People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 220 The successor of Sand Crocodile Rescue Ghost appears! !

"Roger's treasure!?"


"Must grab it!!"

As soon as the news came out, the crowd on Treasure Island gathered crazily in that direction like wolves smelling the smell of flesh and blood.

Doflamingo and Tyrant Bear also took action.

Of course, this is not surprising.

After all, as a pirate, it is normal to be interested in Roger's treasure.

As for the Tyrant Bear, although he has another identity, it is not surprising.

In addition, Crocodile, Moonlight Moria and others also stopped their movements and rushed towards that location.

At this moment, even Xia Ye was no exception.

He suddenly distanced himself from the red hair and glanced at the commotion in the distance.

"It's a pity, I still haven't learned..."

Then Xia Ye shook her head.

In the battle with the red-haired man, although he used Liu Ying to win back a victory, it was still difficult to defeat him without using all his strength.

As for the overlord's color entanglement, Xia Ye has had some experience in such a short period of time, but there is still a long way to learn and master it!

Now that there is news about Roger's treasure, let's forget it for now.

"Redhead, a temporary truce."

Xia Ye chuckled, and her figure immediately disappeared into the portal.

As Xia Ye becomes stronger and stronger, no one can stop his actions.

Even if the opponent is a redhead!

When the red-haired man saw this, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

After such a fight with Xia Ye, he not only understood how evil Xia Ye was, but also understood how disgusting Menmen's abilities were.

Not to mention those weird moves, just the ability to walk away and hit whenever you want is too perverted!

At this time, even if he wanted to continue fighting with Xia Ye, it would not work. The initiative was completely in Xia Ye's hands!

In desperation, the red-haired man had no choice but to stop, join Ben Beckman and others again, and then rush towards the commotion.

This time when he comes to participate in the Pirate Expo, the red-haired target is also Roger's treasure.

Although he was once Roger's crew member, the red-haired man still doesn't know what this treasure is, so he is currently very interested in this treasure!

And just when Hongfa and Ben Beckman and others met, Xia Ye also used the door fruit ability to quickly gather Nami and others, and then rushed there.

As said before.

As soon as news of Roger's treasure spread, the pirates on the treasure island swarmed over like wolves that had smelled the smell of flesh and blood.

At this time, Blackbeard and the others' expressions changed slightly.

Because of their location, they were not far from where Roger’s treasure appeared!

In short, that's where they are, on the way everyone is coming!

In the face of Roger's treasure, even if they were the Whitebeard Pirates, it would be difficult for them. The pirates who came over took action and directly attacked Blackbeard and the others.

"Get me off!"

"Don't block the road, Whitebeard Pirates!"

"So what if Whitebeard, your glory is gone!"

Most of the pirates who took action were ordinary pirates, but there were also strong ones.

Among them was Crocodile, who flew up wrapped in the sand and waved his hands without saying a word.

Whoooo! ! ! !

In an instant, two sandstorms appeared on the scene, like two monsters, scattering everyone along the way.

Even some members of the Whitebeard Pirates were not spared!

This incident directly loosened the encirclement network originally formed by the Whitebeard Pirates.

Deus's eyes lit up, and he took advantage of this opportunity to recapture Ace with his other partners, and then fled desperately, and finally rushed directly into the sandstorm!


Seeing the Shashao Fruit that he was about to get fly away, Blackbeard was furious!

Black smoke surged from his body, suddenly rushing toward the sandstorm like a dark sea wave!

Immediately afterwards, an amazing scene appeared!

The sandstorm formed by Crocodile magically converged and dissipated as the dark smoke enveloped it!


Crocodile frowned when he saw this.

When the pirates nearby saw this, they were also shocked.

Blackbeard snorted and swallowed Sandstorm directly.

But when he came back to his senses, Ace and others had disappeared!

"What a lucky boy!"

Upon noticing this, Blackbeard was speechless for a moment, and then looked at the pirates around him with a fierce look in his eyes.

The huge black screen split again, as if it turned into a devil's tentacles, sweeping towards the surrounding pirates!

"What the hell!?"

"do not come!!"

"Help, help!!"

Soon, everyone suffered a big loss due to the strangeness of the Dark Fruit.

When Crocodile saw this, he frowned and waved the sand.

"Desert Sword!!"

His right hand suddenly turned into sand, and then evolved into a sharp slash!

But the miraculous thing is that the black substance was not cut open, but instead covered his desert sword again, as if it was being swallowed!

"Really evil!"

Crocodile frowned and glanced at Blackbeard, and his figure suddenly flew away.

He had no intention of fighting with Blackbeard and quickly rushed towards Roger's treasure.

As for the sandstorm just now, he actually released it deliberately.

He also saw what Blackbeard wanted to do to Ace.

Since he doesn't have a good impression of the Whitebeard Pirates, he certainly doesn't mind stumbling upon the Whitebeard Pirates when he's on his way!

"Sand Crocodile!"

Blackbeard's face suddenly darkened when he saw Crocodile running away.

"Tikki, what do we do now!?"

Marco and others gathered around at this time and asked.

Blackbeard let out a breath and immediately looked in the direction of Roger's treasure.

"Let's go over there and have a look first."

I originally wanted to hunt Ace's ability, but unexpectedly failed.

But it doesn’t matter, there are so many ability users at the scene, they can always take care of something, such as that nasty sand crocodile just now!

Just like that, Blackbeard and others started to rush there.

At this moment, a war suddenly broke out at the source of the commotion.

The treasure that Roger was suspected of leaving behind turned out to be a small treasure chest. Although it was small in size, it was enough to arouse everyone's greed.

A chaotic battle broke out immediately.

But soon, Doflamingo and Tyrant Bear, who arrived here as soon as possible, suppressed the pirates.

Then the two Shichibukai started a fierce fight around the little treasure box!

Both of them knew very well that Xia Ye and others were also coming, so they had to grab the small treasure box in a short time.

So at this time, neither of them held anything back, and each time they made a move, it was a powerful move.

But even though the two of them didn't have much left to hold on to, they still took a step slower.

The small treasure chest was knocked away by the aftermath of the battle. After spinning several times in mid-air, it was grabbed by a big hand with white gloves.

Doflamingo and Tyrant Bear suddenly moved.

Subconsciously, he looked at the owner of the big hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

I saw that the owner of the big hand was a man with a cold face, a strong body, and a head of golden curly hair!

Such a face made Doflamingo and Tyrant Bear startled, and it actually felt a little familiar.

Then, when Xia Ye, Red Hair, Black Beard and others arrived one after another, their faces all changed.

They all immediately recognized the man's identity.

At the same time, the pupils of Aokiji, Kizaru and others who were lurking on the seabed far away from the island also shrank when they saw the scene.

"Douglas Barrett....."

It really is this guy!

The successor of the ghost...he appears!


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