seven elves

Chapter 1 Rebirth in Thunder and Lightning

Guan Yi angrily climbed up the hillside behind the house. It was already dusk, and the sky was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers. It was really dark clouds that were threatening to destroy the city!

The wind roared, the lightning flashed, and the thunder was deafening.

The shocking power makes the mountains shake and the earth shake, the sky collapses and the earth splits, and it makes people's souls fly away.

He climbed to the top of the slope in one breath, and a heavy downpour came suddenly, soaking his whole body.

As the saying goes, "Blessings never come in pairs, misfortunes never come alone." Just when he was struck by lightning, a red meteorite hit the Tianling Cap on his head at the same time. Chizi's soul took the opportunity to get in and control his whole body.

Chizi is the head of the seven-colored stones of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. When the asteroid passed through the atmosphere, it was burned by friction and fire. Only seven colored stones fell down. He happened to be reborn in Guan Yi. At this time, Guan Yi, It’s already just appearance.

The Heavenly Spirit Cap on the top of the head is healing rapidly. There is one body and two names. On the outside, he is Guan Yi, but on the inside, he is a child. There are few such people in the world!

Guan Yiming knew that during thunderstorms, standing on a hillside after being soaked to the skin would be the most vulnerable to being struck by lightning.

But he "knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the tiger mountains", just to be struck to death by lightning and end this helpless life.

After his own mother died of anger, his stepmother regarded him as a "thorn in her side and a thorn in her flesh" and tried every possible means to torture him and drive him out of the house to prevent him from inheriting the family property.

And the father is also indifferent. Growing up in such a family, what joy is there in life, and what regrets are there in death?

Just now, the stepmother was angry with her younger brother because of his poor academic performance, and scolded him like crazy:

"It's all because of you, a rebellious son who was raised by his father and not taught by his mother. It doesn't count that he doesn't want to study, and he also led Guan Ping into trouble. From now on, you should stay away from him, lest a speck of mouse droppings ruin a pot of soup!"

Guan Ping's name was given by his father, which means "The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to swim". In other words, I hope he will achieve great things in the future and don't let him down.

"He is relying on me. Who wants to be with him?"

Guan Yi is not someone who is easily bullied, and he has learned to talk back.

When Guan Gong came back, he saw his eldest son talking back to his wife and started to curse:

"At a young age, she learned to contradict adults. Don't you know she is the mother?"

"She is not my mother. My biological mother was forced to death by her. This vicious woman, this third party who ruined family happiness, this vixen, has done so many evil things and never ended well!"

Guan Yi is not a good person, nor is he a soft persimmon. He can pinch him as much as he wants.

Seeing that she couldn't compete with Guan Yi, her stepmother Yang Li turned to point the finger at Guan Gong and cursed:

"I've asked you to send this evil beast to his grandmother's house to raise him, so that you won't be upset by the sight of him!"

"Didn't you hear the people on the street poking their backs and scolding Huai, saying that if there is a stepmother, there must be a stepfather? His grandma's home is in a poor mountainous area, why shouldn't he come here to study?"

Guan Gong didn't want to delay his son's future. He originally felt that he was sorry for his dead wife. But now, Guan Yi is 15 years old and is in the second grade of junior high school. He also understands some things. He doesn't want his son to hate him for the rest of his life. What's more, you still don't know if that son has any future?

If Yang Li had a kind heart, she shouldn't have robbed a man from a woman who was so sick that she only had half her life left, and she shouldn't have robbed the department store business department.

It violently aroused her to death.

She doesn't care about other people's gossip: "I can't care about that much. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable every day this evildoer is at home!"

"It's all you. You are greedy for women, and you are fascinated by a shop assistant. You don't know the east, west, south, and north. If it weren't for you, how could you be succeeded by this vixen, excite your mother to death, and fill in the house?"

Speaking of this, Guan Yi's heart was already burning with anger. He really wanted to pounce on his stepmother and bite her hard to satisfy the hatred in his heart.

But he didn't dare to do this, as he would be criticized for being unethical, so he had to rush out of the door and run up the hillside to vent his resentment to his father.

After a long time, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, and the hillside was illuminated by the dim moonlight.

Guan Yi stood up slowly. He was not struck to death by lightning, and his face was rosy, his hair was curly, and his whole body was full of strength. But at this time, he was already an innocent man wearing Guan Yi's coat.

He decided to go back, continue to live in this family, and do the career he wanted to do.

He already has a very high IQ and super memory, and the old Guanyi that was like an abandoned house no longer exists.

At this time, Guan Gong also climbed up from the hillside with a flashlight. When he saw Guan Yi standing on the hillside, he was startled:

"Guan Yi! Are you a human or a ghost? Don't scare me!"

"You and that vixen have wanted me dead for a long time! But even if I turn into a ghost, I will turn into a bad ghost and become her nemesis, making her sleepless and foodless, terrified all day long, and finally die of depression!"

Chizi's mind still preserved all the memories of Guan Yi. He knew clearly how his stepmother treated Guan Yi, so he imitated her in a lifelike and flawless way.

Guan Gongzhi was surprised: "Why is your hair curly?"

"I was struck by lightning, but I just survived. It's a disappointment to you and your stepmother!"

When Guan Yi said this, his father was even more surprised:

"You are still unharmed after being struck by lightning? You are really a lucky boy. As the saying goes, if you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later. I believe that your mother will not dare to bully you again in the future!"

When he was three years old, his mother, who had been seriously ill for three years, passed away and returned to the west. The root cause of her illness was when Guan Yi was born. She was already terminally ill, and the medicine was ineffective, so she lay in bed waiting to die.

From that time on, he lacked maternal love, and his father was busy with business in the wholesale department all day long, so there was no one to care for and educate him, so he became a "wild child".

Guan Gong saw that the business was extremely busy, so he hired a young girl to help, and the food and accommodation were all in the wholesale department. One was greedy for sex, and the other was greedy for the property of the wholesale department. They had similar odors, and they hit it off. The couple began to have sex I started to do things that were just trying to make ends meet.

As the saying goes: There is no airtight wall. This matter was known by the original wife. When I asked Guan Gong, he actually confessed and said that he wanted to divorce her because Yang Li was pregnant. This made his wife, who had been ill for a long time, suddenly I couldn't swallow my breath, and I was violently agitated to death. What a sin!

At the beginning, Yang Li felt guilty and cared more about Guan Yi. She took him to live with him in the wholesale department, and the three of them slept in the same bed at night.

Half a year later, as soon as the guilt was over, I felt tired of it. Especially after Guan Ping fell to the ground, he ignored Guan Yi and called him a "burden" and a freeloader.

well!Stepmother, if you remove the word "female" and add the word "犭", you will be the stepmother!

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