Even if Howard didn't murmur, Hughes knew that his wife was hurt more seriously.

While carrying Maria out of the car, Hughes found Bucky dancing and thinking about running away.

"Can't you be more honest?"

"Passed out!"

"Hey, how long are you going to hide there, Mr. Driver?"

"Bring the car over quickly, I need my suitcase."

The driver was obviously overwhelmed because everything that happened today was so amazing that it was more than he could handle.

Hughes ignored him and continued to pull Howard back out of the car.

Sure enough, the driver's character was eaten up by Hughes. This kind of migrant worker, with seniors and junior subordinates, did not dare to disobey the instructions of him, a distinguished customer of the company.

Even if he doesn't look like a normal person, Mr. Driver will make a deal with him even if he is a devil just for the sake of food.

The magic of J.K.L wizards cannot directly restore trauma. When wizards are sick, they have to go to a specialized wizard hospital.

It can be said that although St. Mungo's various healing magic and potions are miraculous, in this wilderness, it is really difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

But Hughes was different.

Before the summer vacation, he was at the wizard level and had reached perfection. The werewolf incident was equivalent to a final kick, and he was naturally promoted to the warlock level.

Therefore, after getting the magic book from the funny wizard Lina Inbas, I couldn't wait to study the magic in it.

Hughes roughly studied all the magic that met the learning requirements.

Although Lina is best at black magic, she will inevitably get injured during her travels, so she naturally included a healing spell.

Closing his eyes and clasping his hands, Hughes began to chant a mantra: "Sacred elves in the world, with the motherly breath of the earth, I pray you to save this person in front of me, use your love and tolerance to save them. !”

There happened to be a continuous forest next to them. Several photons flew from the forest and then merged into the Howards.

Although their wounds had healed and the bleeding had stopped, Maria had been bleeding excessively and was still unconscious. Only Howard looked at her in a daze.

Hughes summed it up in the blink of an eye, "You are also a troublesome person, I don't want to be entangled with you," and the backhand was the Forgetting Curse and the Stunning Curse.

At this time, the driver had already driven the car over, parked it on the side, and took the initiative to help this magical guest carry out his luggage.

After taking it, Hughes laid the suitcase flat on the ground, opened it, and then carried the unconscious Bucky inside.

If there is one scene, you can definitely see the driver’s jaw dropped to the ground.

Throw Bucky into a laboratory in the corner and lock it with magic to prevent Bucky from running around after waking up.

When Hughes came out, he was furious when he saw the driver still standing there motionless.

Always elegant, he immediately started shouting loudly.

"Don't you have a phone in your car? These poor old couples are still lying on the ground! Aren't you going to do something to help them?"

How can the driver remember this at this time?On the contrary, I was frightened again by the scene of him stepping out of the suitcase.

"Oh oh oh, okay, I'll call for help right away."

"Remember to tell them that the accident happened to Mr. and Mrs. Howard from Stark Group."

Hughes was not in a hurry to leave. He first used a waterproof spell on the old couple. Lying down on the edge of the deep forest was not enough.Then the Flying Curse and the Restoration Curse were used together to eliminate the traces of Bucky's previous attack on him.

After that, he kept guarding the old couple on the roadside until the sirens of police cars and ambulances were heard in the distance, and the driver was allowed to step on the accelerator and leave.

"Sir, you must be a master of magic like Lance Burton, right?"

"To be honest, I haven't found any flaw in your magic after thinking about it for a long time. Hey, can I ask how you disappeared and reappeared from that suitcase?"

Looking at the woods passing by outside the window, Hughes snickered quietly and thought to himself: "How long did you think you could hold on!"

Although genius, handsomeness, and elegance are synonymous with him, he sometimes reveals his naivety, so it's unclear whether his sister Emma's acting so silly and sweet is due to Hughes's private influence.

He rolled his eyes and decided to tease this cute driver.

The driver looked in the rearview mirror and saw Hughes looking embarrassed and hesitant to speak. He obviously wanted to reveal something shocking.

Hughes didn't speak, but it made the driver feel itchy.

The driver Hou asked anxiously: "Sir, is it because of industry secrets that you can't export?"

He subconsciously thought of this reason. After all, magic is very topical, and there are many TV programs similar to revealing magic. Of course, he still understands the unspoken rules of this industry.

"Well, it's not what you think. I was afraid of scaring you."

"Huh?" When the driver heard this, he immediately became energetic and thought, "If you say that, I won't feel sleepy anymore."

"Mr. Driver, do you know what's in hell?"

"There is a powerful demon lord in hell named Mephisto. He is famous for devouring souls, but he cannot leave hell, so he had to select some people and give them magic to capture souls for him. "

"You should see that I am so young, which means I have just taken up the job and do not have very good work experience. The suitcase must be placed on the ground and opened before you can truly go to hell. Of the three souls just now, I only took away one. .”

"As an old man in the workplace, can you teach me how to complete this month's KPI, Pulis~"

Hughes first described the story in a tentative tone, and finally pretended to be a young man in the workplace who was asking for advice humbly, and made strange requests in an almost pleading tone.

The driver panicked!

It seems that if you ask for his help, you can completely defeat the performance of capturing souls.

For a long time, Hughes didn't notice any movement from the driver, and then he stuck his head out to look at him curiously.

Unexpectedly, the driver had fallen into some kind of fantasy and didn't even notice that his crotch was wet.

"Mr. Driver?"


"He is really the apostle of the devil~"

Fortunately, Hughes held the steering wheel steady, otherwise there would have been another car accident on this highway.

"OK, OK, it's okay, I lied to you."

Seeing that comforting didn't work, Hughes could only clear the driver's memory in advance. After all, the forgetting spell was really convenient and easy to use.

"Why is my seat cushion leaking?"

Afterwards, amid the driver's doubts, the car finally got back on track, and this time it was really a smooth journey and arrived at WDC smoothly.

What Hughes didn't know was that when he frequently used magic.

In the Woolworth Building in downtown Big Apple, relevant staff of "MACUSA" (Makuza) raised the alarm.

"Mr. Graves, the detection sphere has issued an alarm. There have been continuous unknown magical activities on Route 666. According to the report of the visa officer, Miss Goldstein, there is no one nearby carrying a wand license."

"Send a team of Aurors over to take a look. Be careful."

"In addition, I want to launch a wanted manhunt in the wizarding world. I don't care who he is. No one can challenge the rules we forged with blood."

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