My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 Potions Lesson (Thanks to Flying Dante for the tip)

There are gradually more students in the classroom. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are taking this class together, so the discipline is pretty good.

Well, classes without Gryffindor were rarely noisy.

After all the students had arrived, the wizard closed the classroom door.He just looked at the number of students, threw the parchment aside, and started his speech.

"Hello everyone, I am Horace Slughorn, your Potions professor. You can call me Professor Slughorn." The wizard, also known as Slughorn, said with a smile. , his mustache curled up and down as he spoke, looking very funny.

"Don't be so serious, take it easy, guys, I like it like this." Looking at the students' serious looks, Slackhorn said with a smile, "You don't need to be so formal in my class, as long as you can learn how to behave in class The content is good.”

"I like that you treat me like a friend. In fact, making friends is one of my hobbies. Maybe some people already know about it." At this point, he glanced around the classroom. Snape Noticed that his eyes stayed on Pandora for a while longer.

"Before you officially start class, as usual, I also need to introduce this subject to you."

"In the wizarding world, there are two subjects that are famous for their precision. One is alchemy, and the other is potions. There is no professor of alchemy in Hogwarts. In other words, you can here The most sophisticated subject I learned was Potions."

"Perhaps some of you have always disliked studying and like to be lazy or slack off. That's okay. I can understand it. But if you are treating Potions like this, believe me, even if I won't kick you out of class, you It’s also impossible to learn it well. This is a subject that places great emphasis on talent and hard work.”

"As a wizard who can continue to pursue potions, I want to congratulate you in advance. You have chosen the most successful path. Whether it is fame, money or status, as long as you want it, you will find that getting them is important to you. , it’s just effortless.”

"Being able to make friends with a potions master is something that I will be proud of for a lifetime. I can say without exaggeration that most of my friends are extremely noble beings. This is what this subject has brought to me. . If you can do it, you can too. If any of you can surpass me one day in the future, believe me, that will be the happiest thing for me."

Slughorn's words made the little wizards excited. They stared at him with burning eyes, and their bodies couldn't help but lean forward. The expressions on their faces told them how impatient they were.

"Well, now, I have a little test for you." Slughorn touched his belly and motioned the students to look at the booths. "There are several kinds of potions here. Let's see if you know them." How many?"

"Can anyone answer that?"

The students remained silent, and the expressions on their faces were somewhat hesitant. After a long time, Lily was the first to raise her hand.

"Oh, Miss Evans?" Slughorn looked at Lily, his eyes full of encouragement, "You can answer now, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake."

"I can only recognize one, Professor." Lily said with a slight blush, "The pink bottle is a love potion, right?"

"Yes, you admitted it right!" Slughorn responded cheerfully, "Then, its effect -"

"Love potion, it is said that those who drink it can achieve the most perfect love." Lily relaxed a little and answered crisply.

"Oh, lovely girl, although the answer is not complete, it is correct!" Slughorn pondered for a moment, "As the student who answered No. 1, I still need some encouragement. Let me see, How about five points for Ravenclaw?"

"Thank you, Professor." Lily thanked her politely.

"You're welcome, my dear, you deserve this." Slughorn said with a smile, "Then, Pandora can help fill it in, okay?"

"Okay." Pandora nodded and stood up, "The love potion is also called infatuation water. The potion is a very conspicuous pink color. This color is the only one among all known potions."

"This potion does not have a fixed smell. Anyone will smell their favorite smell when they smell it. Legend has it that this potion can bring love. This is true, but this kind of love is A false love, when the effect of the potion wears off, the love brought by the potion will also disappear."

"Yes, a textbook answer! Five more points for Ravenclaw!" Slughorn said loudly, and the opening on his collar became tight due to his movements.

With the examples of Lily and Pandora, the students were no longer restrained and raised their hands one after another. However, the answers were varied, with very few correct answers, and most of them were Ravenclaw students. Hufflepah Qi only got one fragrance correct.

There are three potions on the display table that no one has answered, one is transparent and colorless, one is sky blue, and the other is dark gold.

"There are three types left. Is there anyone who can answer?" Slughorn looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Snape, "Mr. Snape?"

"Professor." Snape stood up.

"You should know what these three potions are, right?" Although Slughorn was questioning, he sounded sure.

"Yes, Professor." Snape nodded.

"The colorless potion should be truth serum. In appearance and smell, this potion is very similar to the powerful sleeping potion of the Water of Life and Death. However, although the Water of Life and Death is also transparent and colorless, the color is somewhat darker. , but the color of this bottle of potion is a bit bright."

"Very well, please continue." Slughorn looked at Snape in surprise. It was obvious that Snape's performance exceeded his expectations.

"Okay, Professor." Snape nodded calmly, "The effect of Veritaserum is just like its name. With just three drops, a person can tell everything he has ever done in his life. This potion is also a favorite of Aurors, but once used in excess, it will become a poison and turn people into idiots."

"Not bad, what about this one?"

"Joy potion, light blue potion, a veritable happy potion. One drop of the potion can put people in a very good mood for the whole day. This potion is also St. Mungo's regular potion. It is used to treat wizards who have faced dementors. It works wonders.”

"Different from other potions, this potion has a very good taste. If you put a drop of joy potion into a bottle of water, it will become a very good drink, which is extremely popular among adventurers. It is also a favorite among adventurers. One of the regular drinks.”

"Great, the last one." Slughorn reminded, "This potion is a bit uncommon. Are you sure you can recognize it?"

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