People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 230 Megatron, Shock Fruit Homitz!

this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Even though they all knew that Xia Ye was the strongest in the new world, at this moment, they couldn't help but be shocked when they saw the power he showed!

Faced with Barrett's attack, which was as huge as an island, Xia Ye not only resisted the opponent, but also pushed back the giant ghost monster that the opponent had transformed into!

This step is a distance of thousands of meters!

At this moment, even Barrett frowned.

The attack he made after his combined awakening and transformation was actually repelled by Xia Ye. How is that possible! ?

You know, he even used the weapon color, which is the top weapon color!

How could such a blow be repelled head-on by Xia Ye! ?

Barrett frowned, suddenly startled again.

At this time, he discovered something was wrong.

"what is that!?"

Even though he was thousands of meters away, he still vaguely noticed Xia Ye's body, which seemed a little strange.


At the same time, Hongfa and others also discovered something strange.

Especially the red hair, black beard, Rayleigh and others who are close to each other.

On Xia Ye's right hand, there was something similar to a fruit.

That fruit is pure white, with layers of spiral patterns covering its surface.

With the experience of a few people, they can recognize at a glance that this is not a fruit, but a devil fruit!

Devil Fruit! ?

Just realizing this, the red hair and others were stunned.

Why is there a devil fruit on Xia Ye's wrist?

And why does it seem like that Devil Fruit is biting Xia Ye's fist?

What exactly is going on! ?

At this time of the summer night, looking at Barrett who was retreating a thousand meters away, a smile appeared on his face.

In this state, he was obviously giving his best.

The high-level armed color, Liuying, has its own strength plus the increase of the sixth gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, as well as the awakening of the ape fruit ability.

With such power, I'm afraid I can defeat Big Mom in one blow!

And it doesn't seem surprising that he can defeat Barrett at this time.

However, Barrett at this time is still very powerful.

So much so that Xia Ye's power just now could only equal him.

The real reason for defeating Barrett was the Devil Fruit on Xia Ye's right hand!

This devil's story... I believe there is no need to say more about its type and effects.

That's right, it's the superhuman shock fruit!

Obtained from the dead Whitebeard before Summer Night.

Logically speaking, Xia Ye has three devil fruit abilities, which has reached the limit. If there are no accidents, it is absolutely impossible to have a fourth devil fruit ability at the same time!

But just before, Xia Ye had an idea and thought of finding another shortcut to use the power of the Shock Fruit!

This method actually comes from the Soul Soul Fruit ability!

Yes, it’s still Homitz’s trick!

It is true that Xia Ye can no longer eat the Zhenzhen Fruit, but what if she turns the Zhenzhen Fruit into a Homitz and uses it like Thunder Cloud Zeus Sun Prometheus? ?

The answer is yes!

Ever since, the Devil Fruit Homitz, which has never appeared in history, appeared!

Since its carrier is the Zhenzhen Fruit, Xia Ye also gave him an extremely domineering name.


That's his name!

There is no doubt that the birth of Megatron directly made Xia Ye's previous idea of ​​multi-fruit abilities come true!

Now, not only can he master three or four kinds of devil fruit abilities, he can even master more, even unlimited!

The only requirement is that he has enough lifespan and a devil fruit!

The most important thing is that if Xia Ye gives an order, it seems that she can easily make other people become multi-fruit ability users!

Because this Devil Fruit Homitz can be completely controlled by others and used as an ability!

As just now.

The moment Xia Ye and Barrett's attacks collided, another wave of impact erupted precisely because Megatron attached himself to Xia Ye's fist and also launched an attack!

There is no doubt that for such a well-established carrier, Xia Ye certainly spent hundreds of years raising it to the level of the strongest Homitz.

In fact, even if he is not possessed by Xia Ye, Megatron's own attack power is very strong, but his defense is lacking.

But now that he is partnered with Xia Ye, he naturally no longer has this concern and can perform better.

"Gu la la la, I am awesome, Master!"

At this moment, Megatron on Xia Ye's fist suddenly revealed a human face, and immediately burst into laughter.

Xia Ye immediately smiled.

I don’t know if it’s because his previous host was Whitebeard, but its laughter is exactly the same as Whitebeard’s.

Xia Ye was a little surprised at first, but now she is naturally used to it.

"Let's go, Megatron, let's kill this big guy together!"

Xia Ye then chuckled and took Megatron's Void Step, approaching Barrett!

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

With Megatron's blessing, Xia Ye's attacks have obviously reached a new level.

Even Barrett can't compete!

So, next, amid the bursts of loud noises, the giant ghost monster transformed by Barrett continued to retreat, and even its huge body continued to break in the terrifying impact.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was naturally shocked.

"Barrett, being pressed down and beaten!?"

"Hey, is this the strongest in the world!!!"

"So strong, so strong!!"

"But why does this momentum feel so familiar!?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked by the power shown by Xia Ye.

Barrett was already very scary just now. Unexpectedly, Xia Ye broke out and became even more terrifying!

But among them, Blackbeard and the others were not only shocked, but also a little surprised.

In the original Xia Ye, after opening the eight Dunjia Jingmen, attacking could also cause bursts of impact.

Especially his Six Kings Spear, so that every blow is a burst of impact.

But in their opinion, the impact that burst out on such a summer night was normal.

But now the summer night seems a little different!

Every time he attacks, it seems that he can shatter the atmosphere, leaving terrifying white marks in the space. This situation is so similar to when their father Whitebeard uses his power!

Of course, if Xia Ye's power is strong enough, it should be able to produce this kind of space-shaking phenomenon, just like Barrett just now.

But the problem is that Xia Ye's burst of power is too similar to Whitebeard's use of the Shock Fruit ability!

Especially, at this time, Xia Ye was "wearing" something similar to a Devil Fruit on her hand.

In this way, it is difficult for Blackbeard and others not to think of something.

Especially Blackbeard, his eyes flickered as he looked at Megatron in Xia Ye's hand.

Could it be said that that fruit is the Zhenzhen Fruit! ?


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