People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

276. The true form of the King of Heaven is ever-changing and omnipotent! ?

Xia Ye's heart moved.

At this time, he finally had some guesses about Im's ability.

The previous Air Wall, Void Throne, and Air Dragon seemed to have the ability to control air.

But judging from the strange suction and gravity that Xia Ye feels now, Im's ability is clearly more like mental power!

In other words, telepathy! !

If you use devil fruit terms, it is the devil fruit, the ability to read! ?

And if Im's ability is really the ability of Nian Nian, then all these weird situations will make sense.

Whether it is the wall of air, the throne of the void, or the dragon of air, they are all formed by Im's mind power!

And the air dragon he created is able to use Overlord Color because of his telekinesis.

Because mind power is mental power, and Overlord Color Haki is also mental power, so the two can be used together!

Realizing this, Xia Ye couldn't help but look surprised.

I never thought that Im, the great BOOS of the Celestial Dragons, would have such abilities!

Mind power! ! !

Xia Ye suddenly felt in trouble.

Im's ability should belong to the superhuman type, and there is no doubt that telekinesis is definitely a heaven-defying ability comparable to the Gate Fruit and the Meat Ball Fruit!

Judging from the performance just now, it can already be seen.

Not only can it be condensed to form a wall of air that acts like an absolute defense, but it can also transform into an air dragon that seems to be immortal. The air dragon can even be used with Overlord-colored Haki.

In addition, the existence of mind power can also exert the effect of gravity and even gravity!

Just like this moment, Xia Ye seemed to be suppressed by a mountain.

The magic of mind power obviously doesn't stop there.

But Xia Ye naturally wouldn't just sit back and watch Im perform.

At this moment, he had a thought, and the shaking fruit immediately activated.

The strong vibration immediately affected Xia Ye's telekinesis, causing the heavy pressure on him to loosen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xia Ye immediately took off, moving away from the power of telepathy.

"Your ability is telepathy, right!?"

Looking at Im not far away, Xia Ye suddenly asked.

Im's face changed, and then he chuckled: "You are indeed the strongest in the world. You can see my ability so quickly."

In fact, in the pirate world, things like telekinesis, like souls, are very ethereal. People have limited knowledge of them, so they rarely mention them.

But what I didn't expect was that Xia Ye would be able to identify it not long after contact.

At this moment, Im couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But this obviously doesn't matter.

Because even if Xia Ye figured out the details of his ability, it would be impossible to be his enemy!

All because he has mastered the power of mind and is invincible!

In other words, his telekinesis is invincible!

"Xia Ye, you are such a lucky guy, because you can see my abilities with your own eyes!"

"And, die under my power!"

Next, Im said with a smile.

Xia Ye frowned, feeling vaguely uncomfortable.

At this time, Rayleigh and Red Hair's expressions changed wildly.

Their knowledge of things like telekinesis is also very lacking.

It's just that they all know a secret.

That is the King of Heaven, one of the three ancient weapons. It is very likely that it is in the hands of the World Government!

It is precisely because of this that the World Government was able to rule the world for a full 800 years.

As far as they know, the King of Heaven is actually a very powerful Devil Fruit!

From the current situation, everything is clear.

The rumor that the King of Heaven is in the hands of the World Government should be true!

And it is the telepathy fruit ability that Im possesses!

As one of the three ancient weapons capable of destroying the world, the power of the power of mind power can be imagined.

And as if to confirm this, next, a shocking situation occurred!

Even more terrifying telepathy swept out of Im.

But this time, instead of sweeping away towards the summer night, it split apart and turned into magical things!

A roaring sound sounded, and a hurricane exploded!

The terrifying high temperature spreads, and a sea of ​​​​fire rises.

Thunder exploded, and clusters of thunder and lightning turned into thunderclouds covering the sky.

Im's telepathy turned into wind, fire, thunder and lightning!

At this moment, the hurricane roared, the sea of ​​​​fire rolled, and the thunderclouds covered the whole battlefield, becoming like a doomsday!

Rayleigh, Red Hair and the others were stunned.

Seeing such a situation, even Cyborg Kong and others were shocked.

Especially the blue pheasant and the yellow ape.

In the face of Im's telepathy, their natural abilities seemed to have become not uncommon.

The last time this kind of scene was created was Xia Ye.

Thinking of this, both Aokiji and Kizaru subconsciously looked at Xia Ye.

At this time, Xia Ye was obviously very surprised!

Im's mind power can create things and exert the effect of gravity. It can also evolve into various natural elements!

It can be seen from this that the level of Im's telepathy is definitely not low, and it is even very possible that it has reached the highest level of awakening!

It is no exaggeration to say that this level of mental power is ever-changing!

Realizing this, Xia Ye couldn't help but look solemn.

In fact, although he can also use the Soul Soul Fruit ability to achieve the effect of controlling natural elements, it is definitely not as easy as Im.

At this moment, although Xia Ye didn't know the fact that the fruit of telekinesis was the King of Heaven, he completely understood how terrifying Im telekinesis was!

Perhaps, compared to Enel, Im is the real god!

Because he has the power of telepathy... he is simply omnipotent!

And then, after Yimu completely transformed his mind power into natural elements, he didn't waste any time. He just thought about it and controlled them to attack Xia Ye directly!

The thundercloud in mid-air lit up, and suddenly struck Xia Ye with terrifying thunderbolts as thick as a bucket!

And the hurricane rolled wildly, not only sweeping up the wind and sand, but even the sea of ​​​​fire, rushing towards the summer night!

Xia Ye was about to do something, but another wave of telepathy flew towards him, condensing into layers of frost on his body.


His movements suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, more thoughts came overwhelmingly, turning into heavy pressure again, clamping down on Xia Ye's body.

Naturally, Xia Ye would not be completely suppressed by this method.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, thunder and lightning had already struck down, and then a hurricane swept through, bringing with it a sea of ​​high temperature and fire.

Boom! ! !

Just like that, Xia Ye's figure was swallowed up by wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

When Rayleigh and Red Hair saw this, they immediately looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

This is the power of the King of Heaven! ?

Steel Bone Kong, Zeng Guo and others were also shocked.

Xia Ye, was she killed?

However, just as they were thinking this, an amazing scene happened!


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