Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 129: Eliminated and targeted by the whole world

Last night, Dumbledore swore that the secret location of the Beacon of Wisdom was on the eighth floor, so Harry was not in a hurry to verify it during the day.

And because of the curriculum at Hogwarts, school ends at 12 noon, with a one-hour meal and lunch break, and then classes resume in the afternoon.The first year was all compulsory courses, so Harry wanted to verify Dumbledore's statement during the day, but he didn't have time.

After school in the afternoon, he was sweating from the Quidditch team rehearsal. After returning to the dormitory to wash up, Harry lay down on the bed for a while following the tiredness coming from his body, but ended up oversleeping as soon as he fell asleep.

A child!He was very sleepy, and as a Seeker, Harry also exercised a lot.

When I woke up, I found that it was already dark.


Harry grabbed the invisibility cloak and headed straight to the eighth floor of the main tower.

Following Dumbledore's advice, he found troll tapestries in all directions, but in his desperation, Harry's memory seemed to have not caught up with his sweaty body.

"What to do next?"

"It seems like three rounds?"

Harry walked around the corridor on the eighth floor, paying attention to the changes around him as he walked, but it was obvious that he was not walking correctly, and that he was not thinking about his purpose in his heart.

After three laps, I returned to the starting point and nothing happened.

"Damn it, it shouldn't be here, right?"

Harry lifted the hood of the invisibility cloak, and a head suddenly appeared in the corridor on the eighth floor. Fortunately, the curfew was about to start, so his behavior did not scare anyone else.

"This...this old man, deceived me?"

The time is getting closer and closer to 9 o'clock on the invitation letter. 9 o'clock is the curfew time for senior students in school.Dumbledore had been keeping an eye on the goings-on here through the portraits in the hallway.

Listening to what he said, old students and invited newcomers all came here and then disappeared.Dumbledore knew that they had all entered the Room of Requirement, but none of these people was what Dumbledore really cared about.

"Why hasn't Harry arrived yet?"

Dumbledore asked the portrait of the principal in the principal's office to ask the Fat Lady if she had seen Harry.

As expected, I learned from the fat lady guarding the door of the lounge that Harry had not gone out since he came back.

This result naturally made Dumbledore very confused: "Is Harry so big-minded? He was in a hurry last night, but I don't see him panicking today?"

Fortunately, it didn't take long before the fat lady ran to the principal's portrait to report that the door had just been opened, but no one showed up.

Dumbledore thought silently, suspecting that Harry was wearing the ancestral invisibility cloak. He quickly contacted the portrait and armor on the eighth floor and paid close attention.

Putting on the cloak again.

Harry started to think hard.

He thought that the old man wouldn't lie to him last night, but he couldn't find it now. At his wits' end, he took out the invitation letter and carefully analyzed the clues.

"One should only go in when one really needs line with the needs of the person seeking help...all things come true."

Thinking back to what Dumbledore said.

"...You remember to think about your purpose and then walk back and forth three times around the wall."

Harry clapped his hands excitedly, "I understand."

This time, he stood in front of the blank wall opposite the tapestry and said silently: "I want to go to the lighthouse of wisdom, I want to go to the lighthouse of wisdom, I want to go to the lighthouse of wisdom..."

Then walk back and forth three times in front of the blank wall.

An accident happened, and a wooden door appeared on the originally blank wall.A glimmer of light appeared in his eyes, and when he lowered his head, he saw that it was the invitation in his arms that was glowing.

Because there may be slight differences in the thoughts that each person recites silently, in case the Room of Requirement is not the same room, this is also one of the functions of the invitation letter.

"It turned out to be here."

Pushing the door open, Harry saw a group of people turning to look at him.

It was time to be stared at coldly by more than a dozen people. Although Harry didn't know why, the furry feeling in his heart was real.

"Ha, ha, ha, hello! Good evening, everyone."

The atmosphere of the scene was indeed very cold. Harry really wanted to find an acquaintance to ask him why?

As a matter of fact, his nemesis Draco answered his doubts, although Draco's words didn't sound good at all.

"Scarhead, you still know how to come? Do you know how long everyone has been waiting for you?"

Then Malfoy began to laugh at him.

"You couldn't find the location and relied on others to cheat, right?"

The first sentence made Harry understand why the atmosphere was so cold, and he was about to explain, but Draco's last sentence ignited Harry's emotions.

"Who cheated? Who cheated? If you can't speak, don't speak. How can you slander people out of thin air?"

