My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 42 The Resentful Lily

"Yes, I know, Professor!" Snape nodded and asked, "But whether it is black magic or other magic, it is essentially magic, right?"

"Well, yes, you are not wrong to understand this!" Flitwick gave Snape a deep look, "It's just that, Sev, you don't know enough about magic. I don't blame you for having this idea. .”

"I can help you complete this spell, but before that, I need to ask you a question!" Flitwick said solemnly, "In your opinion, what is dark magic?"

"What is dark magic?" Snape pondered for a moment and gave what he thought was a perfect answer, "Magic that can hurt people is dark magic!"

"Haha." Flitwick smiled and shook his head, "I'm afraid your answer is not that accurate! You should know the Decomposition Curse. This magic is also extremely lethal, but it is a white magic! "

Um?Snape couldn't help but frown, and he also realized that his answer didn't seem to be that perfect.

"So, Professor, can you tell me, what is dark magic?" Snape saw Flitwick looking at him with a smile, suddenly realized something, and asked directly.

"Of course, although this should be something you should only learn in your Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I think Professor Wilson won't mind!" Flitwick raised his eyebrows, with a hint of mischief on his face.

Snape smiled, said nothing, and waited quietly to listen.

"Well, since you want to know, I can tell you." Flitwick chuckled and said word by word, "As long as it hurts the enemy and also hurts oneself, it is black magic!"

Do you hurt yourself first and then the enemy?Snape suddenly thought of Voldemort, and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

"You should know the three elements of magic, determination, emotion, and goal, right?" Flitwick asked, seeing Snape nodding and saying with a smile, "Then you don't need me to explain. Now that you know this, you should understand the nature of black magic."

"If white magic uses positive emotions, then black magic uses completely negative emotions! At the same time, no matter what kind of black magic it is, there is a magical backlash. The difference is only slight or serious."

"Take the Death Curse as an example. If a wizard uses the Death Curse frequently, his soul will be unstable or even injured! Other black magic has similar harm, but some hurt the mind and some hurt the body. Regardless of No matter what kind, black magic will harm you!"

"This is why most of the people who use black magic are dark wizards. The characteristics of black magic cause them to become a little corrupted. Can you understand this?"

Snape nodded and thought carefully.

"I'm very happy that you trust me, but when it comes to dark magic, I hope you will be cautious!" Flitwick ended Hasnap's conversation with these words, and asked Snape to leave the parchment. After getting off, she signaled him to leave.


"God, what have you done again, Sev?!" As soon as Snape walked into the lounge, Lily yelled at him, with a look of surprise on her face, "You added another honor to the college?" Fifteen points!"

"It's nothing, isn't it?" Snape smiled softly, his thoughts moved away from the dark magic, and asked with interest, "But how did you know that it was me who got the extra points this time? "

"That's what I said!" Susan didn't know when she appeared next to a few people and replied with a smile, "There are no Ravenclaw classes today. Most of the students are sleeping or reading. Only you went to find the professor. , and the extra points are also given at this time. Do you need me to cite other evidence? "

"Of course not!" Snape chuckled and shook his head, "As expected of my senior sister, she is always so wise."

"Of course, I am a real Ravenclaw!" Susan said confidently, and even puffed out her already sizable chest, which made Snape's eyelids jump.

"Come on, little boy, Ravenclaw hasn't won the Academy Cup for a long time!" Susan hugged her arms and bent down to look at Snape. A flash of whiteness and depth came into Snape's sight, "Because of you , we have a great advantage now, should I thank you properly?"

Is this, teasing me?Snape looked at the girl in front of him who was pretending to be charming with amusement.

Although Snape found it funny, Lily didn't think so. Her face sank and she was about to speak, but Pandora pulled her sleeve.

"Senior, are you trying to seduce me?" Snape raised his eyebrows and looked at Susan with a half-smile.

Susan's face turned red, she stood up straight and said openly, "Yes, but I don't seem to have tempted you!"

Snape smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Okay, I'll let you go first!" Susan grinned, "If I get the Academy Cup, maybe there will be some surprises."

Looking at Susan's back, Snape laughed dumbly. He didn't find it tempting, but found it very interesting.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" A faint voice sounded from the side. Snape turned his head and saw Lily's resentful eyes and her darkened face.

"I think everyone in Ravenclaw knows whether senior sister is beautiful or not." Snape suddenly wanted to tease the little girl and said this deliberately.

"Yes, I think this is right!" Lily sighed faintly, "Otherwise, why would you keep looking at her? If you like her, go find her, I support you!"

If he hadn't looked at the sharp little eyes and the little fists that were already turning white, Snape might have believed him.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in her!" Snape looked at the little girl who was about to burst into anger. He chuckled and stretched out his hand to rub her little head.

"Really?" Lily's face was filled with joy, and then she seemed to realize something was wrong, and she quickly forced a straight face, but the raised corners of her mouth showed her mood.

"Of course, you are much prettier than her!" Snape said with a smile.

"Okay, you have a good idea!" The little girl nodded with satisfaction, stretched out her hand, and grabbed Snape's hand.

Snape smiled slightly and rubbed her little head again.

"Alas -" Pandora sighed at this time, glanced at Lily's flat pussy, then looked down at her own pointed vagina, shrugged her shoulders, spread her hands, and shook her head slightly.

Lily naturally understood what she meant. After thinking about Susan just now, her face fell and her eyes became resentful again.


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