Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 139 Transformation into a cross-dressing boss and the cunning Griphook

After dinner, Hughes borrowed the Malfoy's fireplace and entered Diagon Alley.

As the most famous commercial street in the wizarding world, this place is always bustling with people.

Because Muggle currency can be exchanged for magical currency in a fixed amount each year, in order to have enough gold coins to purchase magic items, Hughes also opened a safe or vault in Gringotts.

In addition, he cooperated with the Jodi family to consign some of his small works, so the number of gold galleons increased, and a private vault was a must.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Carter."

"Hello to you, sir. I'd like to withdraw some money from my vault."

"Of course, sir! Freedom of withdrawal is the customer's right. Gringotts is your trustworthy financial steward, and we will always provide you with the best service."

There are a lot of barabadas. Unlike ordinary new Muggle wizards, the goblins all know how famous the wizard boy in front of them has become in recent years, so they naturally don't dare to neglect him.

Then the lobby manager of Gringotts asked an attendant to take Hughes to the entrance of the vault, and other staff were responsible for receiving him.

It's said to be a reception, but it actually means having a professional goblin take the customer to the private vault.

And this goblin is none other than Griphook who appeared in the original work.

It is responsible for controlling minecarts and managing all vaults.

Gringotts' underground vault is actually a bottomless mine, so the tool they use for transportation is a minecart.

The minecart flew up and down on the track, which was much more exciting than the roller coaster designed by the Muggle amusement park. The first time Hughes rode it, he felt that it was a full experience.

But this time, Hughes didn't think so.

"Gringotts is not an amusement park, why should the track be designed like this?"

There was a murmur in his heart.

"Isn't it possible to straighten the track horizontally and vertically, or straighten it point to point? There is obviously magic, so why is it so difficult to build a goblin?"

Complaints are complaints, but Hughes's eyes were busy as he kept observing the situation in the mine.

The track is complicated, a starting point, but there are many side roads, and I didn't notice it before. This time I realized that the mine is bottomless. God knows how many private vaults wizards have opened in Gringotts in the past thousand years, and how many secrets are kept here. .

The guy in charge of driving looked like a stuffy jar, and there were customers with ulterior motives behind him. The two of them didn't talk much along the way.

Soon, Hughes took out some gold Galleons, and then pulled the ring finger to sign on the iron door. The treasury was closed again, and the two of them set foot on the mine cart to return.

During this period, Hughes didn't want to secretly learn the magic of pulling the ring to open the vault, but it was like a mountain apart. Not to mention whether he could learn the goblin magic at a glance, it was impossible for all these countless vaults to be opened with one magic, right?

So, Hughes gave up.On the way back, I honestly observed the precautions inside the vault again.

At the request of the lobby manager, Hughes confirmed and signed his visit record.

"Then, thank you again Mr. Carter for your recognition of Gringotts' services!"

"Looking forward to your next visit!"

Then Hughes returned the greeting and left, of course it would be better if his ears were not so sensitive.

The lobby manager behind him changed his attitude of dedicated service and complained in a low voice: "Damn humans, why don't you die? Why do you keep misappropriating the property that should belong to the goblins in the future?"

"Yes, they should die immediately after saving the money."

"In the final analysis, these short-lived races are still short-lived."


After leaving Gringotts, Hughes pretended to visit a few shops, then kept walking through the crowd, pretending to go shopping in a leisurely manner, and finally turned into an alley.

A short moment later, a mysterious man in a cloak walked out of the alley and headed towards Gringotts.

Before entering the door, the mysterious man exposed his hands with yellow skin and black and red nails, and tugged on his cloak, as if to cover all the light in the cloak.

When I walked to the front desk facing the lobby, it was still the same lobby manager.

A dry and low voice sounded, "I want to open the vault and take something out."

The goblin lobby manager lowered his head slightly, as if his eyes had affected his short-sightedness, trying to use his naked eyes to confirm the visitor.

"With all due respect, this is not the place you should be... a guest."

