My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 112 On the platform (please collect, please reward)


The train moved forward quickly, and a long stream of steam drew a long white line along the roof of the car.

Snape leaned against the window of the carriage, looking at the passing scenery outside. Thinking of the place he was about to return to, he felt surprisingly calm for a moment.

Next to them, Lily and Pandora were chatting happily. Of course, it was Lily talking more and Pandora listening.

"...Sifu? Sifu!"

Snape suddenly came to his senses, looked away from the window, and looked at Lily in confusion: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I've been calling you for a long time, what are you thinking?" Lily looked at Snape with a bit of dissatisfaction and a bit of confusion.

"Actually, I didn't think about anything." Snape shrugged, "I was just looking at the scenery. By the way, if you called me, what's the matter?"

"Yes, Sev." Lily suddenly became excited again, "Pandora just said that she would let us visit her home during the holidays. What do you think?"

"A guest?" Snape raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Pandora said calmly, "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Ah, that's true." Snape nodded, "It's just that now is not a good time to be a guest. If possible, it is best not to move around outside in the near future."

"Why?" Lily asked in surprise.Although Pandora didn't speak, the look she looked at Snape also expressed her doubts.

"I have no way to explain it. If you believe me, then just do as I say." Snape shook his head and said.

"I believe you, Sif." Lily nodded without hesitation, then looked at Pandora apologetically, "I'm sorry, Pandora, I'm afraid I can't go to your home for the time being."

"It doesn't matter." Pandora shook her head slightly, "Sif will definitely not harm us. Although I don't know the reason, I believe that he did not say that without reason."

Seeing that both girls were willing to believe in him, Snape couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face and nodded lightly.

It's not that I don't want to tell the reason, it's just that I really have no way to explain it. I hope nothing will happen.Snape thought to himself.



There was a long whistle, and the train gradually stopped.The students rushed outside impatiently, and there were already many parents waiting on the platform.

Among them, there were several carriages parked in the front position, one of which looked the most luxurious. The carriages were not pulled by horses, but by several magical creatures that looked similar to giant dragons.

These magical creatures look almost exactly like dragons, except that their tails are much longer and their bodies are not that big.

Snape could tell at a glance that this was a subspecies of dragon—a subspecies of wyvern.

It is said that this kind of dragon was specially bred by a dragon farm in Romania for pulling carts.Since this magical creature is a sub-dragon species and has been specially cultivated, it is naturally worth a lot of money and consumes a large amount of money every day. It can be said that without a certain family background, it is impossible to support this thing.

The Malfoys?Seeing the familiar figure with long pale blond hair walking toward the carriage, Snape's eyes flashed slightly. Just as he was about to look away, he found that the other person was already looking at him and waving to him.

Snape hesitated for a moment, then said to Lily: "Wait for me." and walked over.

"Hello, Junior Snape." Lucius had a reserved smile on his face.

"Hello, Senior Malfoy." Snape nodded slightly, "Call me over. What can I do for you?"

"It's nothing." Lucius said with a smile, "Please forgive me, my father is very curious about what the young genius wizard I have always admired looks like. I hope I have not made it difficult for you."

"This is my father." Lucius pointed to the side, and then stepped back slightly.

"I have been listening to Lucius talking about an outstanding junior student he knew." Old Malfoy smiled slightly and looked at Snape, "Now, I have satisfied my curiosity. Abraxas Malfoy salutes you, young genius."

"Severus Snape." Snape briefly introduced himself and complimented with a smile, "In fact, Senior Malfoy has many excellent things worth learning from, but he is humble and noble. It always makes people ignore his own excellence, even himself."

"You are very good at talking, Mr. Snape." Abraxas smiled, his pale skin seeming to reflect the sunlight, "The Malfoy manor is always open to friends. If you are willing, you can come over as a guest at any time. There With a drink as beautiful as a redbud flower, you will definitely love it.”

"Thank you for your consideration, it's my honor." Snape replied with a smile, "Unfortunately, I have been a little busy recently, so I can only postpone this invitation. I hope the Malfoy family will not take offense."

"Of course not. I've already said that you can come over at any time if you want. I believe you won't be disappointed there."

"Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely bother you, as long as you don't dislike it."

"Looking forward to your visit." Abraxas replied with a smile, "Then, we will excuse you now. Lucius's mother misses him very much. Please understand a mother's anxiety."

"Of course." Snape smiled and nodded, "To be honest, I'm already a little jealous. Even Merlin would yearn for a happy family."

"This is what I am most proud of." Abraxas smiled and nodded.

Watching the Malfoy family's carriage leave, Snape was calm on the surface, but he kept thinking in his heart. If nothing unexpected happened, Voldemort would soon start to attack the Ministry of Magic. The Malfoy family should have already begun to surrender to Voldemort, and he was still Just be more careful,

"What are you thinking about, Sev?" Lily walked up to Snape's side at some point, and said with a hint of grievance, "Everyone else is about to leave, and I'm worried that my mother will be impatient. "

"Ah, sorry, I was just thinking about something." Snape then noticed that there were not many people on the platform that was bustling just now.

"Let's go." With that said, Snape took Lily's little hand and walked out.

As soon as they walked out of the wall, the Evans family waiting at the station door saw them.Lily also noticed her family for the first time, cheered, pulled Snape and trotted over, and jumped into the arms of Mrs. Evans.

"Mom, I miss you so much!" Lily said muffledly in Mrs. Evans's arms.

"Me too, my child!" Mrs. Evans smiled and hugged Lily tightly, but there was a glimmer of light hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing the happy scene among the Evans family, Snape suddenly felt a sense of loneliness. After smiling slightly, he quietly walked outside without disturbing the laughter of the family of four.

As soon as he walked out of the station, Snape was stunned. His eyes stared at the familiar figure that appeared in front of him, his mouth opened, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Let's go back." Erin said calmly.

Snape nodded silently, feeling suddenly extremely complicated...

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