Although Snape led the Snake Academy to win the championship for six consecutive years, it was unique in school history.

But students from other colleges didn't buy it. Even McGonagall, who had a decent style, had planned the old bat's actions in his mind.

This is what happened after three years of docking.

It was not until Hughes entered school that he relied on his extraordinary talent to score points inside and outside the classroom, conquering major professors and students, allowing the Snake Academy to save a bit of reputation in the past three years.

At this time, the students' exclamations kept coming to Hughes's ears.

"He is worthy of being the light of Slytherin. According to statistics, excluding this time, he added a full 200 points to the academy."

The Gryffindor students' eyes exploded when they heard this, as if they had been struck by a dimensionality reduction.

"Really? How did he do it? I didn't even add 1 point."

"Well, neither did I, and I was deducted 5 points."

"Haha, haha..."

The small Hufflepuff pot on the next table was as focused as ever on dry rice.

"My favorite is the quiz game he invented."

"Alas, I tried hard for two years, but I still couldn't break his record."

"You can't do it. Unless you can complete all the courses in seven grades, you can't even pass the level."

Even if it is a banquet, the topic of Lakwenlao's little eagle is closely followed by study.

When he was in first grade, under the slogan of "improving learning efficiency," Hughes visited major professors and compiled a question bank covering the entire grade's textbooks.

He also hooked up with Nico Mele through Dumbledore, and the two discussed through letters and created an alchemy tool similar to a tablet.

The last two were combined to develop a true learning machine that is both educational and entertaining.

It has successfully reproduced the classic functions of "click wherever you don't know" and "have the phone in your hand and the world will follow you".

This invention contributed at least nearly a thousand points of influence to him, which was much richer than the water thesis.

Maybe the main audience of the learning machine is the little wizards in schools, and it affects the future of the magic world, so it can get such high points.

The professors at the main table were also discussing Hughes. Flitwick complained to McGonagall on his left: "I have always suspected that the sorting hat malfunctioned that night three years ago, otherwise Hughes would not have been sorted into other houses. .”

Snape: "Huh?"

He coughed twice in his throat to show that he was still there.

His face was as paralyzed as he was, and he raised his eyebrows in a rare way.

Flitwick felt the 'murderous intent' coming from his right, but he was not timid at all. The more he looked at Hughes in the past three years, the more jealous he became.

"Uh, I'm serious.

Think about it!

The Sorting Hat is so dirty, it must not have been washed for hundreds of years, and its magic circuit may be blocked somewhere.

I suggest that a new Sorting Ceremony be held for Mr. Hughes. "

When Lao Dengtou heard this, he was also not happy. He almost lost his temper and wanted to roll his eyes.

"Okay, Flitwick! I assure you, the Sorting Hat's evaluation is absolutely fine."

At the same time, he couldn't help but think to himself: "Maybe I should have yielded to the Sorting Hat at that time... After all, I was wrong once 50 years ago!"


It wasn't that there was something wrong with Snape and that he couldn't speak well. It was obvious that Dumbledore's opening speech made him worried.

Suddenly there was a feedback from the early warning magic. Hughes looked up and found an old glass spying on him.

After being discovered, Lao Dengtou showed no pretense and instead raised a glass to signal him.

Hughes quickly raised the cup in front of him and greeted him back.

The banquet ended with joy and laughter, and the house elves cleaned up the mess.

The little wizard had never been so honest as tonight, and Filch enjoyed the rare silence.

Hughes failed to go back to his dormitory to rest. After the banquet, he was taken to the principal's office by Snape.

The walls were covered with portraits of former male and female principals. Among them, the portrait of the previous principal started shouting when he saw the visitor.

"Oh, look at this handsome student with excellent morals and academics. He is indeed the pride of my Slytherin."

As the first headmaster to graduate from the Snake Academy, Sirius's great-great-grandfather Phineas was naturally extremely proud of the Snake Academy.

The portraits such as Dai Lisi and Armando naturally looked down on his behavior and hurriedly ignored this annoying old man.

Apparently Old Dengtou fell into some memories again, but the quarrel among the portraits brought him back to reality.

Without any extra preparation, he squinted his eyes and asked worriedly.

"Mr. Hughes, can you tell me, as smart as you are, why would you publish that kind of article?"

"I think you also know that just like the Black Lake, huge things are hidden under the calm water."

Mental penetration is a common lie detection method used by Legilimency masters.

Dumbledore was a well-educated headmaster and a profound Legilimency master.

He just tried to use his spirit to invade Hughes's mind, but failed.

A person who is proficient in Occlumency is called an Occlumier.

Because the acquisition of Occlumency is a prerequisite for defeating Legilimency, and its skills in resisting Legilimency attacks are also useful against the Imperius Curse.

For beginners, you can only clear your mind of thoughts and emotions, and then protect your brain by cutting off the relevant emotional connections in your memory by avoiding face-to-face or eye contact.

More advanced practitioners can suppress certain emotions and memories, and even lie in their memories to avoid self-exposure.

Obviously Snape is an advanced occlumency master, because Voldemort is also proficient in Legilimency, and it is not easy to act as a spy under his nose.

