Douluo's Lying Flatten the Unicorn, Bibi Dong eavesdropping

Chapter 251: The Control System Harp Martial Spirit, and the Support System Beauty Dances

Chapter 251: The Control System Harp Martial Spirit, and the Support System Beauty Dances

Behind the soul master holding the iron rod just now, there was a woman standing, wearing colorful clothes and holding a harp in her hand.

But this is not a bard singing on the battlefield, because the harp in the woman's hand has strong soul power fluctuations, which means that this harp is the woman's martial spirit.

I saw the woman constantly strumming the strings and singing songs from her mouth.

For a moment, the soldiers around the Iron Stick Spirit Master all felt dizzy at this moment. Some began to lose focus, and some even fell to the ground.

But the matter didn't end here. The song in the woman's mouth was originally melodious, like a lullaby, but then it became fast and bright, and it sounded more like a war song on the battlefield.

The speed at which the woman plucked the strings also increased much faster. At this moment, blood stains appeared on the countless soldiers of the Tiandou Army on the battlefield.

When this woman plucked the strings, she could attack her enemies indiscriminately.

For a time, countless soldiers were injured and screamed miserably.

The Iron Stick Soul Master reacted immediately, but instead of continuing to rush forward, he began to retreat.

Next to the harp woman, there is another woman wearing a white dress and holding a flower in her hand.

As the iron rod soul master began to retreat, the harp woman stopped singing, but the woman in white started to dance with flowers in her hands.

As the harp woman's music played, the dancing movements of the woman in white were constantly changing, and the original appearance of the flower in his hand was very strange.

This flower has three petals, in three different colors: red, yellow and blue. At this time, the red petal has lit up, and a burst of red light also shines on the body of the Iron Stick Spirit Master not far away.

Under the illumination of this red light, the many bruises and wounds on Iron Stick Soul Master's body were healing quickly, and he quickly became energetic.

In this short time, the wounds on Iron Stick Soul Master's body were almost healed.

And this is a classic soul master team.

The soul master holding the iron rod is the offensive soul master in the team, the harp woman is the control soul master, and the last woman holding the flower is the auxiliary soul master in the team.

However, there are many types of attack-type soul masters. In addition to weapon souls, there are also various animal souls.

Moreover, the types of beast spirits are also different. The more dominant ones are of course the various beasts that are originally carnivorous. The most common ones are lions, tigers and wolves. In addition, there are various elephants, giant bears, etc. There are many kinds of species, and each type is full of strange things.

Some of the more special martial spirits are venomous snakes or even giant pythons, etc., but their attack power is naturally not weak.

In addition to various symbolic instruments or items, control-type soul masters can exert different effects after training.

In addition, there are various other types of items, such as ropes, plants, etc., and of course there are animal-based control soul masters, such as poisonous snakes and spiders. Poisonous snakes can use venom to restrict the enemy's movements. Different types The venom can have different types of effects.

Spiders are similar. In addition to venom, they can also use spider webs.

As for the auxiliary soul masters, it is even more strange. In addition to the soul masters who also use various items to play a role, there are also food soul masters who can make different things.

And the battles between soul masters are often not like fighting with ordinary people, where a group of people gather together and attack each other, just like the woman holding the flower and the woman with the harp just now, their battle is more like a musical dance.

There were all kinds of strange scenes on the battlefield. Bibi Dong was flying in the sky, looking at the scene below from a distance, feeling extremely satisfied.

Every soul master here has their own unique methods, and when these different abilities are added together, they can display unexpected combat effectiveness.

As for Bibi Dong, these soul masters below are all his subordinates.

This is what makes Bibi Dong feel excited. Her efforts for so many years have indeed been in vain. She has been able to gather so many people to serve her. Throughout the ages, I am afraid she is the only one.

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly caught Bibi Dong's attention on the battlefield.

He is already a level 99 Ultimate Douluo. At the level of Titled Douluo, he is already very powerful. But even if there is only one level of difference between Titled Douluo, it is a world of difference.

The current level 99 Bibi Dong is of course one of the most powerful in the world. The number of people who can stand alongside or surpass him can be counted on one hand.

It is precisely because of this that Bibi Dong's soul power and mental power are extremely terrifying, and she can easily cover the entire battlefield with her own mental power.

At that moment, a cold breath attracted his attention, causing Bibi Dong to look suddenly in the direction from which the breath came, only to realize that there was a group of people there.

And the reason why their breath is cold is precisely because they have murderous aura and death aura on their bodies.

Although murder is not uncommon in the world of soul masters, not everyone has killed someone.

And more importantly, different methods of killing have completely different effects.

After the soldiers on the battlefield kill someone, they will have a strong murderous aura. This murderous aura is because when they kill, they rely on their own strength to kill the enemy openly and honestly.

The enemies who died under their hands may have felt panic, regret, or panic before they died, but the proportion of resentment was not high. After all, they were all fighting for their own missions, even if they died. , and he did not die because of the enemy who killed him in front of him.

But there are also people who wander in the darkness. If the person who dies in their hands has nothing to do with them, or if they were tortured before death, then these people will leave strong resentment after death.

Perhaps the resentment between one or two people will not be too strong, but when enough such resentment accumulates, a strong person like Bibi Dong will of course be able to easily detect it.

It was precisely because of this that Bibi Dong became aware of the presence of the group of people not far away.

The reason for this is, of course, because everyone in this group of people shows strong resentment, which is enough to prove that they have many lives in their hands, and they kill people only for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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