My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 The Green Dragon Incident is over (Thanks to the original diamond candy for the reward)

Not long after, in a blaze of fire, Fox returned to the cave with several wizards wearing Ministry of Magic uniforms.

"Oh, long time no see, Eugenia." Dumbledore saw the blond witch at the head and said hello with a smile.

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore." Eugenia Jenkins' serious expression softened slightly, "I sincerely hope that everything is well with you."

"Of course, this old man like me should have a few more years to live." Dumbledore said with a smile, and then he changed the subject, "I think you must have seen the letter I wrote to you."

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Eugenia pointed to the wizards standing behind her, "The ones I brought here are all elite Aurors. A wild dragon is no small matter, I Professor."

"Ah, I know." Dumbledore nodded with a smile and pointed behind him, "Then, you can take it away. Oh, by the way, don't forget to leave some dragon blood for me. Recently, I Kind of obsessed with this stuff.”

"Um..." When Eugenia saw the sleeping dragon, she couldn't even speak for a moment, and there was a hint of embarrassment on her face.Such a large formation came over, but the danger had been eliminated long ago. This suddenly reminded Snape of a certain profession in the Muggle world.

"It seems that our trip was in vain." Eugenia quickly reacted and smiled self-deprecatingly, "But I still want to thank you, Professor, you have helped us a lot."

"It doesn't matter, just don't forget my dragon blood." Dumbledore shrugged lightly, "My magic can last for at least one day. This time should be enough for you to place it."

"No problem." Eugenia smiled and nodded, then turned her head slightly and nodded to the several Aurors behind her.

The Aurors saw their minister's actions and immediately stepped forward. One Auror opened the suitcase in his hand and placed it on the ground. The other Aurors immediately flew into the air on their broomsticks and faced the dragon. The wand was extended.

"Prepare the levitating spell!" a wizard who seemed to be the leader shouted loudly, and the Aurors pointed their wands at the sleeping Welsh green dragon.


As soon as the leading Auror finished speaking, a magical beam of light was shot out from the wands of the Aurors. The beam of light wrapped around the entire green dragon like a chain.This is one of the advanced uses of the Levitation Charm, and Snape had seen it in his third-year charms textbook.

The Aurors all stared seriously at the green dragon, which was already heavily entangled with magic beams, waiting for the next order to arrive.

"3, 2, 1, up!" the leading Auror said again. The Aurors raised their wands, and the green dragon floated directly from the ground and moved towards the box.

"Come here." The lead Auror said, riding a broom, and took the lead to move towards the box. The other Aurors followed closely. After reaching the top of the box, the Aurors carefully put the dragon down and waited until they saw it. The dragon had completely entered the box, and the Aurors secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Eugenia kept watching the Aurors' movements until the Aurors placed the green dragon in the box, and then the seriousness on her face faded and was replaced by a smile.

"Thank you again for your support, Professor Dumbledore, you have really helped me a lot." Eugenia said with a smile, "If there is anything I can help with in the future, please feel free to do so."

"Of course, I will." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Now, you'd better place this dragon as soon as possible to avoid any accidents, what do you think?"

"That's a good suggestion." Eugenia smiled and nodded, "Then I'll excuse you."

Dumbledore nodded and moved his hand forward to signal them to do whatever they wanted.

"Connelly, let's go. Remember, protect the things in your arms!" Eugenia ordered the leader of the Aurors in a cold voice, nodded to Dumbledore again, and left with an Apparition. Got here.

"Mr. Principal Dumbledore." After Cornelius watched Eugenia leave, he immediately looked at Dumbledore, "Can you please guide me? To be honest, this is my first time here, and I don't know what to do. Where to go."

"No problem, Fawkes will help you." Dumbledore said with a smile, and then glanced at Phoenix Fawkes, who was hovering in mid-air.

"Qiang——" Fox shouted, nodded to the Aurors, and then quickly flew out.

"Thank you, let's take our leave first." Cornelius bowed slightly, then led the Aurors onto the broom and left with Fox.

Watching the Aurors leave, Dumbledore turned to look at Snape: "Let's go, dear, we should go back."

"Good idea, but before that, should we put those away?" Snape lightly shrugged and pointed his finger at the place where the Welsh Green Dragon had been lying.

"Aha, you reminded me." Dumbledore seemed to have just remembered and slapped his forehead. "My child, please forgive an old man's memory. I didn't mean to ignore it. But you are right. , we should put these away. Dragon Breath Crystal is a relatively rare material."

Dragon Breath Crystal, the product of the solidified breath of wild dragons, is widely used in alchemy and potion science, with a market price of fifteen to twenty galleons per gram.

The information about the Dragon's Breath Crystal flashed in Snape's mind. This kind of thing is quite rare, and the price is naturally very beautiful. For him, this is a windfall from heaven.

As for what Dumbledore said about forgetting, Snape said that just listen to this. If you really believe it, he is really the biggest fool in the wizarding world.

After a "friendly" discussion with Dumbledore, Snape "generously" said that he only wanted half, and the rest was voluntarily donated to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore also said that he could pay Snape Galleons at the market price. Snape said "angry" that Dumbledore's words were insulting to him and that he himself was from Hogwarts. As a member, Mr. Principal, you can't be so selfish, you can't just allow yourself to give without letting others express themselves.

In the end, Dumbledore accepted half of the Dragon's Breath Crystal "ashamedly", praised Snape profusely, and said that as soon as he returns to school, he will give Ravenclaw a hundred points. , to praise Snape's "noble sentiments" and "selfless dedication."

On the way back, Dumbledore "suddenly" remembered that Hagrid had also seen these dragon breath crystals. Logically speaking, Hagrid should have a share.Snape "generously" said that he would give Hagrid half. After all, there were only two of him and Hagrid, and Dumbledore was responsible for the entire Hogwarts.

Dumbledore once again praised Snape, saying that Snape was the most outstanding student he had ever seen.

Hum, old bee!Snape secretly despised it, but the smile on his face became brighter.

Dumbledore was also smiling, but there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes...

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