He didn't even feel it himself. His words gave people the feeling that the word cheating seemed to stimulate some of his nerves, and even speaking was a bit strange.

As soon as the two met, it was like pouring oil on water, and a fire was immediately ignited and they began to quarrel.

Seeing that the two of them were yelling at each other more and more, Jody noticed that Hughes looked bad and quickly stopped him.

"Okay, Draco. This is a society for mutual learning and inheritance of magic. It is not a Caishikou, and you are not a scolding shrew."

Although it was a scolding, it was actually a form of protection.

After all, Jody took care of Malfoy somewhat because of his grandfather's instructions, but Harry had no one to take care of him and help him speak.

Draco heard Jodi's prompt and immediately stopped speaking. He turned around and saw the president of the society on the podium with a serious expression and a cold look on his face.

He immediately stood up, bowed and apologized: "I was wrong!"

After losing his opponent, Harry felt bored and had to shut up.

Harry looked weakly at Fred and George, who turned their heads slightly and looked away.

In this minute, he missed Ron so much. At least he had someone to accompany him every time he got into embarrassing situations.

Hughes didn't seem to care about the little farce before and lowered the level of the academy. He just made a casual move and let Harry sit on the only empty chair below.

The seven newcomers sat in a fan shape around the rostrum. Hughes simply waved his hand and used the transformation spell to conjure seven tables and baffles.


Patsy exclaimed: "Wandless casting?!"

The seven people are separated by baffles to form separate compartments.

Just listen to Hughes say: "Congratulations to everyone here, first passed the recommendation review, and then solved the riddle on the invitation letter. Now there is only the last level left, which is the magic test."

"As long as you pass the test, you will officially join the Smart Lighthouse, although there is still a period of internship."

Hughes said with a smile in his eyes: "However, I believe these are not a problem for all the 'excellent' students, right?"


Hearing the magic test, Harry felt terrified for no reason, so he couldn't help but curse.

Hughes asked: "Is there any problem?"

Everyone on the podium looked at Harry, and he had no choice but to say under pressure: "This is different from what Dumbledore said!"

"Didn't you say that as long as you join, you can learn powerful unknown magic? Why do you need to test it?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as these remarks were made, the whole room burst into laughter.

Fred was about to cry because of his recommender, "So, I asked you before if you had read the recruitment announcement? Didn't you see what Rule No. 20 of the recruitment rules said?"


Harry was speechless.

This speechlessness means that he really doesn't know how to answer the question.

When it came to those things on paper, he didn't pay attention at all.

Therefore, Harry had no choice but to lower his head, trying not to let Hughes and others see his expression at this moment, and kept cursing in his heart.

"If I knew magic, why would I join you to learn it?"

"Sure enough, that old man was really deceiving me! They all wanted to see my joke, and they didn't want me to have the power of revenge."

Just as Harry's mind was busy, his nemesis Draco began to speak again.

Draco looked very much like Hermione in class, holding his hands straight up.

The other six newcomers couldn't see because of the barrier, but Jody saw Draco acting like a troublemaker and wanted to cause trouble.

"Malfoy, don't be too nosy, just listen."

As a result, Hughes waved to Jody beside him and looked at Draco.

"Raise your hand, do you have any questions?"

Draco expressed his doubts respectfully: "Yes, respected President Hughes!"

"First of all, please forgive me for interrupting you."

"There are first-year, third-year, and fourth-year newcomers on site. How do you measure the scoring standards for the test results in the end? I'm worried that the test cannot reflect the level of the first-year students in a positive, objective and fair way. The four of us are not even in the first grade..." I don’t even know much about magic.”

Hearing Draco mention fairness, Harry had the illusion that Draco was one of his own for a minute.

He whispered: "Well done! Draco."

"That's right, we haven't even finished the first grade, so why are we testing? Isn't this obviously a joke? They say Hughes is very smart, but I didn't expect this."

Hughes nodded, indicating that Decorah's questions were normal.

"Indeed, four of the invitees have not even completed the first-year courses. But I guarantee that our grading is very flexible. The test is divided into written examination and spell casting. We not only examine the knowledge mastered by the newcomers, but also examine the newcomers' understanding of the skills they have mastered. Application of knowledge.”

"As much as you learn, you will show as much. Beacon of Wisdom is not an unpopular society. We focus on the present, and we pay more attention to the achievements that newcomers can achieve in the future."

"So you don't have to worry unless you don't feel confident about yourself."

After getting Hughes's answer, Draco expressed his sincerity, "Thank you, President, I think I have no problem."

But Harry still felt guilty!

