seven elves

Chapter 4 Foreign Languages ​​School

Three years later, Chizi was admitted to the College of Foreign Languages ​​with the best grades, while Guan Ping also dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school to help in the wholesale department.

When Ako was in his senior year of high school, his younger brother also got married, and his wife was a female classmate of his. No wonder this boy had no interest in studying. It turned out that he fell in love early, and only closed the door two years later.

Chizi said jokingly: "You kid, you are not good at studying, but you are good at dating. People say that rabbits don't eat the grass around the nest, so you just pick the grass around the nest to chew, good!"

"Brother! I'm not like you. I don't listen to what's going on outside the window. I only read books about saints and sages. I can't read well, but I know that fair ladies are good. Gentlemen like this. They should find a lovely beauty by their side as soon as possible. , is also one of the great pleasures in life!" Guan Ping knew it well.

Chizi smiled and said: "It seems that you are not ambiguous in the face of the major issues in life, and you know how to find someone to back you up early!"

On the night when he was about to report to school, Guan Gong said to Guan Yi: "I've thought about it, you are so promising, there is no need to go back to the wholesale department to occupy a position!"

"Even if I go out to beg for food, I won't go back to the wholesale department to see my stepmother's face!" Chizi said firmly.

Guan Gong was full of praise: "Good son! If you are ambitious, I have thought about it. I will give you half of the family property. After you graduate from college, you can develop in the city instead of living in this small town!"

"Can Yang Li agree to this?" Chizi asked.

Guan Gong said: "She brought this up on her own initiative. She just wants to live a good life with her son and daughter-in-law. She feels that having more things to do is worse than having less to do!"

The child is grateful. There is no blood relationship between him and this family at all, and he should not accept their gifts. But if he doesn't, how can he graduate from college?

It is only wise to borrow them first, and then think of ways to repay them later when you have the ability, not to mention that you are still using the skin of someone else's son now?

Chizi knows: The asteroid he is on is called the "Devil-Suppressing Star", and the colorful stone is the core. Only by gathering seven kinds of colored light together to form a powerful light source can the demons and monsters on the earth be suppressed. He dare not Wrecklessly commit chaos to prevent the doomsday crisis from coming.

Now, the demon-suppressing star has been completely destroyed, a group of demons have begun to dance, devils are rampant, thieves are rampant, even the sun's rays no longer have the penetrating power of the past, and the moon has become hazy.

The colorful stones have long been scattered all over the earth and turned into elves, each wearing a different coat. Even with him, there are only four in the country, and the other three have been abandoned abroad. If you want to find them, You must learn three foreign languages ​​well before you can go abroad and find them.

So, he applied for the College of Foreign Languages, and now he got his wish, which made him very excited. Guan Gong also gave him a large sum of money, which was really a "help in times of need"!

On the first day of school, Chizi met two classmates, a boy and a girl, at the gate of the campus. They were Cao Jun and Ye Junqing. They were both classmates in high school. What a coincidence!

Cao Jun and Ye Junqing both lived in the county town, but Chizi lived in Tonggu Town in a remote mountainous area, so after graduating from high school, they went their separate ways and had no communication links.

When he was in high school, Guan Gong was under the supervision of Yang Li, and the living expenses given to him every semester were limited. Except for the tuition fee, which was a large amount of money and could not be moved, the other expenses were small amounts.

I received two pieces of pocket money during the process. One was the pocket money that Guan Gong received when he purchased goods, and the other was the pocket money that Guan Gong received when he purchased goods.

The amount was the living expenses Guan saved. Although the money was not much, it showed the true love between the two father and son.

In school, Chizi is also very frugal. On Saturday night, other students go out in groups to drink and sing karaoke, but he hides in the school library to read extracurricular reading materials. The same is true on Sundays. The library has become his absorption Knowledge nourishment and a place that doesn’t cost money.

Therefore, he did not have many "best friends" in school, but Cao Jun, whose family was in the county, had good economic conditions, was his deskmate, and had similar academic performance. He asked him to go out to play many times, but he politely refused. .

Cao Jun said sincerely: "Guan Yi! I know that you are from a mountainous area and your economic conditions are not very good, but I have money to use without you paying. Can I treat you to it?"

"If you pay every time and I wipe my mouth with lime every time and eat for nothing, do you think I can feel at ease?" He asked, and Cao Jun was speechless.

He avoided Ye Junqing even more. He was a rich man and a girl, so he didn't want to be misunderstood.

But things in the world are so weird, but Ye Junqing has a very good impression of him, not only a good impression, but also a kind of admiration, but it's a pity that "the falling flower is intentional, the flowing water is ruthless"! "

This time when they met, Chizi was different. He said sincerely:

"You two! When I was in high school, I deliberately alienated you because of someone's financial constraints and the relationship between men and women. It was really a helpless move. Please forgive me!"

Cao Jun asked: "What now! What are your plans? Are you no longer planning to retreat?"

"Of course! The fact that we are separated and reunited proves that we are destined to meet each other. It is said that if we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but if we are not destined to meet each other in the opposite direction, I will accompany you to the end no matter what you do in the future!" Chi Zi said very definitely.

Ye Junqing asked intentionally: "What about me! Are you still planning to stay away?"

"No need to avoid it! Now that we are in college and it's the 21st century, I won't avoid it anymore. Just like I did with Cao Jun, the three of us became a rope and worked hard in one place. As for personal emotional issues, we just let them take their own course. Bar?"

When Chi Zi said these words, even Ye Junqing was shocked. Although she had this intention, she did not have the courage to say it to her face, and there was Cao Jun next to her?

Cao Jun said: "Then let's go to the restaurant to drink and eat now to celebrate our reunion!"

"I will be the host this time. No matter how much you spend, it will be settled with one card!" Chizi was rich this time.

Cao Jun joked: "Aren't you just trying to make yourself fat? Your days are long! Aren't you afraid of overspending?"

"It is said that once you enter a university, your worth will be a hundred times greater. In the past, the economy was blocked, but now the economy is opening up!"

Chizi was telling the truth. Guan Gong gave him half of his family property, which was more than 80 yuan!

The three of them grabbed their suitcases, found a restaurant on the edge of the campus, and sat down.

The provincial capital is no bigger than the county town, and the university is no bigger than the high school. The campus alone is over a thousand acres. If you have money, not only can you eat and drink outside, but you can also rent a house outside?

There is such a benefit in college. Professors leave after class, and students can go back to their dormitories to study by themselves after class. As long as they can hand in their homework on time and attend class on time, they are good students.

Whether your academic performance is good or not depends on self-discipline. Some college students have worked hard for four years and only received one certificate of completion. Is it interesting?

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