at this time.

Before Xia Ye could finish off Kaku, a leopard with a fierce look squeezed in through the gap in Rashomon!

There is no doubt that it is Rob Lucci who activated the animal fruit ability!

call out! ! !

The moment Rob Lucci landed on the ground, his figure immediately disappeared.

The next second, Rob Lucci appeared behind Xia Ye, opened his mouth full of fangs, and bit his shoulder.

But at this moment, Xia Ye suddenly disappeared and appeared on the other side.

At this moment, looking at the leopard transformed by Rob Lucci, Xia Ye's eyes showed something like a smile but not a smile.

"Haha, your abilities don't seem to be very good!"

Speaking of which, this was the first time Rob Lucci used the animal fruit ability when fighting against Xia Ye.

Previously in CP9, even when Rob Lucci competed with Xia Ye, he only used human form.

But now, it was obviously Xia Ye's Gate Fruit ability that put pressure on Rob Luqi, so he stopped hiding it and activated the ability directly!

Of course, the power of Rob Lucci's Cat Fruit Leopard form is obviously not its complete animal transformation, but its half-human, half-animal form!

In other words, compared to the complete animal form, the half-human, half-animal form is more suitable for Rob Lucci!

Ever since, at this time, after hearing Xia Ye's words, Rob Luqi's face suddenly darkened.

At this moment, his figure suddenly grew taller, transforming from a leopard into a half-human, half-leopard monster!

"I hope you can still laugh later!"

Rob Luqi, who transformed into half man and half beast, said coldly, and then disappeared from the place again!

Xia Ye's pupils suddenly shrank.

"So fast!"

as predicted.

Rob Lucci's complete beast transformation is not weak either, but the strongest thing is his half-human, half-animal form!

Because the half-human, half-animal form is more suitable for performing the Six Styles!

In an instant, Rob Luqi came behind Xia Ye, and wrapped his feet in green light!

"Lan feet!"

Xia Ye didn't hesitate and struck out with the same kick!

The two slashes touched everything at close range, and a green light shock wave suddenly exploded.

Xia Ye's figure retreated involuntarily, but Rob Luqi was almost unaffected. After a slight pause, he rushed towards Xia Ye again!

brush! !

Xia Ye's face changed slightly, and her figure suddenly disappeared as soon as it landed, avoiding Rob Luqi's pounce.

But then, there was another sound of piercing the sky behind him.

But Rob Lucci also ducked behind him.

"Finger Gun·Huang Lian!"

One after another, sharp pointed guns came towards Xia Ye like machine guns!

"Iron and Steel!"

Xia Ye didn't dare to hesitate. After she had no time to dodge, she quickly used the iron block!

Puff puff! ! !

But when those finger guns landed on his back, he couldn't help but change his expression!

Even though his iron block is already top-notch, he still feels extremely painful at this time!

Obviously, as the strongest player in CP9800, Rob Lucci’s finger gun is also top-notch!

In addition, the animal fruit ability has greatly improved his physical fitness, so much so that his top-level finger gun can threaten Xia Ye's top-level iron!

At this time, Xia Ye's figure couldn't help but stagger forward under the continuous attacks from the finger guns.

Rob Lucci didn't hesitate at all when he saw this, and his legs and feet suddenly bounced.

"Lan Foot Leopard Tail!"

A spiral slash like a leopard's tail suddenly swept towards Xia Ye!

Sensing Rob Lucci's attack, Xia Ye's expression suddenly changed.

In this case, it is impossible for him to use Shave!

Even if it can be used, I am afraid that in a hurry, it will be hit by this large-scale attack!

So, can it be resisted with an iron block?

Obviously not.

Rob Luqi's Lanjiao is definitely top-notch. With the increased ability of the animal fruit, it is very likely that it can also pose a threat to Xia Ye's iron!

In this case, if Xia Ye receives this blow head-on, even if it is not cut in two, it will be severely damaged!

There is no doubt that Xia Ye is now in a critical situation!

But at this moment, there was no trace of panic on Xia Ye's face. Instead, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Don’t forget, he also has the power of the Door Fruit!

At the critical moment, Xia Ye suddenly activated his ability!

Rob Lucci was stunned for a moment.

What I thought was a sure shot turned out to be a failure!

The moment Lan Jiao swept away, Xia Ye's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot!

But not shaving!

But suddenly, a portal seemed to appear in the air, swallowing up the summer night!

"What about people!?"

Rob Lucci frowned.

But in the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Suddenly, the air portal just now opened above his head, and then a large amount of green light squeezed out from the door, like a torrential rain pouring down!

"What!? Paper painting!!"

Rob Lucci was shocked, but his reaction was not slow. His huge body instantly turned into a piece of soft paper, fluttering in the wind.

But soon, he discovered with a heavy expression that Xia Ye's attack had been planned for a long time, and there was no room for paper painting to be used!

In short, even if you use paper painting, you can't avoid the extremely dense and blind attacks of the Arashi Kick!

In desperation, Rob Luqi had no choice but to activate the iron block and receive this wave of slashing attacks with his feet!

Clang clang! ! !

Immediately, there was a sound of metal collision!

Those Lanjiao slashes hit Rob Luqi's beast body as if they were hitting steel.

Logically speaking, a slash like Arashi's kick can cut through steel, especially a top-tier Arashi's kick.

It's just like the previous situation, Rob Lucci's physical fitness has been greatly improved due to the ability of the animal fruit, and the power of the Six Styles has also skyrocketed.

Therefore, Xia Ye's lanky feet are also unable to deal with Rob Luqi's iron block!

Next, even if Xia Ye beats the dog through the door and sneaks up on Rob Luqi with a finger gun, he still won't be able to threaten him!

Upon noticing this, Rob Lucci immediately grinned and said to the air portal in mid-air: "Xia Ye, can't you laugh now?"

"You should be aware that your Six Styles are not at the same level as mine!"

"Admit defeat, maybe the higher ups won't kill you after you go back..."

At the end of his speech, Rob Lucci directly persuaded him to surrender.

It's not that he doesn't want to arrest Xia Ye directly.

But he suddenly realized that Xia Ye's Menmen fruit ability seemed to have a strong hiding ability.

So taking advantage of this moment to suppress Xia Ye, Rob Luqi tried to verbally defeat Xia Ye's fighting spirit.

Immediately afterwards, I don't know if Rob Lucci's words had an effect, but Xia Ye's figure suddenly fell from the air portal.

The corners of Rob Luqi's lips curled up, and he was about to take action to arrest Xia Ye completely.

But at this moment, Xia Ye chuckled.

"Oh, my thoughts are still the same as before!"

"Your abilities are indeed not very good."

"Next, let me show you something interesting!"

Hearing this, Rob Lucci suddenly frowned.

For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling.


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