No matter how much he studied and inspected, when he thought about all the required courses for this school year, he seemed to be unable to remember anything. The only thing he remembered was the happy time after class.

Hughes spoke concisely. He waved his hand again, and a test paper, an ordinary quill pen and ink appeared on the newcomer's desk.

A timing hourglass was suspended in the air, and the written test began.

Under the gaze of everyone on the rostrum, the newcomers began to answer. In the empty room, only the sound of brushstrokes and the turning of pages could be heard.

Just like a teacher in a classroom, the praise from all the newcomers in the audience is clear to the first-generation veterans.

Six people were immersed in answering the questions, and one person was scratching his head. Who could it be if it wasn't Harry?

[Magic Potion Question] 1. If you want to find a piece of bezoar, where should you look for it?

"Hey, this question seems to have been asked by Snape. I remember...Hermione's answer seemed to be that it should be found in the cow's stomach. No, it should be found in the cow's large intestine. Yes, that's right, bezoar is a type of cow dung. "

"Hmph! You still want to stump me with this kind of question?"

"The beacon of wisdom is nothing more than that!"

Not long after he started answering the questions, he stopped his quill and began to flip through the test paper randomly.


[Magic Potion Question] 7. What are the main ingredients of the magic potion for treating scabies?

"I, I don't know if I can write?"


[Defense Against the Dark Arts Question] 16. What is the best way to deal with a vampire?


[Astronomy Question] 21. Please draw the structure of the Ursa Minor constellation?


[Herb Question] 35. What is the weakness of Devil’s Net?


[Magic Question] 86. What are the common mistakes made when using the floating spell?

"What the hell is all this? How do I know this? Can it be used?"

"Oh, you've perfectly avoided the knowledge I know. Isn't it intentional on the part of the person who asked the question?"

"This is definitely not something I learned in first grade. There are always people who want to harm me."

"But they are all freshmen. If I can't answer it, the three of them certainly can't answer it either... right?!"


"Hey, I finally encountered a topic I'm familiar with."

[Extra points question] 1. The reason why a wizard can fly on a broomstick is because the broomstick is blessed with some magic?

"I can fly. I can successfully make the broom fly when I summon it for the first time. Why should I care about the magic that comes with the broomstick?"

"Is this a suggestion made by someone?"

Harry regretted not buying one of those answering quills that Ron had mentioned.

Apparently Harry was overthinking it!

Since Hughes can conjure an ordinary quill, he will naturally prevent this kind of cheating. Therefore, even if Harry did prepare an automatic quill in advance, Hughes would not let him use it.

The questions on the test paper became more difficult as they went to the back, and the questions became more and more tricky. Emma and Hermione were okay, but Draco's answer speed was not as smooth as before.

In fact, the first-year exams were fine. The exam papers for third- and fourth-grade students were several times more difficult than them.

Roger Davis, Kenneth and Patsy couldn't help but sweat at this moment.

For example, they encountered this question.

[Ancient Magic Text Question] 165. If you want to make a magic puppet battle game, what magic texts need to be used? Please briefly describe your design ideas? (A tribute to the Professor of Magic Literature - Mr. Felix)


The sand on the hourglass evaporated, and all the test papers disappeared instantly, and then reappeared on the podium.

Although candidates are prohibited from using automatic answering quills in any exam in the wizarding world, they can correct the papers.

For some multiple-choice questions and questions with standardized answers, it is enough to use a correction pen, while for some more subjective and simple questions, Hughes and the first-generation elders divided the work to complete them.

The seven newcomers in the audience waited quietly for the people on the stage to mark their test papers. I have to say that this is a test of one's psychological quality.They were like mortals being dragged to the execution ground, waiting for the judge to pronounce the sentence on the spot.

Fortunately, they didn't know that there would be an exam called the public exam in later generations. Otherwise, if they had to complete 60 questions in 200 minutes, and not only were multiple-choice questions, most of them were simple questions, they would have called the protester and the question maker (Sius) a pervert. .

The one with the least confidence was Harry. Although he wrote a lot here and there, the more time passed, the more he doubted the accuracy of his answers.

"Okay, let's move on to the next item, the spell-casting skills assessment."

After collecting all the test papers, Hughes briefly glanced at the scores of the seven people and announced that he would move on to the next item without being in a hurry to announce them.

"For this item, you only need to use the magic you have mastered. If there is magic beyond this grade, you will get extra points."

"So, which of you will come first?"

Hughes looked around and found that the newlyweds were looking at each other and being humble to each other. Emma pulled Hermione who was about to step forward and whispered to her not to be too pushy and let others come.


