My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 100 The test begins (Thanks to book friend 201809****6661 for the reward)

The Philosopher's Stone, Nicolas Flamel's famous work, is also known as the highest achievement of alchemy.

The Philosopher's Stone can refine metals into silver and mercury into gold. In addition, the Philosopher's Stone can also make people immortal. Just look at the Flamel couple and you will know that they are already over 50 years old. But he still looks like he is about [-] years old.

Not only that, the reason why the Philosopher's Stone is hailed as the highest achievement of alchemy is that it does not seem to follow the basic law of alchemy-equivalent exchange.

This is what makes all alchemists flock to it. Of course, immortality is also one aspect.

However, after Snape finished translating these two pages of parchment, he finally knew where the Philosopher's Stone came from. Although this thing was also very magical, it still did not go beyond the scope of alchemy.

To put it simply, the magic stone is a polymer, which is condensed from the purest flesh, blood and soul of human beings.In other words, the Philosopher's Stone is actually a true dark magic item.

Snape was also shocked when he saw this. According to the records on the parchment, the production of each magic stone requires the flesh, blood and soul of at least 10 people.

It seems that Nico Flamel is also a wizard who does not take human life seriously!Snape thought to himself.

However, after knowing this news, Snape felt relieved. His ultimate goal was to hatch the Death Phoenix. Since the origin of the Magic Stone is this, it means that this thing is useful for the Death Phoenix.

Thinking of this, Snape couldn't help but become more interested in studying the parchment.


On the day of Nico's deadline, Nico didn't go anywhere. He kept sitting on the sofa at home, waiting for Snape to come out of the study.

"Creak -" With a sound, the door of the study room opened, and Snape walked out. Seeing Nico looking at him, he subconsciously said hello: "Hello, Mr. Flamel, you don't seem to have gone out. ?”

"Of course not." Nico smiled and shook his head, raising his teacup to Snape, "Come and sit."

"Okay." Snape nodded, walked over and sat down.

"The weather is very nice today, a good day isn't it?" Nico asked with a smile.

"You're right." Snape glanced at the bright sunshine outside, nodded, and agreed with Nico's statement.

"I hope such good weather can bring you some good luck." Nico looked at Snape with a smile, "I'm looking forward to your performance."

"You shouldn't be disappointed." Snape smiled confidently.

"Very good, let's get started." Nico smiled and nodded.

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and no other movements were seen. He didn't even take the wand, and several materials appeared on the table.

"I think you should know all of these things, right?" Nico looked at Snape and asked.

Snape nodded and motioned for Nico to continue.

"My test is very simple. Use what you learned on the parchment I gave you to make an alchemy item." Nico pointed to the materials on the table. "As long as you refine something that satisfies me, even if You passed."

Snape was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded and nodded: "I need a laboratory."

Nick smiled and snapped his fingers: "Peppa."

There was a soft "pop" sound, and an old house elf with a long beard appeared in the living room.

"Master!" The house elf bowed deeply.

"Take Mr. Snape to the laboratory." Nico ordered softly.

"Okay, Master." The house elf bowed again, and then looked at Snape, "Dear sir, please follow me."

"Then, I'll go over first, Mr. Flamel." Snape bowed slightly to Nico.

"I hope you will surprise me, child." Nico looked at Snape with expectation in his eyes, "You are not the first person to accept my test, and I can also tell you that until now, no one has ever No one has ever done it. Not even Albus."

"Then I want to be the first one!" Snape smiled confidently yet reservedly.

"I hope so too." Nick smiled and signaled that he could leave.Snape bowed again and left with the house elf.


"You seem to treat that child differently, Nico." Perenelle walked out of the kitchen, sat down next to Nico, and looked at Nico, "I have never seen you treat anyone He is so caring, even when he treats Dumbledore."

"You're right, my dear." Nico looked at his wife with a smile, a tenderness flashing in his eyes, "I do have a good impression of him."

"Why?" Perenel raised an eyebrow, with surprise on his face, "Is he better than Dumbledore?"

"I'm not sure about this." Nico shook his head, "But, I'm sure that he is better than Albus - how to put it, it should be - pure, yes, pure."


"Yes, that's it." Nico nodded, "Albus is also very talented, but I'm sure he is no longer what he was when we first met. Don't forget, the reason why we became friends , because of his attitude towards magic at that time."

"You mean..." There was a hint of thoughtfulness on Perenel's face, and she had guessed what Nico was thinking.

"Dear, you know, we will live a long time." Nico said softly, "To be honest, I am really selfish because I let you stay with me for so long because of my own thoughts."

"Oh, don't say that." A blush flashed across Perenelle's face, "You know, this is of my own free will."

"Yeah, I know." Nico held his wife in his arms and said to her with a smile, "We have been living for centuries. It can be said that there is nothing that can attract me except some new and interesting things. Change, then only magic remains.”

"I know, you told me." Perenelle nodded, adjusted her posture slightly, and leaned comfortably in Nico's arms.

"Yes, you know, and I have said it more than once." Nico nodded with a smile, "Although it has been so long, for me, it seems like I just learned magic yesterday. Magic The road is so long and I really hope to find a partner who has the same goals as me.”

"You are also looking forward to seeing what the scenery is like at the end of magic, right?"

"You're right, I'm looking forward to it." Perenel nodded, "However, he is still a little too young, isn't he?"

"Age is not a problem, my sweetheart." Nico smiled and hugged his lover tighter, "Besides, if he can live to 1 years like us, we are just a little older than him, right?"

"Well, you are always right." Perenel kissed Nico gently on the face, with a flash of obsession in his eyes.

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