it was their first time on such an occasion.

Not long after, the auction began.

On the auction stage, a seasoned auctioneer walked out.

One by one, the lots were immediately pushed up...

Nami and Ajin looked over quickly.

Xia Ye looked at it for a while and couldn't help but nod secretly.

It is indeed a large-scale auction.

Even though he is well-informed, he doesn't even know some things.

In some of them, the auctioneer introduced the functions, and even he was slightly interested.


the other side.

Backstage at the auction venue.

Doflamingo and Diamanti were still monitoring Xia Ye's movements through images.

At this moment, Doflamingo still had a look of surprise on his face.

How could he not know Xia Ye! ?

In fact, Doflamingo pays more attention to this newly-promoted king Shichibukai than anyone else!

One is because Xia Ye was born in the World Government.

And Doflamingo has always been sensitive to the people in that place.

The second reason is because Doflamingo is secretly trying to win over the other Shichibukai!

Yes, it’s just wooing!

Doflamingo has great ambitions and attempts to destroy the world ruled by the World Government!

And to do this, he obviously needs the power to subvert the world!

But for now, judging from the strength and power of their Don Quixote family, they are unable to do this.

So after Doflamingo came to power, he used the name of the Shichibukai to get close to other Shichibukai and win over them.

The one he came into contact with the most was the sand crocodile, Crocodile.

It's a pity that both Sand Crocodile and Hawkeye and others are arrogant people. They don't even bother to cooperate, let alone surrender.

This caused his idea of ​​​​to win over to be shelved until Xia Ye appeared!

There is no doubt that Xia Ye, the Qibukai under the king who rose to the throne the fastest, should be more easily attracted by the other Qibukai.

After all, his strength and influence seemed to be weaker than the other Shichibukai.

It’s just that Xia Ye had been on Sky Island before, so Doflamingo had never been able to contact him.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ye suddenly appeared in the Shampoo Islands at this time, and even came to the auction house that he secretly supported.

At this moment, Doflamingo was not only happy but also confused.

Why is this guy here? ?

Where did his empty island shells come from? Are they really meant to be exchanged for money, or do they have some other purpose when they are mortgaged to the auction house?

Thinking like this, Doflamingo was not in a hurry to contact Xia Ye, but decided to observe him first.

And now that the auction has started, it is not convenient to contact me.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo gathered his thoughts and asked Diamanti: "Are all the people I asked you to invite here?"

Upon hearing this, Diamanti immediately pointed to a certain location in the image.

"Come on, they're all there."

Doflamingo looked along where Diamanti pointed.

It was clearly the VIP area of ​​the venue.

Three people dressed as astronauts were sitting in the middle of a group of nobles and royal families.

Seeing this, Doflamingo nodded immediately.

There is no doubt that those three people are the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons!

Of course, for such a large-scale auction, you still need to invite truly wealthy people to make a huge profit.

In terms of wealth, I believe there are few people in the world who can match the Tianlong people.

And what he invited this time was the kind of idiot from the Celestial Dragon who had become a celebrity and had a lot of money.

I believe these three guys will bring him surprises.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo's smile grew wider.

The recent good things have happened one after another. If this keeps up, the Don Quixote family will soon reach a higher level.


And just when Doflamingo was looking towards the future.

Spangdam is also confident about the future.

At this time, he stood in front of the three Tianlong people and praised loudly.

"Ah, these three adults are really discerning!"

"That item is an antique from 300 years ago. Only something that has remained unchanged through time can be worthy of your noble status!"

"Hey, Lord Charros, have you taken a liking to this stick? You really have a unique vision..."

The three Dracos were all smiles at Spandam's flattery.

When Spandam saw this, he also smiled and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still a little implicated in Xia Ye's betrayal last time.

Although he was not demoted, he fell out of favor.

Fortunately, his flattery skills are very good. After these days of persistence, the Tianlong people have changed their view of him.

Especially Saint Charlos, who was assigned the task last time, has once again regarded him as a confidant.

At this time, seeing Saint Charles taking a fancy to a stick, Spangdam naturally began to flatter him again.

Saint Charros heard this, but laughed and cursed: "What a unique vision, I just want to buy it to teach the slaves, isn't it said that this stick is mixed with some sea tower stone, it will be more effective if it is used to hit people with abilities! "

Spandam immediately gave a thumbs up: "What a great idea!!"

No matter what it says, it’s just a random shot.

But having said that, the idea of ​​Saint Charles is quite good.

The sea-floor stone stick on the stage should be more painful when hitting a person with abilities.

As for the fact that slaves are not capable people, it is obviously not a problem for the Tianlong people.

For fun, they can feed devil fruits to slaves at will.

Just as Spandam was thinking this, the auctioneer had already finished introducing the sea-tower stone stick, and the starting price was 3000 million.

Saint Charlos did not hesitate at all and shouted: "6000 million!"

The Tianlong people's bidding immediately silenced the entire auction venue.

Some people who were also interested in the Hailou Stone Stick shook their heads and gave up the idea.

Most people don't have the courage to steal things from the Tianlong people.

As for the other two Tianlong people, they were obviously not interested in the stick, so they didn't say anything.

When the auctioneer saw this, he immediately understood that this sea tower stone stick would not be able to attract bidding among the three Tianlong people. He sighed secretly and was about to announce the winner of the stick.

"If no one bids, 6000 million Baileys for the first time, six thousand..."

But at this moment, a faint voice sounded.

"8000 Baileys."

what! ?

Everyone was stunned. Someone was actually bidding against the Tianlong people?

The auctioneer was also stunned, but he subconsciously shouted: "8000 million for the first time, 8000 million..."

Charles Saint suddenly frowned: "I offer 9000 million!"

He really likes that stick, and he won't let others snatch it away!

But at this moment, the voice sounded again.

"One hundred million."

As soon as the words fell, the whole place was in an uproar!

Even if I bid with the Tianlong people once, I dare to bid with the Tianlong people a second time! ?

This is no longer a bidding, it’s an understatement to say it’s a challenge!

who is it! ?

Who dares to challenge the Tianlong people! ?

At this time, Spandam, a bitch, looked dissatisfied towards where the sound came from, and then his expression gradually became dull.

And backstage at the venue, Doflamingo and Diamanti both frowned and their expressions changed!

The person who made a bid with Saint Charles was none other than...

It's summer night!


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