Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 126 It’s not that easy to get in

The time was after Hughes left school and before the Christmas break.

Third-year Gryffindor and Ravenclaw happened to have an astronomy class tonight.Because astronomy classes rely on night light, it was already 09:30 pm after they finished class.

So the students walked back to the common room tired.

As they passed the eighth floor, they met the Hogwarts Headmaster wandering around.

"Good evening, Professor!"

When the little lion and his party saw the principal, they stopped and said hello to him.

"You too! As people get older, they sleep less. So when I go out for a walk, you must not imitate me and go out at night."

Afterwards, the students said good night to Dumbledore in an endless stream and continued their journey.

When it was the twins' turn to say goodbye, they noticed that Dumbledore had been staring at them intently.

The two brothers were suddenly shocked and thought: "Did they deliberately scare Lady Lolita into being sued by Filch when they returned to the dormitory from the academy last night?"

But they immediately overturned their suspicions. After all, they were blessed with invisibility at that time, and Filch would never be able to detect them.

Fred gave him a look, hinting to his brother not to reveal his secrets and to pretend he didn't know anything.

George rolled his eyes and immediately pretended to be aggrieved: "Professor, the look in your eyes made us panic. We have been honest recently and haven't made any mistakes. We didn't even participate in the night outing."

Little did they know that these words made it look like they were guilty at first sight.

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Haha~ If you have made any mistakes, you will find out when you come to my office."

Fred glared at his brother, don't you really know how to say less and make less mistakes?

Dumbledore took the two of them back to the principal's office.

The furnishings in the room instantly opened up a new world for George. He looked familiar, sometimes stepping forward to see Fox who was already asleep, and sometimes picking up the Sorting Hat and putting it on.

"Look, Fred, come here and take a look. Gryffindor's sword is actually placed in such a simple glass box."

George found the sword and couldn't wait to share it with his brothers.

After hearing George say that the glass box was crude, Dumbledore said to the twins who were lying on the glass and scanning the sword with their eyes.

"The box is not simple. It is a special prop. If you don't know the corresponding magic, you won't be able to take it out."

George twisted his lips and said unconvinced: "Of course I know this is an alchemy tool, but I think its maker is really bad. This glass box is not as cleverly designed as our badge."

Dumbledore glanced at the badges on the twins' lapels and remained silent.

After that, he showed a kind expression again.

"By the way, how about tea?"

Three teacups jumped out from the tea tray, placed themselves, and then the teapot was suspended in the air to pour tea.

I heard from Hughes that Dumbledore was an old bee and that the tea was not tea, but completely honey water.

For the sake of his health, Fred declined politely, and George followed suit and said no.

Fred looked apologetic: "No, Professor, we are going to have a rest later, and drinking tea may not be a good idea."

George folded his hands on his chest, with an expression that said he was right, and nodded, "Yes, after all, tea is so refreshing. If we can't sleep, we may have to do something else to stimulate our energy. I Professor, you don’t want us to violate school rules, right?”

Dumbledore, who was rejected by the students, looked extremely regretful, "Oh, it's true that I didn't think well. But what a shame, you should really try the tea I made."

Fred said sternly: "Professor, if you have anything to do with us, just let it go! You are teasing us like this, and we are very panicked."

George continued to hold his hands and nodded.

"Early this morning, Filch came to me and said that he found an invisible student wandering around at night while on patrol yesterday, and that his cat was frightened."

"I want to know if it's you, or someone you know?"

After hearing this, George said with an exaggerated expression: "It's unfair~ Professor, we didn't go out at night last night. Besides, even if we know who went out at night, we can't betray our classmates, otherwise what's the difference between us and those dark wizards who have fallen into evil ways? ?”

Dumbledore pressed the air with his hand to signal George not to be so excited.

"Relax, I didn't ask you to betray your classmates."

"I'm just interested in what Filch calls the 'invisible students'."

"If anyone in the school is the most innovative, it must be you. So, I want to know if you have invented any potion, or magic, that can make students invisible."

Through his half-moon glasses, the twins saw the simple curiosity in his eyes.

"Oh, it's not a potion, it's magic. It's the magic that Hughes taught us."

George proudly puffed up his chest and said that there was no silver 300 taels in this place.

