People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 47 Five old stars decide on our pirate group!

Navy Headquarters.

Warring States dealt with matters while waiting for news from Hawkeye.

To be honest, he didn't expect Hawkeye to agree so readily this time.

After all, this system created by the World Government, King Shichibukai, has never been very happy with the cooperation with his naval government.

So when contacting Hawkeye, Sengoku was even mentally prepared to be rejected.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party readily agreed.

Although he was greatly surprised by this, Warring States suddenly felt relieved.

If Hawkeye takes action, it should be absolutely foolproof.

Of course, Xia Ye's Gate Fruit has such weird powers, it's possible that it could escape from Hawkeye.

But Warring States has told Hawkeye all this information, I believe he will pay attention to it.

So from Sengoku's point of view, all he had to do was wait for good news from Hawkeye.

But what Warring States never expected was that bad news still came.

"What, he failed!?"

Soon after, Warring States received a report from his subordinates.

It was said that Hawkeye contacted the naval government.

But he said that the hunt for Xia Ye failed!

"What's going on!? What else did he say!?"

Warring States was stunned for a moment and then asked.

As a result, his subordinates said that they could no longer contact Hawkeye.

Hawkeye only left a message that the capture failed, and then completely lost contact!

Faced with such a situation, Warring States couldn't help but be a little stunned.

what is this! ?

Hawkeye failed to capture Xia Ye, what happened? ?

Did Xia Ye use the Menmen fruit to escape? ?

Or...even Hawkeye can't stand up to Xia Ye! ?

how is this possible! ?

At this moment, Warring States was also frightened by his own thoughts.

Hawkeye probably just let Xia Ye use the power of the Gate Fruit to escape. How could he be defeated!

But if that's the case, why doesn't Hawkeye just say it? Instead, he looks like he doesn't want to say more! ?

Thinking of this, Warring States was completely stunned.

He suddenly felt that maybe the reason why Garp failed to arrest him last time was not because of letting go... but because he really had the power to escape from him that summer night! ?

If that's the case, that's a problem...

After coming back to his senses, Seng Guo's face darkened.

The situation here in Xia Ye was soon learned by the World Government.

As a former member of CP9 and a person who betrayed the Celestial Dragons for stealing their belongings, Xia Ye's existence obviously attracted great attention from the World Government.

It's normal that Garp wasn't caught. People in the World Government still knew about Garp's urinary properties.

But now, even Hawkeye can't do anything to him, which is a big problem.

Therefore, this matter soon reached Wulaoxing.

The five old stars discussed it and finally made a decision that surprised even the Warring States Period.

"What!? Invite Xia Ye to become King Shichibukai!?"

Warring States was shocked when he learned of Wulaoxing's decision.

Yes, Wulao Xing’s decision is to invite Xia Ye to become one of the Seven Martial Arts under the King!

It is worth mentioning that although the Shichibukai system under the king has been established for a long time, it has only invited five people so far.

The final two positions are still up in the air.

What Warring States didn't expect was that Wulaoxing now planned to let Xia Ye occupy one of the positions!

But after thinking about it, Warring States gradually came to understand.

In fact, it is not surprising that Wulaoxing made this decision.

All because, even Garp and Hawkeye can't do anything to Xia Ye. His strength obviously has the qualifications to become the King's Shichibukai.

As for Xia Ye’s holiday with the World Government, it’s actually just a small holiday.

Although one of the Celestial Dragons was offended, who would know if they didn't say it?

In addition, Rob Lucci and others were only injured, which is of course a small matter that can be forgiven.

Of course, the most important thing is that even Garp Hawkeye can't deal with Xia Ye. It seems that they can't send anyone to deal with Xia Ye.

Can the Admiral do that?

Maybe, but there's also a chance of failure.

In this case, why not win over Xia Ye! ?

As long as the win-over is successful, it can be regarded as eliminating the huge hidden danger of Xia Ye, and it is even possible for Xia Ye to be used by the government again.

Therefore, Wulaoxing's decision, after careful calculation, is still a move that kills two birds with one stone!

After understanding this, Warring States naturally had no objection.

However, he felt that Xia Ye had finally broken away from the World Government and now that her wings were strong, it was still hard to say whether she would agree to the Shichibukai's invitation.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the candidates sent to invite Xia Ye this time must be well prepared.


And just when Warring States was worried about Xia Ye.

On Xia Ye's side, after several days of consideration, the name of the pirate group has finally been decided!

"It's decided, the name of our pirate group will be our pirate group!"

Nami was stunned for a moment: "Our pirate team!?"

Xia Ye immediately corrected with a smile: "It's the door of the door fruit, our pirate group!"

Nami finally reacted: "It turns out to be our pirate group."

But this name doesn’t seem to be that good, right?

Nami thinks it would be nicer to name her after Natsu Ye. Natsu Ye Pirates...

And Ajin, from beginning to end, did not express an opinion.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter what the name of the pirate group is.

However, Xia Ye felt that it was very meaningful.

The more he thought about the name our pirate group, the more he liked it.

Because the reason why he became a pirate with a bounty on his head was because of the Gate Fruit.

And the reason why they gathered together was also indispensable to the Menmen Fruit.

In this case, naming it after the door fruit is naturally more appropriate.

Nami still felt bad, but it was the first time she saw Xia Ye being so excited, so she agreed.

In this way, our pirate group was officially established.

There is no doubt that Xia Ye holds the position of captain.

Nami, on the other hand, is a navigator.

Akin is a combatant.

As for Moo Moo, he is naturally still a boat puller.

The division of labor is clear.

Next, Nami, a navigator, asked Xia Ye very competently: "Captain Xia Ye, where should we go next!?"

Hearing this, Xia Ye replied without thinking: "Go directly to the Shampoo Islands!"

It was obvious that he had already thought of his destination.

But Nami and Ah Jin couldn't help but feel a little confused when they heard this.

This island seems to be very far away. Why would Xia Ye go directly there? ?

Xia Ye didn't explain, but looked into the distance with a smile.

Although he formed a pirate group, he still had no idea whether to become the Pirate King or not.

What Xia Ye wants to do now is to develop the Menmen Fruit to the extreme first.

But before that, he felt that it was necessary to learn Haki first.

Although he now has the strength and means to defeat powerful dominators, it is still necessary to learn domineering.

All because if he learns two-color Haki, it should help him develop stronger Gate Fruit abilities.

Besides, others can be domineering, but if he doesn't, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?

And if she wanted to learn domineering, Xia Ye immediately thought of that person from the Xiangbodi Islands!

So, let’s go!

Go to the Shampoo Islands! !


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