In Hughes' plan, the Shadow Knights will become his right hand and the sharpest sword in his hand.

But the plan cannot remain verbal. The establishment of any experimental research site and force is inseparable from infrastructure, and private territory is one of them.

Whether it is the Secret Biological Company or the headquarters of the Knights, Hughes must have a territory that is completely in his hands, and the scope must be very large.

There will be other effects later.

Let professional people do professional things.

When Hughes raised this need, professionals Margaret and Deck gave actionable and effective suggestions.

If Dike hadn't joined, I wonder how much effort Hughes and Wood would have had to put in to solve it?

Dyke suggested: "Since Nigel Group is determined to become a world-class technology group, why not let us take control of Dongwu City! Whether openly or secretly, establishing a biological company in Fog City will require various conditions. It’s the best for the company’s development.”

After giving a dissatisfied look, Margaret cursed.

"Naive! Although Dongwu City is an industrial area and a gathering place for the blue-collar class, you only saw superficial factors such as complete infrastructure. But you never thought that there is the base of the Clive family?"

Hughes had never heard of this family, "Huh? Is it an ancient noble?"

Wood, who has rich social experience, explained to him: "Master, this Clive family is one of the underworld families in the underworld of Fog City."

Margaret added with a frown.

"It's not one of them. It can be said that the Clive family is completely an imperial family in the dark world. Although the Fog City has become a lot more lonely in the past hundred years, with an inner capital in the east, west, south and north, as a country of the Rotten Kingdom, the Fog City is still A world-class city.”

"Furthermore, Clive can control this East Fog City and has complicated relationships with various important figures and power agencies in West Fog City."

Shout out!

He said with great disgust and disdain: "When you say that, I think I can give this Clive family a try. Anyway, they are just like maggots, parasitic jackals that suck blood on blue-collar workers."

He even thought of another plan, the Magical Girl Development Plan and the Magic Revealing Plan. Can they be implemented together?

As long as the Clive family has the conditions and room to operate, allowing him to create events with greater impact, there is no chance that several sub-plans in the first phase of the Fantasy Recovery Plan will be launched together.

"Dike, you and Mr. Wood, covertly and covertly, are collecting information about the Clive family from all aspects. Now that we have formed a force, how can we not take the lead in showing our strength as the leader? Don't rob me, I will do my part. ”

After Wood became a full-time housekeeper, his ideal for the rest of his life was to do everything he could to take care of Mick and his family.

So he asked anxiously: "Master, what do you want to do? Do you need to use funds?"

Hughes waved his hand and said, "No, just give me the information, and leave the rest to me. After something happened to the Clive family, Dyke was responsible for using his official status to make things worse for them, and you are responsible for using the power of the group to nibble away at them. Their family’s power and base.”

Decades older, Margaret said that she had seen many talents in the world.Hughes's determined look didn't look like he was boasting. Thinking of his extraordinary ability, he was secretly calculating the success of the matter.

Thinking that her son had already made a bet and would have to work under someone else in the future, she decided to add some chips to Deke.

She said: "In this case, I can help a little bit with information."

Hughes thanked him thankfully: "Thank you so much!" Although Deke had already joined his team, Margaret was not obligated to use her own resources, and Hughes did not take that kind of mindless thought for granted.

The next day, after applying for viewing permission from the Secret Service archives, Margaret took only a moment to compile the Clive family information into a report and gave it to Deke, asking him to hand it over to Wood.

There was something different here, and after Wood received the information from Decker, he instantly understood the intention of his old lover.

Like an old friend, Wood said to Decker: "When you go back, bring me a message to Margaret, saying that she is too worried."

As a butler, Wood had his own independent office. After returning to the manor, he opened the information and studied it carefully.

In fact, there are people in the Secret Service who have wanted to touch the Clive family for a long time. They are not a pure 'social vitality group', or in other words, they are no longer a simple street force.

In the post-World War II era, veterans, revolutionaries, and criminals all wallowed and lingered at the bottom of society.In the form of gangs, groups or families, they struggled and grew from the murky muddy water, and finally became the creators of the reign of terror.

After decades of development, some forces sank and disappeared under official attack.

Some are gradually washed away, and the wealth accumulated through violence allows this type of group to rise to the upper class of society. Similar to the Razor family in Birmingham, the legendary development history of their family is still talked about by the public.

But the Clive family is obviously different. They are not satisfied with the upper class life. They are so strong and have a stronger desire to rule.

Now, their business covers half of the Blue Star, from the streets to Africa; the targets of their cruelty and exploitation have changed from oil-stained blue-collar workers to black uncles who like war and power.

They are involved in the power struggles of other countries, are keen on illegal arms trade, and are rumored to have invested in illegal laboratories to research new weapons that endanger world security. They are notorious internationally.

The Secret Service had long thought that they were endangering national interests, and formulated a combat plan and reported it to the top management, aiming to get rid of them before they became a tumor for the country.

However, the Secret Service's plan did not receive the approval of the top management, so Margaret commented at the end of the report that there must be a complicated exchange of interests behind the Clive family.

After analyzing the information, Wood communicated with Dyke and found that the information was already a bit lagging behind. They discussed sending personnel to re-investigate the Clive family's information, especially several important sites and businesses, and then provide the latest information to Hughes. .

On the second day in Peggy, Hughes used the satellite phone set prepared by Peggy to call back to the manor.

Wood knew that the equipment was highly secure and private, so he took the opportunity to report on the progress of their secret work during their final phone call.

That's why Hughes said that this was the best news he had received in recent days.

Let go of the frustrations I have suffered from the Magic Council of Lighthouse Country, the Howards, and Hydra these past few days.

After finding a quiet room and using the anti-eavesdropping spell, Hughes listened to Wood's report.

"It seems that the tarot cards left in the bedroom can be used." Hughes thought to himself about the back-up preparations he had left at home.

At the end of the phone call, he ordered: "Mr. Wood, prepare a fish dish and a milk for the pickpocket cat tomorrow."


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