People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 5 Beating the dog through the door and Rashomon!

At this moment, Rob Lucci and others were shocked.

Bruno was knocked down just like that!

The most important thing is that they didn't see clearly how Xia Ye did it!

"Door Fruit!?"

Then, after coming back to their senses, Rob Luqi and others looked at Xia Ye with serious eyes.

Among them, Kaku couldn't help but hesitantly asked: "This is... a superhuman Devil Fruit ability!?"

He knew that Devil Fruits were divided into three series.

Natural type, superhuman type, and animal type!

Xia Ye's ability is obviously not of animal type, nor does it look like natural type.

In this case, there is only the incredible superman type!

Of course, even superhuman abilities are different.

Some superhuman abilities are simple and easy to understand.

But some superhumans are very weird, and their abilities are even more unimaginable.

And obviously, judging from the scene just now, Xia Ye's Menmen Fruit ability seems to belong to the latter!

Simply put, this is an incredible superhuman ability!

Realizing this, Kaku suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

If it were just the ability of the animal-type fruit, they would indeed be sure to deal with Xia Ye.

But if it is an incredible superhuman ability, then maybe!

At this moment, even the leader, Rob Lucci, had a solemn look in his eyes.

But Xia Ye, after trying her best, raised the corners of her mouth.

"Don't be nervous, it was just a small move of my fruit ability. I call this move a dog-fighting move through the door."

Xia Ye's move is inspired by the famous cow beating across the mountain.

Said it before.

Xia Ye's direction of developing the Menmen Fruit ability is currently mainly focused on improving combat power!

So at that time, he was thinking about how to use the ability of the Gate Fruit to improve his combat power.

The different space at that time brought some inspiration to Xia Ye.

In his opinion, since he can use different spaces to cross distances, can he use this different space to make attacks also cross distances? ?

With this idea, the trick of beating the dog through the door came into being!

The principle of this move is actually very simple!

It's just that when Xia Ye attacks, she activates the Gate Fruit to open a different space, sends the attack in, and then opens the door next to the target to release the attack! !

In this way, the external performance will be like Xia Ye's attack disappearing in mid-air, and then appearing strangely in front of the target!

Of course, this method still has limitations.

For example, if Xia Ye didn't attack with her hands, she wouldn't be able to use the door fruit ability to open the door at the same time.

Just like when releasing Lan Jiao, Xia Ye could only send Lan Jiao into a different space at most, but could not send Lan Jiao out in time.

But if this attack is replaced by a finger gun, then there will be no problem!

Because what is used to activate the finger gun is Xia Ye's hand!

So just now, if Rob Lucci and others had observed carefully, they would have discovered that when Xia Ye tapped his finger, a small air portal appeared in the air or next to Bruno!

It's just that the time was too short, and the air portal disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Of course.

This situation is also the result of Xia Ye's practice. Otherwise, he would not be able to be so coherent, fast and secretive.

At this time, since he had already taken action, Xia Ye naturally no longer hesitated and started tapping his fingers again.

This time, he also moved both hands together, and his two index fingers turned into afterimages and thrust into the void in front of him.

"Hit the dog through the door and use the serial finger gun!"

Rob Lucci and others' expressions suddenly changed.

At this moment, they all realized something.

This is clearly a move to deal with Bruno!

Only now, it’s being used on them!

Then, as expected.

The air around Rob Lucci and others swayed, a small air portal opened, and sharp finger guns burst out!

In addition to Kalifa, a large number of finger guns appeared around Rob Lucci and Kaku!

"Paper painting!"

"Iron block!"

The two of them did not dare to neglect, and quickly started to perform the six postures each.

Rob Lucci's body suddenly became soft, as if it had turned into a piece of paper, swaying in the wind of his fingers, avoiding all finger guns.

Kaku, on the other hand, stiffened his body and planned to receive the blow forcefully.

But soon, his expression changed slightly.

Those finger shots hit his body, and although they didn't penetrate his body, they still caused him extreme pain.

Kaku felt awe-struck, and finally understood why Bruno lost to Xia Ye.

His six forms are really strong!

Realizing this, Kaku did not dare to contact him forcefully anymore, and quickly moved his feet to distance himself.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to him!

Although Kaku avoided the flashing fingers, the sound of breaking through the air still sounded in the air, and a large number of shadowless, sharp and hard things continued to shoot towards him!

This is a flying finger gun! ?

Kaku's expression suddenly changed, and he was caught off guard. He was hit by several flying finger guns in a row, and blood holes appeared on his body!

Such an injury immediately made his face turn pale.

When Rob Lucci on the other side saw this, his face darkened.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ye's move to hit dogs through the door can be used with the flying finger gun in addition to the elusive attack of the finger gun!

As a result, Kaku was caught off guard and suffered a big loss!

Kalifa, on the other hand, was stunned at this time.

Because the violent finger gun attacks kept attacking Rob Lucci and Kaku, but they only avoided her!

Is this because Xia Ye doesn't care about attacking her?

Obviously not.

Then the answer is self-evident.

Kalifa took a deep look at Xia Ye and suddenly said: "I'm going to save Bruno!"

As soon as the words fell, Kalifa's figure fell directly into the sea.

Rob Lucci frowned and didn't bother to pay attention to Kalifa, and immediately his figure flashed away.


While Xia Ye was beating up the drowned dog and covering Kaku with more finger guns, he appeared above the pirate ship almost teleporting!

After glancing at Xia Ye below, Rob Lucci didn't say anything, his feet turned into afterimages, and he started kicking.


At this moment, green light flashed wildly, and a large number of sharp slashes were shot downward like a downpour!

Rob Lucci is planning to take away Xia Ye and the boat in one wave!

Kaku on the other side suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The strange and unpredictable finger gun, like a tarsal maggot, finally stopped.

He looked towards Xia Ye and realized that it was Rob Lucci who had launched a fierce attack on him!

Seeing the momentum of the attack, even Kaku couldn't help but feel his hair tingling!

Obviously, Xia Ye had no time to take care of herself.

This wave of foot rain should bring him huge trouble! ?

But just when Kaku was thinking this, Xia Ye smiled again.

"Heh, I just want to try that trick too."

At this time, he did stop beating the dog through the door and using the serial finger gun, but this did not mean that Rob Lucci's attack would cause him any trouble!

At this moment, Xia Ye suddenly reached out and pressed.


As the words fell, the void in front of Xia Ye roared.

A portal comparable to a pirate ship suddenly appeared.

Its surface looks like a ghost-faced fang, and is extremely thick. As soon as it appears, it easily blocks all the attacks!


Seeing this scene, Rob Lucci and Kaku were stunned again.


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