My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 54 Mag’s warning (Thanks to Wen Leng and Leng for the reward)

Speaking of which, the ideas mentioned in this book are more like ancient magic. Most of what is discussed is the application of elemental transformation in war.

Take one example, the copying spell in transfiguration, as mentioned in the book, can copy the dark clouds in the sky multiple times to form large areas of rainfall, and then turn the rainfall into ice needles, thereby completing large-scale destruction. .

Can this idea be realized?Of course it is possible!However, there are some losses outweighing the gains.

In Snape's view, this magic itself is difficult to complete by one person, not even Dumbledore, because the magic power consumption is too high.With such a large magic consumption, even the most basic disarming spell is enough to achieve victory. Only in ancient times when modern magic was not completely popular, this kind of magic would have applications.

However, the idea of ​​turning rainfall into ice needles gave Snape some inspiration. The transformation of water into ice itself is not a transmaterial transformation, and the consumption of magic power is extremely small. In terms of lethality, compared with turning into metal, it is It's not much different.

It seems that even the most basic elementary transformation technique has great potential to be tapped!Snape thought to himself.

With a little inspiration, he read the book more carefully.

Flame transformation, thunder transformation... All kinds of elemental transformations inspired him a lot. Some of the applications even reminded him of an anime from the island country, which also gave him other inspirations, that is, past lives. It seems that some of the methods in the anime I watched can also be realized through magic...

Thinking of this, Snape wanted to give it a try. As soon as he took out his wand, he heard McGonagall's question: "What's the matter, Sev?"

Only then did Snape remember that this was not a dormitory. He quickly put away his wand and apologized sincerely: "Sorry, Professor, I just gained something from reading. I wanted to try it, but I forgot. This is not suitable for experiments." magic."

"Sev, I think I need to remind you that experimental magic itself is an extremely dangerous behavior. I hope you can treat it with caution." Mag looked at him seriously, with concern in his eyes.

"I can do it, Professor!" Snape felt warm in his heart, nodded solemnly, and then said with a smile, "In fact, this is just an application of elementary transfiguration, so I am somewhat confident."

"Oh?" Mag became interested, "If you don't mind, can I watch your magic?"

"Of course I don't mind." Snape smiled and shook his head.

McGonagall was satisfied and said: "Follow me!", stood up, and opened a small door on the office wall. Snape had seen a similar small door in Flitwick's office.

After following McGonagall and walking in, Snape's eyes lit up.

This is an extremely empty hall, with an area that seems to be at least [-] square meters. Although there are no lighting tools, it is very bright. Except for a few mats on the ground, there is nothing.

"This is my private room for practicing magic, and it is also a place for a symposium." Mag briefly introduced, "Now, you can use the magic you mentioned."

"Okay, Professor." Snape nodded.

He took out a copper nut and turned it into a basin. Then he pointed his wand and said, "Clear water like a spring!" A stream of water flowed out from the tip of the wand and flowed directly into the basin. He quickly caught it. Take a pot slowly.

Snape took a deep breath, focused his eyes, and used a floating spell on the water in the basin. Drops of water slowly floated out from the basin.

Snape looked at the water droplets in the air. With a finger of his wand, the water droplets turned into slender ice knives.

"Fly and fly!"

All the ice blades paused and suddenly stabbed towards the mats on the ground quickly.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk..." After a hurried sound, Snape looked over and nodded with satisfaction.

Those cushions have been stabbed into pieces!

Although it is more troublesome to use indoors, it will be much better if it is in a place with water.Moreover, letting the water float is not the first choice. It would be much faster to just pick it up with magic power and complete the transformation at the same time.

Snape calmed his breathing while secretly summarizing.

"I don't know whether I should say you are a genius or criticize you, Sev." McGonagall looked at Snape, her eyes full of complex colors, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought you were learning black magic. magic!"

Snape looked at McGonagall and said nothing.

"Maybe this is also a good thing." McGonagall gave Snape a deep look, "However, you have to promise me that you have to be cautious about the application of this kind of transfiguration. I don't want to hear about you after you graduate. The message is from Azkaban."

"I understand, Professor." Snape nodded.

"Besides, your idea should come from the book just now, right?" McGonagall stared at Snape, "Can you lend it to me? I need to check this book carefully."

"No problem, Professor." Snape took out the unnamed book and handed it to McGonagall.

"Very good!" Mag nodded, "Let's make it clear first that if there is any problem with this book, I will not return it to you. As compensation, I can personally teach you how to transform."

"Then, I hope there is something wrong with it." Snape raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

McGonagall rolled her eyes at him, but a smile reappeared on her face. Snape's words undoubtedly praised her level, which naturally made her a little happy.

Then Snape chatted with McGonagall for a while, and didn't stop until someone arrived.

"Good afternoon, Professor." The visitor was a dark-skinned boy who looked a little fat. He wore a large gold earring on one ear. His voice was a bit deep, but the cheerfulness in his tone was very clear.

"Hello, Kingsley." McGonagall smiled at him, "I thought you wouldn't come over. After all, you will graduate next year."

"Yes, Professor, in fact, this is also the last time I come here." Kingsley shrugged, "You know, I have always wanted to be an Auror, and there is really a lot to learn."

"I wish you success!" Mag said with a smile.

"Thank you, I hope so too." Kingsley smiled and nodded, "Also, Ben asked me to tell you for him that he may have to come later."

"Is there any trouble?" Mag asked.

"It is indeed a trouble for him." Kingsley said helplessly, "Elena broke up with him again, and he said he wanted to make things right. To be honest, I don't really understand their relationship. Method, as far as I know, this should be their fourteenth breakup. I have no doubt that there will be No. 15 or even more."

"Well, even so, we should still wish him success, right?" Mag raised his eyebrows, "Speaking of which, it seems like you should fall in love."

"No, I haven't had this idea yet!" Kingsley spread his hands, "Maybe my love hasn't arrived yet! However, Mr. Uquiart asked me to tell you that he misses you very much!"

"It's better for you to care about your own feelings, at least I think so!" Mag's face darkened and she looked at him.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say it!" Kingsley nodded indifferently and looked at Snape, "This is..."

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