seven elves

Chapter 29 Emotional Injury〈3〉

Chen Anan is such a scoundrel. He dared to ask his wife: "How did you get the news? And it was amazingly fast!"

"Isn't it too soon? Do you have to wait until the wild children are born and take them back to recognize their ancestors before you let me know the good things you have done to this pair of bastards?"

Wu Yunjuan actually happened to know about this. She used to have great trust in her husband. After experiencing this with her own eyes, her self-confidence was also greatly affected. A good husband who seemed to be loyal, honest, loving and dedicated to his family turned out to be a good husband. He is actually a lustful person who flirts with women and shows mercy at every turn!

It’s also true that God doesn’t hide the traitor. The person who discovered this situation was a distant relative of Wu Yunjuan, who was the second-hand landlord of this large area of ​​cheap rental housing. Chen Anan didn’t recognize him, but this second-hand landlord had some impression of him, but he couldn’t be absolutely sure. .

When he returned to his hometown to visit relatives and learned about the situation from Wu Yunjuan, he learned that Chen Anan was working as an electrician at Xinghua Electronics Factory in Jingtian District, and obtained a color photo of himself. After another investigation and verification, it turned out that it was indeed this playboy man. But by this time the two had been living together for more than ten days.

In order to stop his cheating and protect his cousin's legitimate rights and interests in the family, the second-hand landlord immediately sent a message to Wu Yunjuan, asking her to come up by express bus overnight, so that he could catch her in bed at dawn and ask her to leave her cousin's husband and let Chen Anan's shameful behavior was exposed in broad daylight.

After hearing this, Chen Anan could only say: "I deliberately concealed the truth and seduced her first!"

"You're such a heartless man, if I hadn't taken the initiative to take care of your mother and plow the responsible fields, how could you have come out to work?"

Wu Yunjuan was actually related to Chen Anan, but she was already a ninth-generation aunt. The two families were in neighboring villages, separated only by a small river, and they had many interactions with each other.

There are two days a year, spring plowing and summer planting are very busy. Wu Yunjuan’s parents came with their son, daughter-in-law and the whole family to help. After Chen Anan went out to work, Wu Yunjuan also spent more days at his house than at her own. Her mother also regarded her as her future daughter-in-law.

After Chen Anan worked for two years, he married Wu Yunjuan during the Spring Festival. The next year, he gave birth to a chubby son who is now five years old!

"Shall we pack our bags and go home? Anyway, the building has been built and life is passable. A man like you who turns bad with just two dollars in his pocket has no use no matter how much money he makes. He should go back and hold on to the three acres of land." It’s better to divide the land and live an ordinary life down-to-earth!”

Wu Yunjuan is not that kind of unreasonable woman. If she wanted to make things bigger just now, she would have caught Li Chunxiao and turned her back. In the years after marrying into the Chen family, she plowed the fields, harrowed the ground, collected firewood and carried water. That was not her. Do it alone?

Even if she goes up the mountain to collect firewood with her fat son on her back, she can still carry more than 100 kilograms over the mountains and ridges. It's no problem. Can Chen Anan hold her?With a slight push, he would fall five or six feet and be unable to get up.

She is also kind-hearted, with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. She gives her husband some face and gives Li Chunxiao a way to survive. As long as Chen Anan can live a decent life in the future, she can still forgive him.

Chen Anan said helplessly: "If you make trouble now, if you don't go home to farm, how can I still work in the factory?"

"This is your own fault. Who can you blame? Do you still want to enjoy the blessings of everyone here, with the red flag at home still standing and the colorful flags flying outside?"

Wu Yunjuan's words really hit the nail on the head and hit his vital point. This was what he wanted to do. Not only did he harm Li Chunxiao's happiness in life,

Fu, even his own future was ruined.

There are many electricians like him in Jingtian District who have not yet passed their internship period. Will they be able to find a better job than now?If God does evil, you must not violate it; if humans do evil, you must not live!

The two of them packed their luggage and headed back home unhappy!

But Li Chunxiao ran to the river in one breath. When he found that no one was chasing him, he fell down on the grass on the bank and burst into tears.

Although she was a cautious person and handled things carefully, in the end, she still fell into a trap designed by others. She lost both her virginity and her face. After such a scandal, could she still go back to work in the electronics factory?

She hated Chen Anan so much that it not only tarnished her life's innocence, but also ruined her future. After working hard for several years, she got her current position and today's income level, and everything was gone!

She also hated herself. When her head got hot, she didn't care about anything. The two places were thousands of kilometers apart and she didn't know anything about his family situation. She just regarded him as a man she could trust for life. This kind of idea was so naive!

She really wanted to run into the river and die, but she couldn't let go of her brother-in-law, nephew, and younger brother who was waiting for her to study in college!

If she died, it would not only make her family sad, but also ruin her younger brother's future. Going to college was his only hope!

She must be strong and wipe away her tears. She must bear the huge grievance and pain by herself.

Li Chunxiao stood up bravely and strode to the bus station. She wanted to leave this sad place and go to Nanhu District to find a new job to maintain her family's daily needs.

Workshop owner Wang Xiaocui received this message when he turned on his computer after get off work:

Sister Xiaocui: You are so lucky. You met an old classmate and a new boyfriend at the fraternity party. But I met a wolf in sheep's clothing. It turned out that he was a married man. It was revealed this morning when he came to the door. His true face was revealed, his dirty heart and ugly face exposed.

It's not that I'm stupid, it's that he hid it deeply. He used the false appearance of being proactive and motivated to deceive almost all the employees in the factory. In fact, he was a lecherous man who talked about benevolence, justice and morality, and was full of men stealing and women prostituted.

He not only deceived my emotions and tarnished my innocence, but also ruined my life's happiness and future. I hated him and wanted to eat his meat and sleep on his skin, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

But I am strong and will not be knocked down by the cruel facts. After the sadness, I am determined to stand up bravely, find a job again, and live a good life.

She knew it was sent by Li Chunxiao on the computer in an Internet cafe. She couldn't see it if he sent it again, so she had to simply send a few dozen words on her mobile phone:

Li Chunxiao, you must be strong, treat it as if you were bitten by a ferocious wolf, heal the wounds in your soul, and live bravely. You are good, and my sister supports you!

Wang Xiaocui knew that she would not return to work in the factory. When he went to work the next day, he called Guo Xiaomei to the workshop office and ordered:

"From today on, you will take over Wang Xiaocui's job. We are all strong women, not made up of mud. We must withstand emotional setbacks!"

"As the saying goes, after eating a little, I gained wisdom, and I also learned to be strong!" Guo Xiaomei is not a fool.

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