seven elves

Chapter 10 Transnational Kidnapping Case

Du Qiuxia has not come to class for two days, because she is the class monitor, and the class teacher is very anxious. When she called her home, it was the nanny who answered the phone, saying that she had been kidnapped. Her father, who was far away in Russia, was negotiating with the kidnappers, but there was no result yet. .

The class teacher immediately gathered the class cadres together to discuss who would replace the class leader first and take charge of the daily work of the class in order to maintain normal learning order.

Everyone elected study committee member Shen Congwen to complete this difficult and glorious task. He is also duty-bound. The main work in the class is also based on learning!

Sports committee member Hong Xianghui revealed the news to Chizi. He couldn't sit still. The kidnappers were kidnapping people inland, but they were extorting ransoms in Russia. They were a typical transnational criminal gang!

Yes, the kidnapping of Du Qiuxia and the extortion of Du Weiye were carried out by the two action groups of the international criminal group in Russia and China. This time they jointly acted, one group was responsible for kidnapping, and the other group was responsible for extorting ransom, in order to complicate the problem. It was impossible for Du Albert to guess that the hostages were in China or had arrived in Russia. Even if they reported the crime, the criminal police of the two countries would have to work together to find out the whole story. By then, they would have already broken down the ransom without a trace.

This criminal organization is called the Old K Group. The big boss, Old K, is a mutant. He is no more than three feet tall. He is a typical "Zhu Ru" figure, with a head as big as a bucket and eyes like lamps, but his head is particularly flexible and he can " Invisibility", it is indeed not easy to catch him.

He already has hundreds of subordinates, most of whom are members of disbanded terrorist organizations in various countries. This group of desperadoes can do anything, including extorting rich people, robbing banks, stealing other countries' secrets, selling arms, and selling weapons. Drugs, as long as they can earn high returns, there is nothing they dare not do.

During the seven years when colorful stones were scattered on the earth and the penetration of sunlight became weaker, they successfully created a mutated drug that could make people more flexible in mind, as light as a swallow, and able to fly over walls and walls. Even worse than the "Flying Robbers", several major cases received by Interpol were all committed by them. This "Old K" has long been on Interpol's blacklist, but it is only on paper. Who has seen him in person?

Even his men had only heard his voice but not seen him. Only three of his confidants had seen his true face.

Du Weiye and his wife have been doing business in China for more than ten years, and in Russia for nearly ten years. Although their daughter is the apple of their eyes, she is afraid of breaking in their hands and afraid of melting in their mouths, but the kidnappers are very open-minded. They asked for a ransom of [-] million yuan. Even if they wanted to redeem themselves, it would take ten or eight days to prepare all the cash. Can they get it in a hurry?

When the couple called back to verify the situation with the nanny, they also asked her to report the case to the Chaoyang District Public Security Bureau and entrust their daughter's life to the people's police. If they could be rescued in time, it would be better than concealing it. He believed in the police force of his country. If you are still in the mainland, there is hope.

Chizi knows his own abilities. Not only does he have lightning-like eyes, but his sense of smell and hearing are also very sensitive, especially his intuition, which is 500% accurate. This is all due to his five million years of running in space and practicing. A good skill.

After school, after eating in the school cafeteria, he did not intend to return to the dormitory. Instead, he ran directly to the back hill of Du Qiuxia's luxurious residence, hoping to find useful clues here.

Based on intuition: He knew that the kidnappers would not take Du Qiuxia too far. After receiving the report, the Chaoyang District Public Security Bureau had already deployed police forces and cast dragnets at various stations and docks, which was more convenient.

The police are patrolling everywhere. Once a target appears, the command center will decisively notify the action and catch them all.

When Chizi climbed halfway up the mountain, he smelled a faint fragrance. Although it was much thinner after two days, he could still tell that it was Du Qiuxia's commonly used high-end perfume.

He moved his eyes and found traces of being stepped on on the grass between the trees, so he slowly groped forward following the scent of perfume. After climbing over the top of the mountain, he walked back down the mountain.

His sense of smell is really good. If he is hunting, those mountain birds and beasts will never escape from the hunter's gun. It's a pity that there are very few mountain treasures in the deep mountains and forests nowadays.

It's like a master who knows the "dragon-slaying art". Where are there still dragons?It’s all about nothing.

But this time, he definitely used this skill and followed the smell to the foot of the mountain quietly, where he unexpectedly discovered a house.

In order to avoid alerting others, he crouched in the bushes of the village and observed the movement of the old house attentively. However, under the hazy moonlight, there was indeed a figure moving in the yard.

This is an old house. Judging from the mottled paint on the door, it must be in disrepair. There are also cracks in the earthen walls on all sides. It is in dilapidated condition. Is there anyone still living there?

Chizi took advantage of the cover of the trees and walked around to the backyard. Suddenly he smelled a familiar perfume, which was undoubtedly Du Qiuxia's, and he felt excited.

As the saying goes, "You can't find anything even if you step on iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there."

He gently pried open the wooden door and stepped in. He saw Du Qiuxia's hands tied behind her back with ropes and her mouth was sealed with tape. He felt pity in his heart. After quickly tearing off the tape, he hurriedly untied the ropes and carried her on his back. , ran quickly towards the mountain.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he placed Du Qiuxia on the grass and gently touched her elbows. Looking at the deep marks on her wrists, he felt heartbroken and comforted: "Classmate Du! Don't panic, you are safe! I'm by your side, even if they come after you, they can't hurt you!"

When Du Qiuxia was a child, she lived a carefree life under the protection of her parents, with no worries about food and clothing. After they went to Russia to do business, they received meticulous care from the nanny and handyman Uncle De. Where did they go through such a shock?

She had been so frightened that she completely lost her willpower. She fell on Chizi's shoulder and started crying, her whole body still trembling:

"Fortunately, you came to my rescue, otherwise I would have been scared to death!" Du Qiuxia said gratefully.

Chi Zi took out his mobile phone and ordered: "You call the police first, and then report to your parents that you are safe. Remember, always tell the public that I was rescued by a masked superman, and don't reveal my identity!"

Du Qiuxia asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Because of my special status, you are the only one who knows about it so far. You must keep it a secret for me. I won't tell you until we graduate from college, okay?" Ako asked.

Du Qiuxia said: "You saved my life. Why don't I keep this secret for you?"

While talking, she took Chizi's cell phone and first called 110 to call the police, and then called her parents to report that she was safe. When she knew that the kidnappers wanted to extort [-] million as a ransom, she was so frightened that she almost dropped her cell phone.

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