Douluo's Lying Flatten the Unicorn, Bibi Dong eavesdropping

Chapter 224, 7 monsters break into the enemy camp, disguise is very important

Chapter 224: Seven monsters break into the enemy camp, disguise is very important

The soldiers in the military camp looked strange. They looked at these people who appeared from nowhere, their eyes filled with horror.

The people in front of me all looked very young, probably about 20 years old, and there were three women among them. Although they had different styles, no matter which one they were, they were all beautiful.

The appearance of these people here shocked a group of soldiers, and they immediately understood the nature of the matter.

These people in front of me are definitely not ordinary people, and the fluctuations of soul power emanating from them are frightening.

The strength gap between the two sides was too great. The soldiers could not see the state of the people in front of them, but one thing was certain. They had such strong strength at such a young age, and they were definitely not ordinary people.

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang San and others, and they all frowned at this moment.

"Who are you? We are the official army of the Tiandou Empire. If you dare to attack the army, aren't you afraid that we will bring trouble to you?"

In their opinion, this was probably the descendant of a high-ranking soul master from Wuhun Palace who appeared in this city. Otherwise, why would these geniuses appear together, and also in the military camp?

But Tang San didn't answer their questions, he just stared at them coldly: "Take off!!"

"Take off?"

The soldiers looked confused and couldn't figure out what Tang San meant: "What are you taking off?"

"What do you say?"

Tang San shouted coldly and glanced around their clothes: "If anyone takes off their clothes too slowly, don't blame me for being merciless to you."

From the cracks in the floor, a few more bluesilver grasses came out and stuck to their bodies.

Because the Mysterious Jade Technique practiced by Tang San can make him immune to all poisons, Tang San would collect some toxins when he was free and store these toxins in the leaves of his Blue Silver Grass.

The blue silver grass had thin spikes on it. After it came into contact with the soldiers' skin, the toxin immediately penetrated into the soldiers' bodies. Under the effect of the toxin, a group of soldiers rolled on the ground in pain.

But soon, the Bluesilver Grass came into contact with them again, and after Tang San withdrew the poison, he said sadly: "If anyone takes off their clothes too slowly, I will make you suffer like this until you die. "

After the words fell, a group of soldiers couldn't help but shudder.

The total pain just now lasted less than five seconds, but such pain made them think they were dead.

Now that they heard Tang San's threat, of course they didn't dare to hesitate at all.

A group of people quickly got up and quickly took off their clothes, revealing their naked bodies.

Behind Tang San, the three little girls came to their senses at this moment, quickly covered their faces and let out a scream.

Dai Mubai quickly covered Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, and Oscar also held Ning Rongrong in his arms, preventing them from looking around.

On the contrary, Xiao Wu didn't feel anything about such a scene. Her body was just a spirit beast. On the one hand, the spirit beast itself was naked all day long, so of course being naked wouldn't make Xiao Wu feel anything.

On the other hand, Xiao Wu, as a soul beast, was even less interested in human bodies.

But when he saw that everyone else was blindfolded, he knew that this was definitely not a good thing, so he turned around.

After a while, Tang San coughed: "Everyone can turn around."

When everyone opened their eyes again, the soldiers were stripped clean and their clothes were neatly placed on the ground.

The sensitive parts of their bodies were also covered by the skirts programmed by Tang San with bluesilver grass.

Even so, these soldiers still felt embarrassed in front of several beautiful little girls.

"Let's each put on our clothes."

Although everyone stays together, as a soul master, of course everyone has their own unique way of changing clothes.

Needless to say, several boys started to take off their clothes and change clothes in such a swaggering manner.

Xiao Wu, on the other hand, transformed into a little rabbit, got into one of the clothes, transformed into an adult again, and already put on a soldier's uniform.

After Zhu Zhuqing grabbed the clothes, Dai Mubai's eyes were already shining with expectation, but Zhu Zhuqing did not give Dai Mubai a chance.

After she grabbed the clothes, she spun quickly on the spot. Her whole body became an afterimage. The clothes on her body flew around, but they always landed in the same place accurately.

After her spinning stopped, she had already changed her clothes.

As for Ning Rongrong, it was even simpler. Although she couldn't transform like Xiao Wu, nor could she use her speed to make others see clearly like Zhu Zhuqing, she was the most calm and unhurried one.

The martial spirit that should be called the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda appeared in her palm, and then quickly enlarged, covering her whole body. She just changed into a set of clothes in the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

When she changed her clothes and put away her martial spirit, she realized that Oscar was standing outside the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, staring at her with a pig-like expression on his face.

Ning Rongrong punched him in the face angrily.

"Rongrong, are you so cruel?"

"What if my handsome face is disfigured and I marry into the Qibao Glazed Sect, won't I be embarrassing the Qibao Glazed Sect?"

"is it?"

Ning Rongrong showed a wicked smile like a little devil: "Actually, our Qibao Glazed Sect doesn't care about image. As long as you have the ability, you can marry me."

"Otherwise, I will destroy your face, right?"

Before she finished speaking, her fingers that looked like peeling green onions had already landed on Oscar's face, making Oscar shudder and quickly start to retreat.

"Rongrong, I was joking."

He was so frightened that Tang San said coldly: "Oscar, Rongrong, please stop making trouble."

"Now that everyone has made their disguises, it's time for us to continue our mission."

As he spoke, he was about to walk out of the tent, but Zhu Zhuqing was more careful: "Third brother, what should we do with the other people in the tent?"

As he finished speaking, Tang San remembered that there were still several original soldiers in the tent.

He glanced at these soldiers and frowned slightly, but he quickly came up with an idea.

Pieces of bluesilver grass emerged from the ground and entangled them tightly again.

"Don't worry, these bluesilver grasses will disappear on their own in four hours. During this time, you will have to stay here."

The group of people walked out of the tent and walked deeper into the military camp.

Although the Shrek Seven Monsters had already fought against others in the ring, this was their first time participating in something like this on the battlefield, so everyone seemed very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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