As the only fourth grader present, Patsy was also the prefect. With the other newcomers showing humility to each other, Patsy performed his duty without hesitation.

Hughes conjured a target. After all, casting a spell requires a target, so Patsy began to show off. The six other old members besides Shuus picked up the score board.

In addition to the first to fourth grades, it can be seen that Patsy also taught himself the fifth grade courses.

"Very good! Percy, based on the competition just now, I think you can get straight A's in the fifth grade 'Ordinary Wizard Level' exam now."

Facing Hughes's compliment, Percy felt a little embarrassed. Even with his red hair, he could see his face blushing slightly.

To be honest, all A's are a bit exaggerated, but the results show that Patsy's hard work is not in vain after all.

George and Fred were also proud of each other. Although the brothers occasionally had conflicts at home because of their different views, brothers were brothers, and the bones were broken and the tendons were connected.

Otherwise, George would not recommend Patsy even though he knew he was addicted to power.

"Patsy, you are worthy of being our brother. This magic hand is so beautiful." Putting down the score board, George cheered with open teeth and claws, and hugged his brother's shoulders. Fred, who had been gloomy all night, finally showed his clear face. face.

The rare deep brotherly love seems to have eased the estrangement between them a little.

With Patsy proofing, others started showing off.From a confident senior and finally to first grade.

Draco knew that he was definitely not as good as Emma and Hermione, the two magical girls, in terms of magic, so in order not to look so inferior, he decided to show it in advance.

Sure enough, Draco's performance was quite satisfactory. As a normal first-year freshman, Hughes thought he was pretty good. He didn't even feel too embarrassed after being watched by Jody who walked through the back door.

After that, Emma and Hermione demonstrated the magic spells in the first-grade spells textbook. Even many of the magic spells in the "Standard Spells" that were only taught in the second grade were cast very standardly.

When they were about to show off the Clow card magic, Hughes stopped them because there was no point in doing so.

Finally, only Harry was left.Everyone focused their eyes on him, and thirteen people gathered around to watch at close range, which immediately made Harry Alexander.

At this moment, he understood a little bit why when Hermione wanted to be the first to show off, Decorah tried her best to persuade her and got the first step.

"Malfoy is still the same Malfoy. Fortunately, I thought Draco was one of my own before, but it turns out his thoughts are still so insidious."

"You actually didn't remind me to show it first. Now there are two magical girls Zhuyu in front of me. If I, the savior, don't show some skills, I'm afraid I will be embarrassed."

Draco was like a tapeworm in Harry's stomach. He seemed to have the ability to read Harry's mind and know what he was thinking at the moment.

I have to say that little Draco and little Harry are really happy enemies, and they are starting to get along again.

"Yo! Our savior, what are you waiting for?"

"They say important people appear last. Now is the perfect moment. Let's see your magic!"

When Harry heard this, he was trembling with anger: "Decora, you... a sinister villain!"

Hearing Draco's heckles, everyone had no intention of scolding him after a night of tossing. Instead, they subconsciously wanted to watch the fun or see how good the famous Harry Potter was?

In fact, what was Draco wrong?He just wanted to make friends, but Harry rejected him at the beginning.

If he wanted to write a novel based on this reason, Hughes thought the title should be like "The initial approach was rejected, and he switched to a villain to target the protagonist."

"Okay, don't waste any time, Potter. Let's show it off and we can announce the results later."

Needless to say, Hughes also knew that Harry's performance must not be as good as Draco's, otherwise no one in the previous life would have made a video called "Hermione and Her Two Useless Men" after watching the entire HP series.

In this life, because of her own relationship, Hermione was not entangled with Harry and Ron. Without Hermione urging them to study all day long, Harry's level would probably not be up to par with his previous life.

Sure enough, Harry started to show off under the urging of everyone's eyes.

Fred's [score board]

Unlock spell:

Casting: successful for the first time, speed: average, accuracy: average, effect: passable.

lighting spell

Casting: successful for the third time, speed: average, accuracy: average, effect: pass.

Repair spell

Casting: Ninth success, speed: average, accuracy: average, effect: weak.

Cleansing spell

Casting: second success, speed: average, accuracy: average, effect: pass.

Flying spell:

Casting: second success, speed: average, accuracy: average, effect: weak.

Petrification Spell:

Spell casting: first time success, speed: average, accuracy: average, power: very weak.

Disarming spell:

Casting: first time successful, speed: average, accuracy: average, power: weak.

