My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 House Elf (Thanks to Alex for the soup tip)

If, in addition to the students, there are energetic creatures in Hogwarts, then the answer is undoubtedly these little creatures in front of us.

House elves, close relatives of goblins, originate from southern France, which is their hometown and the capital of the goblin Legnart dynasty.The ancestors of both are Goblins, the legendary representative creatures of greed and cunning.

Some wizards believe that goblins are a degenerate species of goblins, but the blood in their bodies has hardly changed. Therefore, the characters of the goblins are very similar to the goblins. They are greedy, despicable, evil, cunning and good at deception. All are their characteristics.

The house elf is a hybrid creature.

Some wizards believe that house elves are a mixture of goblins and imps. However, there is not much support for this theory. The reason is that imps are native creatures in the UK and are extremely rare in number, while the house elves are not. It is extremely huge.

Therefore, more wizards support another theory, that is, house elves are the descendants of goblins and Nali.

Nali is also an extremely rare creature. All the members of the group are female, and they are born with the ability to apparate. Moreover, the wizards think that no known method can stop them from apparating, not even the anti-apparition curse and the red loyalty curse. The slightest effect.

This creature and Goblin are both species left in the world after Solomon, the ancient wizard from hell, opened the gate to hell, so the combination of the two is very possible.However, since no one in the magical world has successfully captured Nali, it is unknown whether this statement is true.Moreover, this creature, like the goblins, was thought to be extinct long ago.

A famous wizard in Germany once confirmed that house elves and elves have a certain overlap in blood. According to German rumors, elves are also the descendants of Nelly and goblins.

No matter what the specific truth is, there is no evidence in the classics or other records, and these speculations can only be guesses.However, one thing that can be confirmed is that house elves are indeed close relatives of goblins and were once ruled by goblins.

In the ancient war between wizards and goblins, house elves were sent to the battlefield as an advance force, but were captured by wizards. When they were not properly guarded, the house elves rebelled, which caused a lot of trouble to the wizards. losses and almost lost the war.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient wizards hated such ugly things, and changed their original plan to execute them into enslaving them, and used magic to completely change their personalities into the opposite direction.

After generations of reproduction, house elves have become extremely servile creatures who regard serving wizards as their highest honor.

The families inherited by ancient wizards are all extremely ancient pure-blood families. This is why most house elves are in pure-blood families. Although Hogwarts is not a pure-blood family, most families are not necessarily There's the antiquity of Hogwarts.

What's more, the families of the four giants who founded Hogwarts all have extremely ancient heritage.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, how can I help you?" A house elf greeted Kingsley and Snape cheerfully.

"Bring me some sausage and butter pie, and some pumpkin juice." Kingsley stated his needs simply, and then turned to Snape and asked, "What about you, junior?"

"Steak, and lemon juice." Snape said what he wanted to eat without being polite.

"That's all?" Kingsley raised his eyebrows.

"That's enough. I'm not very hungry." Snape shook his head slightly.

"Well, if that's what you want." Kingsley shrugged, walked to a long table nearby, and sat down.

There are four long tables here, the same size as those in the auditorium, just put together. The house elves are constantly placing prepared food on the long tables.

"Come and sit." Kingsley waved to Snape, "Just be casual."

Snape nodded, and without much hesitation, he walked next to Kingsley and sat down on the other side of the table.

"How do you feel here?" Kingsley smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Not bad." Seeing the house elves busy, Snape nodded slightly.

"Okay." Kingsley looked a little disappointed, "It was very calm when I came here for the first time. You are the first one."

"Is there anything strange here?" Snape looked at Kingsley questioningly, "It's just a kitchen, isn't it?"

"You're right, this is just a kitchen." Kingsley slapped his forehead, "Honestly, you really don't look like a first-year student."

"You're not the first to say this." Snape said very directly, "But I still don't know what you want me to do."

"Relax, buddy, I just want to chat with you." Kingsley smiled and patted Snape on the shoulder, "I have been curious about you for a long time. Whether it is Professor McGonagall or other professors, they all have a special interest in you." Very high praise, even the most critical Professor Slughorn said that you are a future Potions Master."

"They were ridiculous. I just read a little more," Snape said calmly.

"No, no, no, you don't need to be so modest. We all see your talent." Kingsley shook his head and said with a smile, "I just want to make friends with you."

"I'm just a first-year freshman." Snape responded calmly, "I don't think I'm worthy of what you do."

"You don't know enough about your own future, man." Kingsley looked at him seriously, "Believe me, no wizard will refuse to make friends with a wizard who has a great future, no matter it is Pure-blood families are still ordinary wizards, I think you should understand what I mean."

"So, you are optimistic about my future?" Snape smiled, "Are you so sure?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Kingsley shrugged, "If you need anything, you can tell me directly, if I can do it. I mean, even after graduation."

"If nothing else happens, I will go to the Ministry of Magic to be an Auror. I can still help with some things."

"Okay, if you insist. Just say it first and I won't be polite." Snape said with a smile.

"Of course, it's best this way." Kingsley smiled and nodded, looking behind Snape, "Oh, our food has been made, and the speed of these little guys is really good."

Snape turned around and saw two house elves bringing two plates over.

"Gentlemen, your food is ready. Is there anything else we can do?" Placing the plates in front of the two of them, one of the house elves looked at Snape and Kingsley expectantly.

"I will call you when necessary." Snape said with a smile.

"Okay, sir, it is our honor to serve you!" The house elf bowed deeply, his long nose almost touching the floor, and then bowed and left.

"A very useful little guy, isn't he?" Kingsley glanced at the retreating house elf and looked at Snape with a smile, "Would you like me to give you one?"

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