Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 99 Why do you still come to class?

Tonight was indeed too long, and Hogwarts was peaceful.

Classes officially start tomorrow. Except for a few freshmen who couldn't sleep for a long time and sat admiring the moon, the excitement of the other students has long passed.

When Hughes returned to the dormitory, his roommate was already snoring.

And his bed and luggage, as Snape said, had been tidied up by the home elf, just waiting for him to fall asleep.

Dumbledore acted quickly, and the next day all the professors knew that Hughes had gained the privilege of free movement.

Spell class.

After Flitwick entered the door and saw Hughes in his seat, he asked in surprise: "Why did you come to class?"


Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were shocked?

The Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were talking a lot.

"what's the situation?"

"Headmaster Flitwick wonders if Carter hasn't been here for a day or two. Why is he suddenly not allowed to come to class?"

"Is it because Carter refused to transfer to another hospital that the dean was angry?"


"Hey, who is that? Why don't you sneak out quietly and complain to Dean Snape? Just say that Professor Flitwick can't catch anyone and will drive Hughes out of the classroom."

But Dunbar, the skinny monkey, took the lead in making noise.

"Oh, oh, you deserve it, you deserve it..."

Little Dumpty Henry also urged: "Great, Professor. Get him out quickly."

Jodi, a die-hard fan, reacted from his doubts and expressed support.

"You deserve to give your grandma a leg up."

"I'm warning you two, don't make any noise."

Hughes knew that Flitwick must have received Dumbledore's notification.

He was not in a hurry to use Dumbledore's privileges to conduct free operations to find Horcruxes or something. He had his own plan.

His fuss almost caused confusion, so Flitwick immediately began to explain.

As a result, Dunbar's reaction became even more intense, "Why can he go to class if he wants to and can move around freely if he doesn't want to go to class?"

"I'm afraid not, Dumbledore has some PY deal with him."

"I want to complain. I want to complain to the school board about Dumbledore's inaction."

His angry and embarrassed look not only failed to resonate with the students, but also made the little ravens laugh.

Originally, when the little snakes heard that the school announced that Hughes didn't have to follow the curriculum rigidly because of his superior skills, they all expressed their gratitude.

As a result, Dunbar's trouble made it appear that their college was narrow-minded, did not tolerate excellence, and was not united.

He scolded involuntarily.

"Stop messing around, you clown."

"Shut up, you've almost brought shame to the Snake Yard."

Hughes didn't want to pay attention to the clown troupe, but Dunbar's childish behavior really annoyed him.

I thought to myself: "Yes, it seems that there is still less fighting. Find a time to clean up, otherwise they will not know why the flowers are so red."

At Hogwarts, every professor will establish a unique club to provide improved education specifically for outstanding students.

Hughes naturally joined many clubs.

After Charms, he caught up with Flitwick.

"Professor, I wonder if you are free to come to the club tonight. I would like to ask you for a magic spell?"

"Of course, no problem. I will always treat you without reservation."

"What spell aroused your interest this time?"

"It's a traceless stretching spell."

"Oh, this is an incredible curse!"

Rather than the name "traceless stretch," Hughes prefers to call it "infinite stretch."

In the original book, there are only a few mentions of this curse.

The tent in the Quidditch World Cup, the Velez family's burrow, Hermione's handbag, Newt's suitcase, and the Ford car running wildly in the Forbidden Forest.

This spell is not simple. Anyone who masters it will be praised in the magic spell.

When Hermione cast the Invisible Stretch Charm on her handbag, Ron praised her as a master of spells.

This spell is a rare space magic. It is introduced in the "Standard Spell" as follows: by shrinking and folding the target into a small space.

However, in Hughes's view, this was complete nonsense.

Considering that the Ministry of Magic classifies the "Invisible Stretch Spell" as a strictly controlled advanced magic, it is not difficult to see that this nonsense introduction is entirely a confidentiality and precautionary measure.

Otherwise, Flitwick would not have chosen a book with such flaws as the designated textbook for Hogwarts.

Think about it, the Velez family didn't cast a spell to shrink or fold themselves every time they came in and out of the Burrow, right?

Think about Newt’s suitcase, which can be called an artificial ecosystem.

Step on the bottom of the suitcase, follow the ladder, and enter another space. Where can you place folded items in a small space?

This is completely creating a pocket space!

This space is not mechanical and can accommodate not only inorganic objects but also living entities.

Therefore, if the traceless stretching spell is used well, it can be called a god-level magic.

Therefore, while studying in class, Hughes discussed with Flitwick in his spare time.

For this reason, he also asked Flitwick for a note, intending to go to the restricted book area to look for relevant books and see what other aspiring people were doing about this curse.

Time passes like this.

For several days, Hughes did not go to Emma due to course conflicts.

Either Hughes had a class, or Emma and Hermione were in class.

Class and break times are perfectly staggered.

In the middle of the week, Hughes met them.

"Emma, ​​Emma~"

Emma felt someone calling her, subconsciously slowed down and looked back.

"It's brother Hughes!" Hermione said in surprise.

"When are you free? I want..."

"If anything happens, let's wait until the weekend! I'm in a hurry to go to class."

The sound followed the figure and gradually faded away.

Just like that, the three of them left in a hurry.

Hughes was helpless: "Oh, new life!"

Yes, this is the case for every new student when they first arrive at Hogwarts.

The psychedelic stairs, the intricate corridors, the classrooms far apart.

If you don't hurry up and hurry up, you will be like Harry Potter and Ron Velez, who will be late every day because they are lost.

To be honest, there are not many classes at Hogwarts.

Just looking at the course schedule for the same grade, you will find that the courses are sparse.

Sometimes, there was only one class in the morning, a complete break at noon, and another astronomy class in the tower until nine o'clock in the evening.

The really busy people are actually the professors who teach.

There are only a few professors in the entire Hogwarts, and there are not many students. However, the seven grades in four houses are taught in small classes, so the academic arrangement is a little complicated.

For example, there is only one professor for flying class, and he can only teach first-year students two classes a week. This means that first-year students are divided into two batches, and each batch only has one class.

In this environment, students are very relaxed and have no pressure at all.

The typical happy education philosophy is that no matter what the students’ grades are, happiness is all that matters.

The teacher doesn't care, anyway, the results of the grade examination will severely teach students how to behave.

This kind of education actually tests students' consciousness.

The elimination of happy education is even more cruel.

Although poor students and top students study together, they will not be criticized or reminded.

In a subtle elimination mechanism, their future is silently determined.

So much so that Ron and Harry played like wild dogs all day long.

Without the help of Xueba Min, Harry and Ron, who had become useless men, might not have reached the final level.

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