People in Pirates: Fruits of the door play flowers

Chapter 206: Whitebeard’s funeral, using the Zhenzhen Fruit

After the war.

A new world, a quiet and peaceful island.

On the coast, a tombstone stands among many flowers, with a long naginata stuck diagonally on it.

It is one of the supreme sharp knives, Cong Yunqie.

This tombstone is naturally Whitebeard's grave.

After leaving Malinfando, Xia Ye buried Whitebeard's body here in accordance with the requirements of Marco and others.

Speaking of which, this island is still very meaningful to Whitebeard.

This is the island where he was born. A long time ago, the island was shrouded in war. It was not until Whitebeard rose up and became the patron saint of the island that the war completely disappeared.

At this moment, Marco and others worshiped Whitebeard with tears.

Xia Ye and others, as well as the red-haired pirates, watched silently.

After a long time, Marco and others wiped away their tears, and then came over to express their heartfelt thanks to Xia Ye, Red Hair, Rayleigh and Jinbe.

This time, all the people they asked for help in advance came, including even Rayleigh, the legendary Hades.

Although the ending is not good, they will still remember the favor shown by Xia Ye and others.

Marco and others immediately told Xia Ye and others that if they could help in the future, just ask.

The red-haired man immediately asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Marco turned to look at the other captains and the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and immediately replied firmly: "The Whitebeard Pirates will not break up, and we will work hard to protect what dad wants to protect. !”

Hearing this, the red-haired man nodded immediately to show his understanding.

Xia Ye also understood.

Although Whitebeard died, his will did not disappear.

Marco and others will still act in the name of the Whitebeard Pirates, and will even protect the things Whitebeard wants to protect.

For example, there are many territories owned by Whitebeard.

But the difficulty can be imagined.

After the news of Whitebeard's death spreads, his territory will definitely fall into chaos.

Not only will there be a large number of pirates coming to snatch it, but even the navy may come to take a share of the pie.

In this way, there is no need to say more about the difficulties Marco and others have to face.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xia Ye and red hair.

Because this is the decision of Marco and others.

In the future, when they meet again, they may also be enemies!

that's it.

After Whitebeard's funeral, Xia Ye, Hongfa and others also gathered at the coast, preparing to leave.

"Mr. Reilly, are you really not going to leave with me?"

At this time, the red-haired man looked at Rayleigh in surprise.

Because of their old friendship, Red Hair and Rayleigh were chatting happily these days. They even planned to invite Whitebeard to the ship for a banquet after his funeral, but Rayleigh refused.

Lei Li glanced at Xia Ye: "No, I will follow Xia Ye for the time being."

Xia Ye looked at the red hair and couldn't help but grin: "Hey, red hair, do you want to start a war with me? You actually want to kidnap my teacher Lei Li."

After finally saving Rayleigh, Xia Ye didn't want to separate from Rayleigh so soon.

In addition, he also wants Rayleigh to be the chief instructor of his pirate group!

You know, since the massive expansion of our pirate group, the strength of the members has become somewhat uneven.

It would be great if we could get Rayleigh's guidance!

Putting aside everything else, Nami needs it very much. She hasn't learned the two-color domineering yet!

Of course, Xia Ye also has needs in this regard.

Don't forget, although he can master two-color Haki and even awakened the Overlord-color Haki, both the Armed-color Haki and the Overlord-color Haki are lacking.

To put it simply, he doesn't know how to use the weapon-colored Liuying and the overlord-colored winding skills.

All of these can be learned from Lei Li!

So if the red hair really takes Rayleigh away, Xia Ye might really go to war with him!

Hearing this, the red-haired man immediately shook his head and laughed, then gave up and sailed away.

"Lord Xia Ye, where should we go next?"

Upon seeing this, Nami, the navigator and the pilot, immediately asked Xia Ye for her opinion.

Hearing this, Xia Ye immediately said without hesitation: "Of course... accept the country of Wano!"

In fact, Xia Ye and others still have one thing to do.

That is to retrieve Katakuri and others.

At that time, they were shot away by the Tyrant Bear, and they are still missing.

However, Xia Ye was not worried about this.

Katakuri and the others are not weak and should be able to find them by themselves.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xia Ye is also confused about the current whereabouts of Katakuri and others. Even if he has the power of the Gate Fruit, it will not help.

In this case, it is better to let them find it themselves.

And now that Xia Ye also has a fixed territory, I believe that Katakuri and others can find it more efficiently than searching for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, Xia Ye is not worried about the return of Katakuri and others at all, but plans to take over Wano after the war as promised before.

After all, this is his reward for helping the Whitebeard Pirates!

Of course, the biggest gain from this war is not the country of Wano.

But the massive combat value, and it!

Thinking of this, Xia Ye's mind sank into a corner in another space.

There, lying quietly, was a pure white fruit covered with layers of spiral patterns.

But this is not a fruit, but a devil fruit!

And this Devil Fruit comes from the Shock Fruit on Whitebeard!

Needless to say, the reason why Xia Ye was so enthusiastic about helping Whitebeard clean up the corpse was because of this Shocking Fruit!

But speaking of it, when she was in Malinfando, Xia Ye originally chose to give up on Whitebeard's Shock Fruit.

After all, Whitebeard at that time was surrounded by Garp and others.

If he makes any unusual move, it will probably cause a violent reaction from Garp and others. Maybe they won't be able to get the Zhenzhen Fruit by then, and there will be big trouble!

But what they never expected was that the red hair would come "again" to stop the war on the top.

As a result, Xia Ye quickly came up with an idea and took advantage of that opportunity to steal the Zhenzhen Fruit secretly on the pretext of cleaning up Whitebeard's body!

Of course, Xia Ye wouldn't have too many powerful superhuman fruits like the Zhenzhen Fruit.

Even if he can no longer eat it, it is still good to use it to enhance the strength of his men.

However, now that Xia Ye thought about it, he suddenly realized that although he could no longer eat the Zhenzhen Fruit, it seemed that he could not use it.

Of course, we still have to try to see if it can work.

And then, after Nami received a positive reply from Xia Ye, she activated the electricity again, started Noah's Ark, and started to go to Wano Country.

Immediately afterwards, Jinbe also said goodbye and left.

At the scene, only the Whitebeard Pirates and their subordinate pirate groups were left.

Marco was about to say something, but at this moment, Blackbeard, who had been silent during Whitebeard's funeral, suddenly spoke and said something that surprised everyone.


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