Fred couldn't hold back even if he wanted to, so he slapped his hand on his face and shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, so you admit that it was you who went on a night out last night?"

Dumbledore suppressed his curiosity about Hughes, quickly grasped the contradiction in George's words, and blocked George directly.

He reprimanded with a fierce expression: "Okay, it's you! It seems that the murderer Filch was looking for has been found."

George realized it later and exclaimed.

Then he said unconvinced: "This is simply too much. You are just fishing for law enforcement to induce us to hit the muzzle of the gun."

Fred rolled his eyes at his brother and told him, "Stop talking."

Then he pulled George and bowed his head to admit his mistake to the principal.

"It was indeed us who scared Filch's cat last night. We are willing to accept the punishment, but please don't deduct points from the academy, please!"

"Ha ha!"

Dumbledore just wanted to scare two little brats so that they could feel what it was like to be scared.

He actually liked the twins, they always brought joy to Hogwarts.

"well, let's get back to business."

"Actually, I'm looking for you tonight because I want to ask about your study group..."

"Professor, we are a society, not a study group."

"Alright alright!"

"But how is your society doing recently? I heard that you only have a few members, which is not good! Since it is a small learning mutual aid group, you should help other students!"

It turned out that this was what Dumbledore wanted to know. Just as Fred was about to ask him why he didn't ask Hughes, he immediately thought that Hughes had already left the school.

He felt that this was not a big deal, so he told Dumbledore the society's new recruitment plan and method.

The latter immediately asked: "Then do you have anyone to recommend? Oh, I don't want to interfere with the self-development of the student association. I am curious about who you will choose to recommend to join your society."

"After all, you also said that if you join the society, you can learn the inherited magic that Hughes obtained. I have to be concerned about this."

Of the twins, Fred liked to think more, but George never bothered to think because he had all those bad things to worry about, so he acted heartlessly.

Fred was wondering what Dumbledore's real purpose was, but George answered without hesitation.

"We have two places, so we recommend Patsy and Ron. After all, they are our brothers."

Dumbledore looked enlightened, then tugged on his beard.

"Well, your idea is very good. I believe that if it continues like this, your student club will be full of family flavor and unity."

After picking up the tea cup and taking a sip, Dumbledore realized what he was doing.

"But, I have a small suggestion that I would like to discuss with you."

It's said to be a discussion, but it's a party announcement.

"How about inviting Harry and Patsy to join first? Then, based on the relationship between Harry and Ron, Harry will definitely recommend Ron to join next time."

Only then did Fred realize what Dumbledore meant, "This..."

To be honest, Harry had not yet established a deep relationship with the Velez family at this time. Fred was more focused on recommending his younger brother than recommending Harry.

After all, time waits for no one. How long will it take for the Beacon of Wisdom to receive new members again after the Queen of Heaven?

The Lighthouse of Wisdom is destined to gather outstanding students in the school, but what does Ron look like?As older brothers, they knew best that after Ron graduated, he was destined to be a half-baked wizard.

He hoped that Ron would seize the opportunity and change circles, maybe he could get rid of his problems, and be influenced by other outstanding students and become more promising.

I have to say that in order to take care of Ron, these brothers and their only sister were really worried.

Seeing Fred's objection, Dumbledore raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I heard from many professors that you have organized this study group, which has caused many students to not pay attention to class. They have been discussing your new magic all day long."

"It's the Society, Professor." George was still stubborn.

Dumbledore said strongly, "I think it's just a study group."

"Actually, I have been thinking that study groups affect students' normal classes. Should I order a ban on such clubs?"

Hearing Dumbledore's words sound both threatening and thoughtful, George panicked.

After joining the Beacon of Wisdom, he fell in love with the team, not to mention there was inherited magic to learn.

"Professor, we have not affected other students' classes. It's just that recently, everyone was a little excited when they heard that new students would be admitted."

"Please go and don't ban our academy."

In fact, Fred knew that no matter how softly George said or explained at this moment, Dumbledore's meaning was actually very obvious.

It is obvious that Harry entered the academy and took the opportunity to learn Hughes's inherited magic.

In fact, everyone knows that there has been a estrangement between Harry and Hughes since the last student brawl. The reason why he wanted to recommend Ron was also to resolve the estrangement between his brother and Hughes.

Therefore, Fred agreed: "No problem, Professor. I can recommend Harry and let George recommend Patsy."