The mysterious man in a cloak pulled down his cloak again.

"Stop talking nonsense and take me to the vault."

The lobby manager hadn't spoken yet, but the goblin behind him was extremely angry.

"You shouldn't be here, and that vault shouldn't belong to you. You should be waiting for death on that damn island. Why come here? The vault has nothing to do with you."

"Sir, don't open the vault for her, we should notify the Ministry."

Behind the counter, the goblin lobby manager quietly made a gesture with his hand, and then as if he had finished inquiring, he raised his head, looked through the small glasses again, stared at the mysterious man and said.

"Bellatrix, we have not received any reports of revocation of your criminal confirmation, so we cannot open the vault for you. Since you were once our customer, you can go on your own and don't force us to notify you. Auror."

Yes, the mysterious man in the cloak is Bella (Hugh) Trix.

But not her.

How could Azkaban escape so easily, and Bella (Hughes) wasn't her illegal Agmanis cousin.

The Bella (Hughes) in front of the lobby manager is Hughes pretending to be.

Bella (Sius) leaned forward and whispered back.

"Goblins, don't go too far. Don't think that I'm secretive because I'm afraid of you, or the so-called Ministry of Magic...

Have you forgotten the threat of Death Eaters?

Forgot that we once ruled the wizarding world?

I'm not afraid to tell you that my master is resurrected. If you don't want to die, you'd better be obedient. "

"Besides, you actually dare to blatantly embezzle wizards' property. Aren't you afraid of triggering a new race war?"

Goblin: "..."

As a long-lived race, the goblin in front of him recalled the years when Voldemort ruled the wizarding world. Finally, he remained silent and found a waiter to take the annoying "customer" to the vault.

"Mr. Manager, why? Obviously, the contents of that vault will be ours in a few decades. After all, all members of the Lestrange family are studying in Azkaban. From now on..."

"That's it, that's it!"

"What if what she said is true and Voldemort comes back? Let them humans fight for their lives. Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities. They are all short-lived, and those gold coins will be ours sooner or later."

When they arrived at the entrance of the mine, it was Griphook who received Bella (Hughes).

I have to say that this is very good news for Bella (Hughes).

Now that the two of them are in the same car, no matter what happens later, as long as they control the pull tab, it is equivalent to having the key to the vault.

The minecart kept speeding, and the light of the kerosene lamp became darker and darker. Bella (Hughes) sighed secretly: "Sure enough, Bellatrix's vault is definitely different from ordinary vaults. Look at the depth, I'm afraid it's no less than a few meters deep." Is it as high as ten stories high?”

The minecart was still moving downwards when Grihuan suddenly spoke.

"Ma'am, I'm really surprised to see you here! There have been no media reports about a prison break in Azkaban recently!"


"Maybe the Ministry of Magic doesn't want wizards to see them embarrassed!"

The pull tab suddenly tightened the brakes.

The cast iron brake clamps made a squeaking sound when they came into contact with the rails.

The speeding mine cart jolted for a while before slowly stopping. Bella (Hughes) in the back seat barely managed to grab the side wall of the mine cart.

"Is there something wrong with you? Fairy."

Griphook turned around, "I don't know what method you used to get the greedy lobby manager to agree to let you open the vault, but it obviously won't work here."

Hearing this, Bella (Sius)'s anger disappeared. She (he) could not have imagined that there were such bright and righteous people among the goblins.

Just when she (he) was shocked in his heart, Griphook said something that shocked him beyond measure.

"You have to be willing to move on and let me open the vault."

Apparently due to the sudden change or the sudden impact of the brakes, Bella (Hughes) forgot that Griphook was also greedy and capricious in the original work.

The cross-dressing man then remembered that in the original book, Harry paid the price of Gryffindor's sword to get the help of Griphook and entered Bella's vault. In the end, Griphook betrayed Harry and said that Famous quote: "Harry Potter, I promised to bring you in, but I didn't promise to take you out."

