Douluo scum male list, kill Yu Xiaogang at the beginning

Chapter 31 Testimonials and updates, must-see!

Remarks and updates on the release of Chapter 31, a must-read!

On the shelf testimonials:

Xiao Wu: "Brother Yi, I heard that the author will be on the shelves tomorrow at [-] noon."

Lin Yi: "Well, what's wrong?"

Xiao Wu: "Will the readers subscribe?"

Lin Yi frowned, and accused: "Xiao Wu, apologize to the readers!"

"Ah? This..." Xiao Wu was astonished, but she didn't realize what she said wrong.

Lin Yi sighed softly: "The readers who can see here obviously like this book. How much money do you think they will pay for this subscription?"

"That's what I said, but I'm worried that they won't follow up when it's on the shelves."

Lin Yi said indifferently: "The author will make a big update when he puts it on the shelf."

Xiao Wu was surprised: "Explosive update? The author's health is not good, and the cervical spine is even worse. Will the explosive update be too hard?"

Lin Yi said: "Although the author is not in good health and has a bad cervical spine, he must have the attitude of being on the shelf. Readers give him full support. As an author, how can he not be strong? Therefore, even if the cervical spine is bad, we must do more! We must fight! And When it comes to the most exciting plot, the author will not lose the chain!"

"That's it, the author is really awesome."


Notice, the next chapter will be on the shelves, and it will be on the shelves at 8:23 noon tomorrow, that is, Monday, August [-] at [-]:[-] noon.

Let me talk about what you are most concerned about first, the update.The six chapters will be updated directly at [-] noon tomorrow.

Future updates will be determined according to the results, with a minimum of three chapters per day.The average order can be [-] (Voiceover: Are you dreaming?), four times a day.The average order is [-]... (Voiceover: Don't think about it, can your readers be so fierce?)

Author's anger: All my readers are very, very powerful, so you don't need to question it.

Continue to update the topic, with an average subscription of [-], and five updates every day.

Therefore, I hope that everyone can give full support and don't get fat, because the more you give, the better the update will be.

It's on the shelves, and I hope everyone who likes this book can subscribe and support it.Writing novels is the job of the author, and living by writing novels, I believe that no one wants to work without salary, after all, they all need to make a living.If the author has no food to eat, he will not have the strength to update you frantically.If you can't subscribe to a book, you will also face eunuchs, so readers who like this book and look forward to the follow-up plot must continue to support and subscribe for support.

I sincerely hope that everyone can subscribe and support, and I also sincerely hope that those who read it on other channels and platforms can come to QQ to read it, download a QQ reading app, search for this book, bookmark and subscribe for support.Reading here is the original version. Readers who are able to read it on other platforms must subscribe to support this book. Subscription is very important!

In addition, the readership of this book: 731219614 (there are handsome men and beautiful women in it)

That's it, it will be on the shelves tomorrow at [-] noon, and six chapters will be updated directly, please subscribe!

As for what a subscription is, let me explain it to readers who don’t know it. Once it’s on the shelves, you have to spend book coins to read it. One yuan costs one hundred book coins, and one chapter costs ten book coins to read. This is a subscription.

Subscriptions are really important to a book, to an author, please!grateful!

Capable readers must download a QQ reading app, come to QQ reading, favorite, subscribe and support this book.The better the score, the better the update!

(End of this chapter)

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