"But, aren't you afraid that Hughes won't agree?"


This is a hurdle that no one can get around. As long as Harry maintains his identity as a savior and doesn't apologize to Hughes, how could Hughes kindly hand over the inherited magic to Harry?

But the development situation of the game and the wizarding world has changed dramatically. Tom's return is more direct and powerful than imagined. The charm magic last time is not the magic of the wizarding world. He must also let Harry learn the unexpected magic of wizarding magic.

"What if I ask Harry to apologize to Hughes? Do you think Hughes will accept Harry in the end?"

Dumbledore asked Fred for his opinion. As for George?

He's just happy.

Shaking his head, was Fred's answer to Dumbledore.

Fred had known Hughes for three years. Based on his understanding of Hughes, Hughes was actually not so stingy. Back then, so many pure-blood supporters targeted Hughes, but Hughes had to endure it and did not retaliate afterwards.

Therefore, instead of worrying about Hughes's grudge against Harry, let's not talk about Hughes's step-by-step approach. People who come out simply look down on Harry, who is proud and natural for no reason.

Dumbledore pondered for a while and then said something shocking again.

"Then if you recommend Harry and Hughes rejects it outright? Will you and Hughes separate?"

"How about I reorganize a study group in the name of the school, and then you will be the founder, and then you will train Harry?"

Fred was a little unbelievable. Why did Dumbledore have such an idea? Didn't he know that the root of the Lighthouse of Wisdom was Hughes?

Or does Dumbledore think that after leaving the society, he can still shamelessly take out the inherited magic shared by Hughes and give it to others?

At this time, George couldn't bear the questions in his heart and asked: "Principal, why do you have to let Harry join Hughes' society?

If you want to educate Harry, wouldn't you just train him alone?

Who else can train better wizards than you? "

Facing George's three consecutive questions, Dumbledore was speechless, and he would not explain the reason to the twins.

Fred added in time: "Professor, you know that the great potential of the Wisdom Lighthouse is entirely because Hughes shared the magic he knew. Without Hughes, there would be no so-called society."

"So, even if you ban the existence of the Lighthouse of Wisdom, even if you reorganize a student club, without the magic contributed by Hughes, what's the use?"

"Every professor in the school has formed his own club, but I don't see you taking it so seriously!"

After a long time, Dumbledore sighed, then waved the two of them away.

But before the twins walked out of the office door, he warned: "Don't forget my words, you must recommend Harry."


"The above is what happened."

Fred said to Hughes.

Penello had never seen Hughes look like this, but the twins who had been forced to do so by Dumbledore could understand why Hughes was so angry.

Didi Kada ~ Didi Kada ~

After listening to Fred and George's narration, the silent Hughes tapped his fingers on the table to make the sound of horse hooves.

"Fred, you are right. I really don't care about the misunderstanding between Harry and your brother in the hall last time."

"In the faraway Eastern Kingdom, there is an ancient proverb: The distance of a road can tell the strength of a horse, but the passage of time can tell the strength of a person's heart!"

"It means that you can only know the endurance of a horse after traveling a long distance. In the same way, you can only know the endurance of a person only after a long journey."

"So, everyone can only comment on what kind of person I am. Those who just listen to gossip, even if they end up misunderstanding and contact me, are not the people I want to make friends with."

Harry's name appeared on the recommender list, which he really didn't expect.But Hughes considered himself a person who wanted to do great things, and he could not directly remove Harry's invitation by his own will.

After all, rules are rules.

Faced with Dumbledore's conspiracy, he could not act casually, otherwise he would appear to be petty and an inferior person.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful for the line he added when pasting the new plan.

"Penello, good job!"

Penello was confused by the sudden praise.

Precisely because Penello showed the plan to him for review, he also conveniently added No. 20: Recommended students must pass the magic test before they can become trainee members.

The magic test is divided into: a written test on magic knowledge and a practical test on spell casting skills.

When Hughes thought of No. 20 Eight Articles, his heart began to feel beautiful.

"It's really unintentional to plant willows and willows!"

"I don't believe that students like Harry Potter, who either eat or play after class, and sleep when tired, can pass the questions I set."

"Wait! Dumbledore, I'll let you experience what it's like to draw water from a bamboo basket and get nothing."

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