There is a ready-made master to consult, so how could Hughes miss it?

Coupled with the protection from the system, he has no worries about the secrets in his mind being exposed.

Facing Dumbledore's temptation, he did not back down and said calmly and elegantly: "It is not a good habit to enter other people's minds at will."

"Besides, everyone should have their own secrets, don't you think? Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Nice Occlumency, it's a pity it's holiday now, otherwise I would have added 10 points for this."

Dumbledore also came out of the storm and knew that as long as he was not embarrassed, others would be embarrassed.

Hughes smiled, but thought to himself, "You are so thick-skinned!"

Just like wizards have a natural sense of racial superiority towards Muggles.

Hughes's vision has long gone beyond the wizarding world. He knows that the future is extremely broad, and he also has an inexplicable sense of superiority.

But Hughes doesn’t think he’s too smart!

Who can show off his scheming skills in front of a weather-beaten centenarian?

So he stated his thoughts directly.

Hughes said lightly: "Dear Principal Dumbledore, you know that I have never hidden my desire for magic."

"But I am even more eager to see a vibrant future. Magic should not be like this, and the magical world should not be like this."

"Throughout wizarding history, the wizarding community has had to change, and there's never been a better time than now."

"I think as powerful as you, you must know that the world is no longer the same..."

As the most powerful white wizard in the world, president of the International Federation of Wizards, and chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore has indeed noticed changes in the world more than ten years ago.

Few people know that in the face of changes in the outside world, he has tried several times.

But as strong as he is, he can only return to Hogwarts in the end, guard the school more firmly and carefully, and at the same time call on the wizarding world of all countries to abide by the terms of magic confidentiality.

He didn't say why!

After all, there are only a few truly wise men.

Rather than rashly breaking the news and causing the magic world to explode, it is better to continue to hide it and slowly figure it out.

Facing the new world and new era, the magic world is too small.

For example, in recent years, Hogwarts has admitted no more than forty freshmen each year, including those lucky Muggle children.

From this, it can be inferred that the entire population of wizards in the Ro Kingdom.

Compared to the ninja world, the wizard war here is more like a villager's war.

Thanks to the magical secrecy clause, otherwise wizards might be pinned on the test bench, and Hydra isn't the only one spying on extraordinary powers.

The waters in any Marvel multiverse are deep.

Dumbledore was silent, but Snape, who didn't know what was going on, was worried.

On one side is an invitation to a private meeting he received, and on the other side is the proud student he has taught for three years.

"I never knew you had such a lofty ideal!" In his eagerness, he even began to mock his own students.

Then Snape turned to Old Deng and said, "The Carlo brothers and sisters sent a letter the day before yesterday, asking me to attend their party, although I refused."

"But do you know who else received the letter? Lucius, Yaxley, Nott, etc., and even that filthy, hateful creature Fenrir Greyback."

After hearing this, Dumbledore and Hughes looked at him intently.

It is reasonable for the Carlo brothers and sisters to summon Lucius and others. After all, they are all pure-blood nobles and they have the same interests and purposes.

But Greyback is different. He hates wizards extremely and has a strong desire for revenge. He is especially harmful to young wizards. Think about what happened to Lupine!

When Voldemort was still alive, the werewolves were his most terrifying minions.

Deng asked in an indifferent tone: "What do these idiots want to do?"

Snape tilted his head and squinted at him, "Do you still have to ask?"

"They were all Death Eaters and still are."

"There has never been a gathering of this magnitude since that man's fall."

"That article shook their foundation and now everyone is talking about these pureblood families, which is not a good sign."

Dumbledore did not pay too much attention to Snape's attitude, but secretly agreed with his judgment of the current situation.

He looked at Hughes, his eyes filled with complex thoughts of both admiration and suspicion.

"Obviously the situation is very dangerous, Mr. Hughes."

"I think I should use the Fidelity Charm to protect you and your family during the holidays."

"Snape, do you want to be the Secret Keeper?"


Snape agreed simply, just like before.

Only this time, there was one more person he promised to risk his life to protect.

Only then did Hughes come to his senses.

I felt a little panicked, and I secretly reviewed whether I was a little too distracted.

Considering that the plan to be implemented next would definitely involve the safety of his family, he was eager for the professors to help.

At the end of the story, in the ancestral home of the Carlo family, the meeting of pure-blood nobles was coming to an end.

Lucius asked, "In the end, Snape really didn't come?"

Yaxley answered him disdainfully: "What are you thinking? We are discussing how to deal with his precious student."

Old Nott quickly interrupted angrily: "I knew he was a traitor. As soon as Voldemort fell, he couldn't wait to curry favor with Dumbledore..."


As the initiator of the gathering, Amycus Carlo put an end to their argument.

No matter how the situation changes, Snape is always the one they must fight for, both in terms of strength and as Potions Master and Dean of Slytherin.

Alecto Carlo: "Okay, that's it for this party."

"The rest is up to you, Fenrir Greyback."

"Take your son of a bitch and go clean out that Muggle student who doesn't know what he means!"

"Well done, don't let us down."

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