Listen to this, you are an old hermaphrodite.

So Bella (Hughes) asked, "What do you mean?"

Griphook: "It's not interesting, I just want you to be interesting."

"Then what do you want to mean?"

"It depends on what you mean!"


The two of them had been going back and forth for a long time, and Bella (Sius) didn't want to continue doing meaningless things and wasting time.

So she (he) drew inspiration from the original work, and she (he) promised directly regardless of whether he or she was boasting about Haikou.

"Haha, you are a very interesting goblin."

"I heard that your goblin family has always wanted that sword. If you help me and my master complete the mission today, we can give you that sword after we capture Hogwarts. What does this mean? Is it interesting enough?"

When Griphook heard words like sword and Hogwarts, although he had never seen the Sword of Gryffindor in detail, it did not prevent him from imagining a gorgeous sword in his mind.

I saw Griphook extending his little hand to him and saying: "Deal!"

After that, the mine cart slowly started to slide, and the two of them continued on their way with their own thoughts.

Clang, clang, clang, the sound made by the minecart and the rails was like a cheerful song, playing in Griphook's ears.

While I was happy, I didn't forget to introduce Bella (Hughes).

"We just passed by vault No. 9527. Ever since the last heir of the Elf family disappeared, the contents of the vault have been marked with Gringotts' mark."

"Therefore, you should be glad for your decision. If you don't cooperate with me, you won't be able to get anything at all. After all, the defense level of your vault is at the highest level. Looking at the entire Gringotts vault, you can't find it anymore. It’s a higher safety level than it is.”

"Soon, we'll pass the waterfall, and that's the first layer of insurance."


When Bella (Sius) heard this, her heart couldn't help but tremble.

"It happened!"

"Waterfall, what waterfall? Why haven't I seen any waterfalls before? Could it be that Griphook, a hermaphrodite, is trying to trick her?"

So, Bella (Sius) pretended to be disdainful and mocked: "Humph, your Gringotts is nothing more than that. What's the use of a waterfall? What can it prevent?"

Griphook, who had his back turned to Bella, didn't care, because in the fairies' view, humans are self-righteous and superior creatures.

"Ha ha!"

As the minecart continued to fly, the rumbling sound ahead became more and more obvious.

"Listen, that's the roar of the waterfall flowing down and finally hitting the pool."

Following Griphook's words, a silver chain appeared in front of Bella (Hughes), just like digging to dig out the water source in the geological interlayer, and the water flowed from top to bottom through the front rail.

"Ma'am, what we are about to pass through is the famous Gringotts Falls!"

Of course Bella (Sius) would not be frightened by the impact of the water flow, but it did not prevent her (him) from continuing to test.

"Dog daddy!"

"Do you want to regret why you brought us here?"

Hearing this, Griphook turned his head in confusion and asked: "Madam, are you so deeply hurt by the dementors? Why do you feel like you have never been here before? This is the anti-thief waterfall. Although the water looks very heavy, It actually weighs nothing at all, it’s just an anti-theft magic.”

"In order to prevent criminals from taking potions such as Polyjuice Potion, or thieves with strong transformation skills, Gringotts will deploy this magic in front of the most advanced vault."

Bella (Hughes): "..."

I thought to myself, it turns out that since I earn and exchange so many gold galleons every year, I am not yet a valued customer of Gringotts!

With a vault of this caliber, why has it never been marketed to me?

These goblins really don’t know how to do business, and they actually look down on a high-quality customer like me.

However, she (he) complained only for a moment. What is really worrying is that she may be exposed.

Griphook didn't notice that a shimmering ring was quietly pointed at it.

The minecart passed through the waterfall, and it was true as Griphook said. The waterfall added to his body, but he could not feel the water force at all, and his body was not even killed.

Griphook turned around and said proudly: "Look, what I said is right!"

"You should really get some treatment. Maybe your memory can be restored, but I've never heard that Soul Eater can cause amnesia?"

