People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 211 The dark fruit comes true, call me Blackbeard!

New world.

On a certain island, a large-scale battle came to an end.

The Whitebeard Pirates captured all the pirates who invaded the territory.

After the war.

It is a relatively peaceful day for our pirate group.

But for the Whitebeard Pirates, it was a stormy and turbulent time.

After Whitebeard's death, his deterrence was greatly reduced, so that his territory began to be divided up by a large number of pirates and navy.

In order to regain those territories, the Whitebeard Pirates have experienced no less than fifteen battles during this period!

One can imagine the exhaustion of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But apart from being tired, the members' spirits were gradually lifted.

The entire Whitebeard Pirates felt like they had a second spring.

Feeling this atmosphere, Marco, who is the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, looked at the fat black figure in front of him covered in blood and felt a little emotional.

Yes, Marco is still the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is naturally Teach, who won the previous election.

That's right, in the previous battle for the Whitebeard Pirates to elect a new captain, Teach won!

He showed amazing strength and was actually one point stronger than Marco!

Ever since, he became the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Under the leadership of Teach, the Whitebeard Pirates seemed to be gradually rejuvenated.

In fifteen battles, there were fewer defeats and more wins!

Among them, Teach had a great contribution, because he risked his life several times to lead the pirate group to victory, and it was the same this time!

Seeing this situation, Marco couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He asked himself, even if he led the team, he probably wouldn't be able to do as well as Teach.

Perhaps, he is really the best candidate for the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Captain Teach, you're awesome!"

"It's all thanks to you, Captain Teach, otherwise I would have died just now!"

"Haha, Captain Teach, you have to take it easy!"

"Tikki, you are good!"

At this time, while cleaning up the mess, everyone also praised Tiqi generously, even some captains were no exception.

Teach grinned, still looking a little honest.

At this moment, Captain Sachi of the Fourth Squadron suddenly came over with a smile and said to Teach: "Captain Teach, do you see what I found among those pirates?"

Tiqi was stunned when he heard this, looked over subconsciously, and was stunned.

At this moment, Sachi was holding a strange-looking fruit in his hand.

The look of that fruit actually made him feel so familiar.

At the same time, Marco and others were also stunned.

After defeating the invading pirates just now, Sachi, as a chef, led his people to seize the other party's pirate ship.

Unexpectedly, he came running over now, looking like he had an unexpected gain.

Wait, so that fruit is?

Marco and others reacted quickly.

"Devil Fruit!?"

Thatch immediately smiled: "Yeah, this should be the Devil Fruit. I didn't expect that there was such a treasure on the other side's ship. I don't know why they didn't eat it right away. Now it's great, it's an advantage for us!"

Marco and the others immediately blinked.

"Really a devil fruit!?"

"What series is this?"

They were naturally familiar with Devil Fruits, but for a while, they couldn't tell the type and ability of this Devil Fruit.

On the other hand, Tiqi came back to his senses and suddenly knew what was going on.

"This is the natural type, the dark fruit!"

How could he not know this, because this is the Devil Fruit he has dreamed of!

A long time ago, Teach took a fancy to this dark fruit!

But he has been with the Whitebeard Pirates for so long, and he has never received any news about the Dark Fruit, not even a clue.

Until now, Tiqi even wanted to give up, but he never expected that the Dark Fruit would suddenly appear in front of him!

Looking at the coveted Devil Fruit, Tiqi's seemingly honest face suddenly turned slightly ferocious, and his eyes flashed red, revealing murderous intent.

The rules of the Whitebeard Pirates: Whoever discovers the Devil Fruit has the right to eat it first...

But at this time, Teach didn't care so much. As long as he could get this devil fruit, he would do it at any cost!

However, just as Teach was thinking this, Thatch stuffed the Dark Fruit into his hand and said with a smile: "Captain Teach, you haven't eaten a Devil Fruit yet, right? It's up to you to eat this Devil Fruit." Drop it, only when your strength becomes stronger can our Whitebeard Pirates rise again!"

Tiqi was stunned for a moment, looking at the dark fruit in his hand, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He never expected that he would get this coveted fruit in this way!

When Marco and others saw this, they all laughed and agreed.

Even among the captains, there were many people who had never eaten Devil Fruit, but they were all willing to give this Devil Fruit to Teach.

Of course they are also happy to see that the new captain becomes stronger.

Seeing the kindness conveyed around him, Tiqi's ferocious face gradually softened, and the red light in his eyes turned moist.

Without saying a word, he quickly stuffed the dark fruit in his hand into his mouth and ate it in big gulps.

Although it was extremely unpalatable, he burst into tears as if he had tasted some delicious food.

When Marco and others saw this, they immediately laughed again.

The atmosphere became harmonious.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


On the other side of the coast, screams suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were staying there, and suddenly ran away in panic.

"what happens!!"

Marco's expression turned stern, and he immediately turned into an immortal fire bird and rushed over. He treated everyone while asking.

"Big, aunt!!"

"It's aunt!!"

The members who fled over replied with panic on their faces.


Marco was suddenly startled.

Looking from a distance, I saw a huge figure coming with a group of people.

As we got closer, the outline of that huge figure gradually became clear, it was really Auntie!

It’s just that the aunt at this time seems to be a lot thinner and older than before. There are wrinkles on her face, and her black hair has turned to snow white. At first glance, she looks like an evil witch in a fairy tale!

Behind her were some of her children and subordinates.

"Ah, isn't this Marco?"

Seeing Marco, the aunt suddenly showed a ferocious look on her face.

Without saying a word, her old-looking figure swept up in a strong wind and headed towards Marco!

Marco's expression changed slightly, and he had no choice but to face him bravely.

Then he was surprised to find that Auntie's strength seemed to have declined a lot.

But the Yonko is worthy of being a Yonko. Even though his power is weakened, it is not something Marco can compete with.

Within a few rounds, Marco was knocked out by his aunt!


At this time, Diamond Jozi and others also rushed over. Seeing Marco being beaten away, their expressions changed.

The aunt walked over step by step with a ferocious face.

"Oh, everyone is here!"

"I'm just wondering. Isn't Whitebeard dead? Why haven't you Whitebeard Pirates been disbanded yet? Hahaha!!"

At the end of the sentence, the aunt sneered mockingly.

When Diamond Jozi and others heard this, their expressions suddenly darkened.

But at this moment, they suddenly noticed something and moved to the left and right.

A dark and fat figure walked out and appeared in the aunt's sight.

It was Teach.


The aunt's face changed.

Under her gaze, something like black smoke gradually appeared on Tiqi's body, which looked extremely strange.

"who are you?"

The aunt asked strangely. For some reason, she felt vaguely uneasy.

"The Whitebeard Pirates will not disband. They will get stronger and stronger and reach the top again!"

"As for who I am?"

Tiqi murmured, suddenly raised his head, eyes widened, and looked at his aunt with a ferocious expression.

"My name is Teach, you can also call me...Blackbeard!"

"Thief ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

At the end of the sentence, he opened his hands and laughed wildly, as if he was crazy.

Amidst the laughter, the black smoke on Blackbeard Teach suddenly intensified, and then like an abyss mouth capable of swallowing everything, it ate towards Auntie...


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