My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 14 The Arrival of the Professor (1) (Please bookmark and vote)

Today is a beautiful sunny day. In this city known as the Fog City, such weather is rare. At this time, people living in this city are always in a very good mood.

The same goes for the Evans family.

However, their happiness is not simply due to their mood.

"Sev, how did the professor from Hogwarts come here?" Lily asked her good friend excitedly, "Is it like in the storybook, flying here on a broomstick?"

"Maybe, I don't know for sure!" Snape shook his head and looked at the little girl who was holding his arm tightly, "However, I think it is necessary for me to remind you that what you are grabbing is mine. Arms, not anything else.”

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Lily looked down and realized that she seemed to have used too much force just now. She quickly apologized and winked at Snape, "But I think you won't mind, right?"

"No, I mind!" Snape retorted expressionlessly, "In fact, I don't have many clothes, this is the only one without patches, and now, it may need it too! "

The little girl didn't understand Snape's meaning for a moment, so she looked again at the place where she had just scratched. A small round hole in the clothes was exposed on Snape's arm, and there was also a trace of bruises on the skin inside. Marked.

"Did I do this?" Lily asked in disbelief, "I didn't know that I still have such great strength!"

So, your focus is your strength?

Snape glared at her, but received a mischievous grimace, and said nothing more. He just silently took out his wand and pointed at his clothes: "Recover as before."

There was just a "swish" sound, and the original hole was completely gone, and the clothes returned to their original shape, as if it had never been damaged again.

"Ah, Sev, you didn't tell me that you could do this!" Lily's eyes suddenly widened, her pretty face full of shock, "You actually learned magic!"

"This is not difficult." Snape said calmly, "You can do it in the future. Isn't that what we plan to learn now?"

Listening to what Snape said, Lily's face became a little more hopeful. She didn't know what she thought of, but after a while, she actually laughed stupidly.

"It's amazing!" Mrs. Evans also looked at Snape in surprise, "How did you do it?"

"It's just a little magic!" Snape smiled slightly, "Maybe you don't know that Lily has actually read some magic books, but she doesn't have a wand now and can't cast it yet."

"Yes, I remembered it!" Lily slapped her forehead, "Sif lent me a few books before, and I did read them. However, I stopped reading them after that, so I forgot about them."

"In other words, Lily can be like you in the future?" Mrs. Evans asked happily.

"Of course, this is not difficult." Snape returned with a smile, "I think Lily will definitely become an amazing wizard in the future. This little trick will be nothing to her in the future."

"I hope you're right, I'd like to lend you some good advice!" Mrs. Evans smiled, nodded, and said nothing more, but her eyes scanned the wall clock much faster.

Snape saw the interest and expectation in Mrs. Evans's eyes, smiled slightly, and said nothing more.

The time quickly came to the time mentioned in the notice, but nothing happened in the room.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans quietly breathed a sigh of relief. It was hard to tell whether they were happy or disappointed, but Lily was completely disappointed.

Just as Lily was about to say something, there was a sudden knock on the door.


The Evans couple almost jumped up from the sofa as if their tails had been stepped on. Lily's face also had a hint of expectation and fear of the unknown, and she couldn't help but lean closer to Snape.

Under everyone's gaze, Mr. Evans stood up, swallowed, and prepared to open the door.

"Bang!" With a sound, Mrs. Evans grabbed Mr. Evans' hand, her mouth moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, and the look in her eyes could not tell whether she was excited or nervous.

Mr. Evans forced a smile at his lover, took a deep breath, patted her hand, then forced himself to calm down and walked towards the door.

Snape looked at the family acting as if they were not facing a professor but some beast. Although there was no expression on their faces, he was laughing like crazy in his heart.

Well, this situation is indeed understandable, but knowing it, I still find it very interesting.

Lily suddenly turned her head and looked at Snape suspiciously: "Why do I always think you are thinking about something rude, Sev?"

"No, you are overthinking." Snape shook his head and denied, "You are probably too nervous, Lily."

Under Lily's suspicious gaze, Snape kept his expression unchanged and did not let her see anything.

"Okay, maybe you are right, I am really nervous now." Lily lay next to Snape's ear, "Sev, tell me, will this professor who came here see me and tell me, They made a mistake, and I won't be able to learn magic, and I won't be able to go to school with you."

The little girl's soft, milky body was half leaning on Snape's body, causing his body to stiffen suddenly, almost leaving him with no intention to listen to what she said.

It should be said that he is worthy of being a European. He is only 11 years old and he has committed a foul like this. What will he do in the future?

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Snape's mind, which scared him. He quickly suppressed the thought that should not have appeared in his mind and said: "Don't think too much, you can't do it, don't forget it." , you have the ability of a wizard in your body, we already knew that, didn’t we?”

"But..." Lily was still a little worried about what she wanted to say just now.

"Don't worry, I know what you are going to say!" Snape grabbed the little girl's hand, "Don't worry, what you are worried about will not happen. In the history of Hogwarts, no admission notice has been issued yet. If it’s wrong, don’t worry!”

"Okay...Okay!" The little girl nodded and said nothing more.

Snape looked at her and saw that she was no longer nervous. He just wanted to let go of her hand, but failed.

Forehead?Snape was stunned, and looked at the little girl again, but found that she had turned her face in another direction, and the blush had spread to behind her ears, betraying her inner shyness.

So, am I being picked up by a girl?Or a little girl who just turned 11 years old?Snape gave up the idea of ​​letting go of his hand, but this thought came to his mind.

During the interaction between Snape and Lily, under the watchful eye of Mrs. Evans, Mr. Evans walked to the door and opened it.

"Good morning, Mr. Evans! The weather is really nice today. Maybe we should go have a raspberry ice cream later. I like that! By the way, I'm from Hogwarts. You can call me Deng. Professor Bullydo!"...

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