Armor Charm:

Casting: ten times in total, all failed, speed: none, accuracy: none, power: none.


George tilted his head and asked: "Why did you stop? Is it because the magic power is not enough? Harry."

Harry's expression was slightly normal at first, but when George asked this, his expression suddenly lost its composure.

How could he answer? He said he didn't have enough magic power. These little magics just stopped working. It looked like he was good at it!

Even if he says he only masters a few magic spells, he still looks incompetent.

He wanted to be angry but also thought that everyone else was obviously countless times stronger than him, even Draco had cast more than twenty magic spells before.

Therefore, Harry replied with an embarrassment: "I, I'm a little uncomfortable, let's show these first today!"

In fact, the results of Harry's display shocked Hughes. The latter did not expect that the former actually mastered two offensive magics.

As for the common magic in front?

Hughes didn't care at all. The so-called common magic actually had another name, which was household magic. Besides, there were so many common magics in "Standard Spells", and how many of them did Harry use?

Moreover, the effect is either weak or merely adequate.

In fact, it is not impossible to master common magic in quantity. If you practice lighting spells into light spells, lightsaber spells, incendiary bombs, etc., it will also be very powerful.But with Harry's current level, he is obviously not that kind of person.

Perhaps knowing Harry's next outcome, the seven newcomers were divided into two distinct groups, waiting for news from the first-generation veterans.

Using silent spells and induction spells to form a confidential environment around them, Hughes and the other six people discussed the test results.

"Then it's decided like this?"

"Second! x6"

After removing the magic, Hughes and others turned to announce the results to the seven newcomers.

"After our discussion, the results are as follows: Patsy, Kenneth, Roger, Emma, ​​and Hermione have passed the test and are allowed to become trainee members. If they do not violate the rules and regulations of the society during the trainee period, they will become full members at the end of the trainee period. member."

When Draco heard that he was not on the qualified list, Draco felt that the sky was falling.My father had put so much effort into his operation. If I had not been able to join the Wisdom Beacon Society, I would not have been able to accomplish what my father had told me to do.

The same was true for Harry, but seeing the deathly look on his rival's side, Harry felt much better.

At this time, Hughes spoke again.

"Decora Malfoy!"

"You can't say your level is not good. It should be pretty good among first-year students. So..."

Should he say it or not, Hughes is really good at playing with mentality. This pause made Draco and Harry's minds wander, but they were different.

"Therefore, after discussion among all our elders, we decided to give you a chance. After all, you have made it all the way to this level."

"What chance?"

Draco asked in a hurry, completely lacking the grace he had shown before.

"We will give you an opportunity to prepare as a trainee member. Your salary will be a little less than that of a trainee member. As long as you perform well in the later period, you can still become a full trainee member, and then you will be the same as them."

"I do, I do!"

Seeing that there was still a chance for things to turn around, Draco was totally willing!

"Fortunately, then you are a preparatory trainee member."

Hearing what Hughes said, Draco felt lucky and glanced at Harry proudly. The meaning was obvious.

Even though he had a chance to see Draco, Harry looked at him intently, looking forward to the same reversal of news.

Facing Harry's helpless look, Hughes said with regret: "Harry, I'm sorry, your current level is still far from our minimum standard for new recruits. If you work hard when you go back, maybe next time Can pass the test.”

As soon as these words came out, Harry felt like he was struck by lightning.

He looked shocked and said giggling: "How could it be? it possible?"

Fred stepped forward and comforted: "Harry, please look away."

As a result, Harry's facial features were distorted, he pushed Fred's hand away, raised his finger and pointed at Hughes and said: "You must be targeting me, otherwise I can't be eliminated. Even a guy like Malfoy can join. Why?" I can not?"

"There is a shady are manipulating the shady secret!"

In desperation, Harry desperately complained about injustice.

As a result, this accusation not only made Fred and others angry, but even other trainee members were innocently accused.

Emma immediately responded: "Then you are saying that we all relied on cheating to get through? Can't you see everyone's level..."

Hughes grabbed his sister, and then explained with a regretful and pitiful expression: "Harry, I know you must be angry now, so I don't care what you say.

Tomorrow, we will post the entire test results on the public notice board, and then you will be able to see everyone's results. "


At this moment, Harry's mind was so confused that he couldn't figure out the consequences at all. He just felt that the whole world was targeting him.

Extremely angry!

Harry waved his hand fiercely, turned around and pushed the door open.

He wants to go to Zhao Lao Deng to report the emergence of the third generation Dark Lord.

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