People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 209: In the country of Wano, unexpected visitors

and country.

After Xia Ye and others arrived here, they successfully took over the country without much effort.

The Whitebeard Pirates had already evacuated most of their personnel before they started the war.

The remaining half, after the War on the Top, all returned to the Whitebeard Pirates, or went to attend Whitebeard's funeral.

Therefore, after Xia Ye and others came to Wano Country, they encountered no obstacles at all.

Of course, with the current strength of Xia Ye and others, it is impossible for anyone in Wano Country to be able to hinder them.

After taking over Wano Country, Xia Ye became the hands-off shopkeeper as always.

He followed Kaido's example and stayed on Ghost Island by himself, while other places were managed by his subordinates.

For example, Boya Hancock is the king of the Amazon Lily Kingdom. She has experience in managing the kingdom, so she is made the female general of Wano Kingdom and manages the Flower Capital.

Akin, Nami, and Kalifa are in charge of Jiuli.

As for places like Rabbit Bowl Prison, of course they were left to the experienced Hiryuu Ame.

By the way, Foz Fu turned out to be in Wano, so he was allowed to manage the rest of the place.

After the arrangements were made, Xia Ye could naturally practice peacefully on Ghost Island.

He couldn't wait to pull Lei Li and temporarily settled on Ghost Island.

But these days, summer nights are not quiet.

During this period of time, unexpected visitors kept coming.

The first one was a tall beauty with red horns and long gradient rainbow hair.

"Hmm! Yamato!?"

Xia Ye couldn't help but show surprise when she saw the person coming.

Isn't this Kaido's son?

No, it's my daughter.

Well, Xia Ye almost forgot about this guy.

When he and Kaido came to Wano Country before, he didn't see Yamato. I guess she was still being held captive by Kaido.

A series of things happened later, which made Xia Ye gradually forget the existence of this character.

Now seeing each other again, Xia Ye suddenly remembered.

As for why Yamato appears here, the reason is also very simple.

After the country of Wano changed hands twice, the people who imprisoned her changed several times, so she took the opportunity to escape.

But after running out, Yamato soon discovered that the country of Wano had changed.

Originally, she wanted to inherit Oden's legacy and crusade against her father, Kaido.

But what he never expected was that Kaido had been torn off the altar first, which made Yamato a little confused.

Her life seemed to have suddenly lost its meaning.

So Yamato found Xia Ye here through Foz Fu.

After Foz Fu brought Yamato over, he immediately began to introduce Yamato's identity.

Naturally, Xia Ye didn't need to listen, but she looked at Yamato with a hint of interest.

If he remembered correctly, Kaido's daughter seems to be a Devil Fruit user as well, and she is also a very rare animal type phantom beast!

Do you want to take away this ability?

Then Xia Ye came back to her senses and laughed secretly.

Now he seems to be almost becoming the Blackbeard of future generations.

When he saw the powerful devil fruit ability, he wanted to take it.

Of course, this is also very normal.

After all, he has this kind of means, so if he doesn't use it, it will be in vain.

And just like what was said before, even if the abilities taken away are not used by oneself, one can still give them to his subordinates, so that they won't be wasted.

But thinking about it this way, Xia Ye didn't take action rashly. She still wanted to see what Yamato had to say first.

If the other party is really hostile, it won't be too late to snatch the fruit away when the time comes.

At this moment, Yamato spoke: "Where is Kaido?"

Hearing this, Xia Ye raised her eyebrows: "What, you want to avenge him?"

Yamato shook his head without thinking, "Of course not."

"I also want to thank you."

Although it was said that Whitebeard was the one who drove Kaido away, it was obviously Xia Ye's credit as well.

Then Yamato talked about his own thoughts about attacking Kaido.

Fozzie Fu nodded with a strange expression on his face.

Well, he can really testify to the situation where father and daughter are at odds.

At this time, Xia Ye couldn't help but laugh: "If you hate your father so much, why did you come here to ask for news about him again!"

Yamato immediately snorted: "Huh, I just want to know if he is dead!"

Regarding this issue, Xia Ye really couldn't say anything.

Because he doesn’t know whether Kaido is dead or not.

After the war, he evacuated first, Kaido was still behind, who knows what his condition is now.

And currently, there is no news related to it.

But there is a high chance that Kai will not die. After all, this guy is too fleshy.

Thinking of this, Xia Ye replied vaguely: "Your father may be dead, but there is also a high possibility that he is not dead!"

Yamato obviously agreed with this, nodded and then said: "If he is not dead, he will definitely come back and attack Wano Country!"

Saying this, Yamato also revealed his purpose: "Let me help you. When Kaido really calls, I will help you!"

Hearing this, Xia Ye was a little surprised.

So good, is this a powerful battle force delivered to your door?

However, Yamato had conditions. She just heard her say: "But I have a condition, that is, after defeating Kaido, I must return the country of Wano to Oden's descendants!"

Hearing this, Foz Fulton's expression suddenly changed slightly.

This Yamato must be crazy, he made such an exorbitant request! ?

You know, even without Yamato, with Xia Ye's current strength, there is no need to be afraid of Kaido's attack.

Why should we give up the treasure land of Wano Country because of a useless high-end combat power?

But then, what surprised Fozzie Fu even more was that Xia Ye agreed!


Xia Ye smiled.

Why didn't he agree?

The descendant of Oden that Yamato is referring to must be that annoying naughty boy Momonosuke, right?

That guy should still be "time traveling".

It will take at least several years until he appears.

In the past few years, Xia Yebai has recruited a high-end combat subordinate, why didn't he agree?

As for when the time comes to return Wano Country to Momonosuke...but who can say for sure?

What if something unexpected happens to Momonosuke?Am I right?

In this way, Xia Ye readily agreed to Yamato, so that Foz Fu took her away with a look of confusion on his face.

Xia Ye naturally didn't bother to explain.

He continued to practice...but soon, he received a second guest.

It was Yizang.

The captain of Division [-] of the Whitebeard Pirates!

But this time Izo came to see him, not as the captain of the Whitebeard Division, but as an Oden retainer.

At this time, he had surprisingly summoned the remnants of Oden's men who had stayed in Wano Country.

But he did not come to attack Xia Ye, nor did he excessively ask Xia Ye to return to the country of Wano, but asked Xia Ye to let them stay in the country of Wano.

Obviously, after Wano Country changed hands twice, Izo also understood how difficult it would be to take back Wano Country.

Even if he really waited until Kinemon and the others, there would probably be little hope.

There is no doubt that Xia Ye is definitely more difficult than Kaido!

But no matter what, they couldn't give up hope. At least, they had to reunite with Kinemon and others first.

So here comes Izo.

After understanding this, Xia Ye didn't say anything, and immediately waved her hand and agreed to Yizang's request.

These warriors seem to be quite capable.

If something unexpected happens to their young master then, will Xia Ye be able to accept them as a matter of course?

Ha ha.......

In this way, Yi Zang and others left with happy faces.

Xia Ye originally thought it would be quiet next, but she didn't expect there to be visitors.

And this time's visitor surprised him even more!


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