My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 A love rival appears (please vote, please recommend)

The train moved forward slowly, and the noisy sound spread from the window into the entire carriage. Even though the sound was so loud, it still did not make the blush on Lily's face disappear.

Snape reluctantly put down the book in his hand and looked at the red-faced little girl in front of him, avoiding his gaze.The little girl glanced at him secretly, but when she met his gaze, her beauty suddenly turned pale, and she quickly looked away. The blush that had just dissipated became stronger than before.

Isn't it just seeing two people kissing? What a big deal!Snape thought helplessly, as if the last time she accidentally barged in when he was taking a shower, he wasn't as shy as he is now, right? !

"I say......"

"Harry...ah, what did you say?" Lily suddenly said this, and then she reacted and asked him unnaturally.

Harry?What Harry?Harry hasn't...wait!Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in Snape's mind, and his face turned red, but his eyes began to look a little playful when he looked at Lily.

That's great. No wonder I blushed so much when I saw it. It turned out that I had already thought of the name of my child!

Forget it, let her go, otherwise this little face will be enough to fry an egg in a while.

Thinking of this, Snape changed the topic and pretended not to understand: "By the way, have you decided which college you want to go to?"

"College?" Lily looked at Snape as if he didn't see what she was thinking. She breathed out quietly and followed Snape's words, "Not yet. Have you thought about it?"

"Not really." Snape shook his head and frowned slightly, "Honestly, I will probably be sorted into Slytherin, but I don't want to go there."

"Why?" Lily asked curiously.

"Sorry, maybe after some time, you will know the reason. Please forgive me, I can't tell you now." Snape shook his head slightly and looked at Lily with an apologetic look.

"Well, you are always so mysterious." Lily pouted dissatisfied, and then asked enthusiastically, "How about we all go to Gryffindor, where Principal Dumbledore graduated from? , I saw it in Hogwarts: A School History."

"What's Gryffindor?" Snape thought for a moment, "Maybe it's okay, but I'm a little worried."

"Worried?" Lily raised her eyebrows, "What are you worried about?"

"You know, the four major houses of the four founders basically represent their own best personalities." Snape rubbed his wand and whispered, "Slytherin pays attention to glory, Hufflepuff Value loyalty, Ravenclaw values ​​wisdom, Gryffindor values ​​courage.”

"I don't think anyone lacks courage, but many people express courage as another word, such as - reckless!"

Lily's eyebrows were knitted tightly together and she said nothing, seemingly trying her best to understand Snape's words.

"Perhaps Ravenclaw is a better choice than Gryffindor."

"Why?" Lily asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple. Choosing the academy may be about choosing quality, but in my opinion, it's also about choosing the future." Snape put away his wand and said seriously, "We are here to learn more advanced things. In order to pursue the essence of magic, a magical and mysterious thing, Ravenclaw may be of greater help to us."

"Of course, I'm not saying that other colleges can't do this, but compared to caring about knowledge, maybe Ravenclaw is better."

After speaking, Snape said no more, but gave Lily some time to understand what he said.

After a while, Lily spoke again, her eyebrows did not open, but frowned more tightly, "But, Sev, if I want to go to Gryffindor, will you accompany me?"

"Obviously, of course I will!" Snape replied without hesitation, "I said, in fact, the pursuit of the essence of magic can be accomplished in any academy. In the end, it all depends on how you do it."

"Okay, then let's go to Ravenclaw!" Lily struggled for a while before saying, "I don't want you to give up your pursuit to accompany me."

"It's okay!" Snape stood up, walked to Lily's side, and gently rubbed her little head, "I promised Mrs. Evans to take good care of you. This is nothing, right?"


"Nothing but!" Snape interrupted Lily and looked at her emerald-like eyes seriously, "You just need to tell me that the college you really want to go to is Gryffindor. A lot, right?”

Lily pouted and nodded aggrievedly.

"Then let's all go to Gryffindor." Snape said with a smile, "But if you are surpassed by me, don't cry!"

"I won't cry!" Lily retorted loudly, and then whispered, "It's always like this, treat me like a child."

Snape laughed dumbly, rubbed her little head again, and said nothing.

"So, dear Miss Lily, may I invite you to join Gryffindor?" Snape asked with a smile.

"Then, I promise you!" Lily held her head high and spoke arrogantly, but her face was full of energy.

"Aha, look what I heard?" A slightly bohemian voice came from the door.

Snape turned his head and looked over. At some point, there were two people eavesdropping at the door.

Both of them looked handsome, one had long wavy hair, the other had messy hair and wore a pair of glasses that looked a bit old-fashioned.It was the wavy head who spoke.

Lily's face turned red again when she saw him. Of course she recognized him. This guy was the one who kissed the girl in the box that morning.

"Listen, they said they are going to Gryffindor!" There was a hint of ridicule on the wavy-headed face, "If I were you, I wouldn't be so sure."

"If I were you, before entering Hogwarts, I should at least learn how to behave, for example, know how to be polite!" Snape looked at the wavy head, with a touch of sarcasm on his lips, "Or, you are just here to let me Do you look more embarrassed?"

"Who do you think you are talking to, kid?" Wave-head's face suddenly darkened, "If you have any knowledge, you should know what the surname 'Black' represents!"

"What does it mean?" Snape said casually as he gently pulled out the wand, "Does it make your magic more powerful? I'd like to see it!"

"You..." Wave Tou's eyes widened, and he was about to say something, but was pulled by his partner next to him.

"James, you shouldn't stop me!" Wavy Head glanced at his partner dissatisfied.

The man with glasses did not speak, his eyes were all on Lily, and a smile appeared on his face: "Hello, girl, nice to meet you, my name is James Potter, you can call me James. "

"So, can you tell me your name?"

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