My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 90 Flitwick’s proposal (Thanks to 1 little monster for the reward)

When he came to Flitwick's office, he talked about his desire to trade with the Raven Claw Club. Flitwick agreed without much thought.

"Are you planning to hatch Phoenix dead eggs?" Flitwick asked with interest.

"Yes, Professor." Snape smiled and nodded, "No one can refuse a powerful pet, can they?"

"Of course, but you'd better be mentally prepared." Flitwick reminded, "It is very difficult to hatch a dead Phoenix egg. At least, in my impression, no one has succeeded."

"I know, Professor." Snape nodded and said calmly, "Anyway, we won't have any losses. If it succeeds, it will undoubtedly be of great help to me."

"As long as you are prepared." Flitwick nodded, and just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Ah, I almost forgot, if it is that thing, it should be able to help you hatch successfully."

"What?" Snape was stunned for a moment.

"Have you heard of the 'Philosopher's Stone'?" Flitwick asked mysteriously.

"Of course!" Snape's eyes lit up and he looked at Flitwick impatiently, "Do you have a way to get the Sorcerer's Stone?"

"You can give it a try." Flitwick nodded slightly, "Maybe you don't know that the Westsmith family has always been closely related to Nico Flamel, the inventor of the Philosopher's Stone. In fact, Nico Flamel once cracked the Through the Floo Network and Floo Fans, the Westsmith family had to sell him part of the shares of the Floo Network Company to ensure that he would not leak secrets."

"In this case, their relationship shouldn't be very good?" Snape guessed, "It should be just some contact."

"In fact, on the contrary, their relationship is very good." Flitwick shook his head, "You ignored the relationship of that era, Sif."

"Don't forget, the war between wizards and the Holy See was from the fourteenth century to the seventeenth century. The wizards at that time were very united. Each wizard regarded other wizards as their brothers and sisters. Therefore, even if Nico Flamel cracked The inventor of Floo Network and Floo Powder, Igonetta Westsmith, was not angry, but praised Nico Flamel greatly and even wanted to make him his student."

"He didn't agree, did he?" Snape asked.

"Of course not." Flitwick smiled and shook his head, "Nicholas Flamel is very proud. Although his talents in other magics are average, in alchemy, he is a well-deserved genius."

"He told Igonetta Weysmith that he had to refuse him or he would be like them and not better than them, which was not what he wanted. It's all recorded in the Weysmith family history."

"He did, didn't he?"

"Ah, yes, he did it." Flitwick nodded slowly, "He cracked the Floo Network and Floo Powder at the age of 22. At the age of 30, the level of alchemy exceeded that of the time. All alchemists. At that time, everyone believed that if there was one person who could lead the alchemists to the top, then that person must be Nico Flamel."

"There was no way to improve his alchemy in his own country, so Nico Flamel chose to travel with his lover, hoping to achieve a breakthrough during the journey."

"When he appeared in public again, he had already obtained the book - "The Book of Jewish Abraham". He claimed that a god gave it to him in a dream, but people I prefer to believe that he found it from the ruins of an ancient wizard."

"I have heard of this book, and it seems that it has been completely cracked by Nico Flamel." Snape frowned, "It is recorded in "The Famous Wizards" that the cracked version of this book is called " "The Book of Hieroglyphs", the first volume is in the French royal family, and the second volume is in the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, now that the royal family no longer exists, the first volume of this book has also disappeared."

"The complete version of "The Book of Hieroglyphics" is in Beauxbatons." Flitwick said with a smile, "How could Nico Flamel let his hard work disappear. In fact, the first volume was written by Nico Flamel. Mei personally retrieved it and presented it to her alma mater.”

"However, I don't think that the "Book of Hieroglyphics" is the "Book of Jewish Abraham." Snape spread his hands, "After all, no one else can successfully produce it except Nico Flamel. The Philosopher’s Stone, isn’t it?”

"I think so too." Flitwick nodded, "So, if you want to get the Philosopher's Stone, you still have to get it from Nico Flamel."

"Professor, do you think he will agree?" Snape asked hesitantly, "I don't think he will be short of Galleons."

"Of course he won't lack that thing. The Philosopher's Stone can directly refine gold." Flitwick shook his head, "Moreover, this thing can also extend the life of wizards, so it is naturally difficult to obtain."

"But you still have to give it a try, right?"

"Then leave it to you, Professor." Snape nodded, but he didn't have any hope in his heart. He could only use it as a backup choice. The main target still depends on the Ollivander family and the Raven. Claw Mark Club executives.


At noon the next day, while Snape was still having lunch with Lily and Pandora, Susan came over.

"We agree to your terms, junior." Susan walked to Snape's side and sat down. "When can the transaction be completed?"

"Anything is fine," Snape said casually, drinking lemon juice slowly.

"Then this afternoon." Susan said softly, "I'll take leave later to go back and get what you want, and then we'll meet in your dormitory?"

"Of course. We only have one Transfiguration class in the afternoon, and I have time after class." Snape shrugged lightly.

"I'll tell you in advance." Susan nodded, stood up, and turned around to leave.

"When did your relationship become so good?" Lily asked with a smile, but her tone was filled with a sour taste.

"Don't think too much, I just have a deal with her." Snape chuckled, then reached out and rubbed the top of her head.

"Well..." Lily nodded her little head and looked at the place where Susan disappeared, her eyes thoughtful.

"By the way, Sev, Professor Binns deducted twenty points from you yesterday." Pandora reminded him, "Because you never went to class."

"It doesn't matter, it's just twenty points." Snape pointed to the scoreboard in the hall, "I think even if I don't add this score back, we will almost win."

Pandora turned around and looked over, and saw that on the scoreboard, Raven was far ahead with 440 points, and No. 2 Slytherin only had 350 points.

"Okay, you're right." Pandora looked at Snape, said softly, and nodded slightly.

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