Because he was wearing a cloak and the mine was dark, Griphook did not notice that the face of the person behind him was completely different.

"By the way, ma'am, why don't you speak?"

Griphook wanted to turn around, but suddenly his back was pressed against by a hard object.


A crisp, hearty voice full of sunshine and vitality sounded from behind.

"Griphook, don't turn around, keep driving forward. If you don't want to be controlled by the Imperius Curse, or feel a killing curse, just keep driving forward."

The anti-thief waterfall made it a futile effort for Hughes' Polyjuice Potion and Lucius' efforts to obtain Bella's hair.


Although he didn't know who the person behind him was, Griphook could feel the magic power gathered by the hard object on his back. The person behind him was not joking.

The minecart moved on, and it would not be long before it reached Bellatrix's vault.

But before arriving at the treasury, you will pass by the treasury guarding dragon's lair.

Griphook knew that since the person behind him was not Bellatrix, the previous deal was naturally invalid, and if the other person could change into his appearance and come to steal, he must be an enemy of the Death Eaters.

Death Eaters are recognized as bad guys, and the enemies of bad guys are most likely the so-called righteous ones.Therefore, when I wanted to be mean before, I must have offended the "just partner" behind me.


Even with the magic being prepared to be launched behind his back, Griphook still analyzed everything calmly.

"Forget it, as long as the intruder is killed, my attempt to take advantage of the gangsters will not be exposed, and maybe I will make meritorious service to the bank. However, I need to do a little planning, so I will commit myself to the robber for the time being. I will decide later. Make him pay the price.”

The minecart passes by the dragon's lair.

When the Ukrainian Iron Belly saw the incoming person, under the control of the goblin magic, he was about to attack.

"Pull the ring!"

Hughes shouted.

"What? That's the second layer of anti-theft measures. Now that you've hijacked me, there's nothing I can do if it attacks."

"Shut up, I know you have the means to control it, don't think I don't know anything."

Feeling the magic behind him begin to change, Griphook had no choice but to take out the props and let Iron Belly continue to lie down.

"Tch! Just wait for me, damn robber."

Griphook knew that this bandit was no ordinary person. He was very familiar with Gringotts.

Therefore, Griphook was very cooperative and honestly took Hughes to Bellatrix's treasury.

He opened the treasury door without even having to be urged by Hughes.

The third layer of anti-theft measures is self-defeating.

As his eyes swept around, Hughes finally found a cup on the top of the innermost cabinet of the vault.

"That's it, that's right!"

Hughes walked in, used the floating spell to lift into the air without wind, and reached out to grab the golden cup.

At this moment, Griphook kicked down the collection beside the door, triggering the replication spell, and decisively sounded the alarm outside the vault.

"The security team can only serve as a background. They must not be allowed to capture the thieves alive, otherwise my affairs may be exposed... Yes, I still have a dragon. Yes, that's it."

Griphook ran toward the dragon's lair.


Jingle bells!

The fallen collection began to fall apart.

It can be said that almost instantly, the vault was filled with countless collections.

Hughes, who had just grabbed the golden cup, subconsciously dropped the golden cup because of pain in his hand. The golden cup hit other collections and began to break apart.

Although he did not remember the original work so carefully, at this time, Hughes also understood what was going on.

The items stored in the vault by customers have been cast by the goblins with copy spells and fire spells.

If someone who is not the owner of the vault picks up the collection without permission, they will be burned by the Fire Curse and throw away the items in their hands. Then the collection will be triggered by the copy spell and become all over the floor, making it impossible for those who are trying to steal to find the real thing in the first place. .

This is a series of anti-theft measures, the fourth level of anti-theft.

So while Hughes was focused on finding the golden cup, Griphook triggered it all.

Hughes was buried by the replica, and then came into contact with the replica, triggering the fire spell, and his cloak ignited with sparks.

He quickly used the counter-spell to eliminate the copying curse and the fire curse.

"Oh~ I'm so careless!"

Hughes said while swatting away Mars.

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