My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 The days before school starts (please vote, please collect)

Later, Ollivander began to choose a wand for Lily. The process was similar to Snape's original experience. He measured the data and tried one after another.

Unlike Snape, Lily got the wand that suited her best without a few tries: willow, unicorn hair, ten and a quarter inches, flexible and sensitive, suitable for transfiguration. .

At Snape's suggestion, Lily bought another wand maintenance kit, which could be used for one year. After Ollivander's discount, she only paid seven Galleons and three Sickles, compared to Snape himself. The wand is several times cheaper.

However, Snape was not unbalanced. After all, his wand was the work of three major wand-making masters, and it was not comparable to the wands that Ollivander like Lily could easily make.

After dropping off Snape and Lily not far from their home, Dumbledore left

After looking at the large and small bags here, Snape had to send Lily home, and then returned to his home alone with a large bag of things.

When Snape returned home, Tobia was already at home. After seeing what Snape brought back, he was about to say something, but he saw Snape's cold eyes and the wand that had been drawn out, and quietly He swallowed and suppressed the words he wanted to curse out.

He had secretly seen Snape smash a stone to pieces with his wand!He also doesn't think his head is harder than a rock.

Although he knew that Snape would most likely not kill him. After all, if he killed him, the family would have no income. However, he did not dare to bet on that eventuality. If he was really angered, his life would be lost. , then it’s really irreversible.

Although it seems funny that a grown man would be afraid of a ten-year-old kid, making a fool of himself is nothing compared to his fate.

Snape was still very satisfied with Tobias' knowledge. As long as he didn't disturb himself, he didn't bother to trouble the other party.If you have that time, you might as well learn more magic.

In the following period, while Snape was practicing magic, he had another task, which was to help Lily preview. As expected, Lily's talent was indeed high enough, especially in transfiguration.

Snape didn't know what kind of academic master Hermione, later known as "Miss Know-It-All", was, but in his opinion, Lily was at least no worse than her.

Have you ever seen someone who can memorize a book of "Herbalism: Elementary" in just one night?Have you ever seen someone master the first-year Transfiguration content in just one week?

To be honest, Snape was shocked by Lily's talent. Maybe she wasn't so serious before?Now that you have the magic wand, is it true learning?

No matter which one it was, Snape was very happy, but with it came a lot of pressure. He had started learning magic so long in advance, and he didn't want to be easily surpassed by a little girl.

During this period, an incident occurred.

Lily told Snape that her sister always borrowed owls from her and she wanted to give this owl to her sister.

Snape said that she could make the decision on such a small matter, but the little girl solemnly told him that she had to seek Snape's opinion because the owl was jointly owned by the two of them.

The little girl's words made Snape feel a little ripple in his heart, and then he said generously that as long as she was happy, it was just an owl, nothing like that.

Snape really didn't care about this, but his behavior moved the little girl very much, so Snape received a kiss from the little girl - of course, on the face.

This made Lily blush for a long time. Even when she was practicing magic with Snape, her face was still red and she became even more attached to Snape.

Regarding the matter of Petunia borrowing the owl, Snape felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that this girl should have secretly written a letter to Dumbledore as written in the original book. .

Well, it looks like she still hasn't given up on the idea of ​​becoming a wizard.

Snape is understandable. After all, who has seen the magic of magic with his own eyes, who can control it?After all, Penny is just a child who hasn't grown up yet.

Even her younger sister can become a wizard, so there is no reason why her elder sister can't. This is probably the most intuitive idea in Penny's mind.

Thinking of this, Snape didn't want to stop him anymore. After many attempts to no avail, she probably gave up.

Although he has the senior's notes, Snape is just a newbie who has just entered the magical world. Whether it is knowledge or connections, he has almost zero. If he wants to achieve any research results, for him now It's simply unrealistic.

Therefore, it was best for Petunia to realize that she had no chance of becoming a wizard.

After secretly observing several times, Snape also noticed that Petunia was indeed lost for a while, but with the comfort of Mrs. Evans and Lily, she quickly got better, and then she never mentioned becoming a wizard again. He also told Lily that if she had a chance, she must bring her a gift.She also told the Evanses that Eton College was also a good choice.

Lily smiled happily, Mr. and Mrs. Evans smiled, and so did Snape.This should be the best option now.

In short, everything is developing in a good direction.

My efforts were finally not in vain!Snape thought to himself.

Now the relationship between the three is completely different from that in the original book. The two sisters did not turn against each other because of jealousy. Snape did not stay away from Petunia forever, but became one of the best friends. Lily's attitude towards Snape It’s also better than in the original work.

The most important thing is that Snape walked into the Evans house, and the Evans couple even said several times that they would not mind finding a son-in-law in advance, as long as Snape was willing.

Every time they heard this, Lily and Petunia's eyes seemed to turn into light bulbs, waiting for Snape's answer.

Snape was the same every time, quietly changing the topic, but feeling secretly bitter in his heart.

You won't let the two sisters turn against each other because of you, right?Snape thought shamelessly, although, looking at the current situation, this possibility is really not small.

Don't worry about it now, let's talk about it later. Anyway, I am still young now. Although the two little girls are developing well, they are not completely tempted by me. They are not pedophiles, so I can't say anything.

In this ordinary yet extraordinary, warm yet strange atmosphere, September [-]st arrived so quietly...

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