When it comes to Ron and Harry's feelings about the two magical girls, Emma is okay, but Hermione is not.

In Ron's eyes.

Emma at least has some connection with the wizarding world, and it was her brother who first inherited the Clow card, so it makes sense for her to become a magical girl.

And why should Hermione?

She was born into a pure Muggle family, but she became a high-profile magical girl.

It's just a piece of shit luck.

Ron privately thought that he could have sex with him.

Jealousy changes people beyond recognition.

When Hermione actively answered questions, he saw her as showing off her knowledge; when she studied hard, he saw her as boring and dull.

He completely ignored Hermione's intelligence and talent.

Most people think that people who are more talented than him work harder than him, so he has to work harder.

Ron is different. Under Happy Education, he doesn't understand anything.

This kind of thing is completely indifferent to him.

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed red, and the thought couldn't help but arise in his heart.

"Damn Carter, you gave George and Fred alchemy notebooks, why don't you give me something?"

"Don't you know that I am Harry's friend and George's brother?"

And in Harry's eyes.

Emma is a person that even Decorah wants to fawn over. She is as sassy and aloof as a white lotus.

To put it bluntly, he has longed for it.

Moreover, aren't the "Savior of the Wizarding World" and the "Savior of the Twist" the best match?

Annoying Hermione is just an insignificant but unconscious addition.

In every class, he rushes to raise his hands to speak, always thinking about becoming a genius in the eyes of professors and a know-it-all in the eyes of his classmates, which makes him seem too ordinary.

Therefore, when Hermione came to accuse them, the two of them were annoyed and ashamed.

"Speak! You two. Don't you have any sense of shame for what you have done?"

The two of them had been talking loudly before, but now they showed shy and annoyed expressions, making Hermione look down on them even more.

"How did you know that Brother Hughes is an evil wizard?"

"Who among the mutual aid study groups is not the best in their respective colleges?"

"Slytherin, I won't mention it. I guess you have colored glasses and can't tell the difference between good and bad."

"Seniors Bobby and Cedric of Hufflepuff, and Senior Penelope of Ravenclaw, which one is not a well-known outstanding student."

"And you, Ron. Don't you know that your brothers are also one of them?"

It was okay not to mention this matter, but when Ron was mentioned, he became angry on the spot, and his eyes became even redder.

"I don't have those shameless brothers, they are the traitors of Veles."

The noisy auditorium was frightened by his angry voice. The whole place fell silent, and all eyes focused on them.

People with an open heart will naturally not feel this scene.

But Ron felt that everyone's eyes were like sharp swords, piercing him.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen others arguing?"

Harry blushed even more and glared at Hermione.

"What kind of trouble are you trying to make?"

The Savior doesn't mind being in the limelight, except for this kind of limelight.

Decorah, who was far away, was happy to embarrass the two of them, and was in trouble from a distance.


"It turns out that the Veles family also produces traitors!"

"Ron, tell everyone who is the traitor to the Velez family."

"We are all one of the 28 sacred tribes. We will help you eliminate the traitors."


The barren humor cells of Gower and others were ignited by Decorah.

Ron was so angry that he couldn't even say anything now, so Harry stood up without hesitation and confronted Decorah.

"Decora, shut up! You're a rookie who can't even make the team."

"Scarhead, you...don't be too arrogant. Slytherin's team will definitely beat you."

"So what? You're still a rookie who even made progress on the team, and you're the king of words."

"Can you please stop mentioning this? Apart from Quidditch, what else are you worthy of praise for?"

"Okay, rookie. So what if you don't, rookie?"


"What do you want to say, rookie?"

Hermione had a strong sense of honor, and of course she couldn't tolerate Harry embarrassing the academy in such a public way.

Therefore, he scolded the two of them mercilessly: "Stop yelling at each other across the dinner table."

Of course, Decorah would not be intimidated by a Mudblood girl, and was about to retaliate against Hermione rudely, but a sharp look forced him to shut up.

It was none other than Emma.

Hermione helped him vent his anger, how could Emma not pay attention?

Her fierce eyes hid a red light, staring straight at Decorah.

Because Decorah always wanted to please Emma, ​​he returned in a rage.

For the sake of Gryffindor, Hermione stopped the quarrel between Malfoy and Harry, but from another perspective, she also helped Harry and Ron to prevent them from further embarrassing themselves.

But who's to say Ron doesn't appreciate it?

Decorah's previous taunt made Ron feel embarrassed.

The Malfoys are not easy to deal with, but who are you, Hermione?

Angry and angry, he directed his anger at Hermione.

"We want you to take charge, you know-it-all lady."

"We can say whatever we want, what does it have to do with you? The real boss is not here, so why are you doing so arrogantly here? If you want to flatter someone, you have to find the right time and occasion,"

Things were going a bit wrong, so Patsy came over.

"That's enough, Ron. Did you take the wrong medicine? Why are you so angry at your classmates from the same college for no reason?"

"Oh, you're here again. My prefect, are you planning to play nice again?"

Ron was so angry now that he felt uncomfortable with everything, let alone Patsy, who he considered extremely hypocritical and powerful.

As if seeing a terrifying stranger, Percy pointed at his brother with a trembling hand.

"You...you're crazy. I'm going to write a letter and tell my mother all this!"

When Ron heard Patsy mention his mother, his heart tensed subconsciously, but this emotion was suppressed immediately.

I saw him laughing in anger.

"Haha, our prefect can't even handle me, a first-year freshman, so he can only sue his parents because of his incompetence?"

Because dinner time had long passed and the professors left the auditorium neatly after the meal, no professor came to stop this scene.

More and more people put down their knives and forks and looked at the quarrelsome people.

Unnoticed, the Gryffindor prefect quietly left the Great Hall.

Patsy had no choice but to comfort her: "Stop making trouble, okay?"


"What's wrong with me?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

Ron asked Patsy in disbelief.

He wondered if Hogwarts was shrouded in a red moon and everyone except himself became mentally ill.

He looked around the auditorium, felt heartbroken, and made a cry of the times.

"Did you forget?"

"Slytherin is the stronghold of dark wizards!"

"The so-called Light of Slytherin is a hypocritical and insidious leader of the dark wizards."

Ron angrily yelled at the irresponsible Patsy: "Even George and Fred were bewitched by him, and you are still here saying that I am making trouble."

When he said this, he not only angered Slytherin, but also angered Hughes' fans.

"Hey, Patsy Velez, I can't pretend I didn't hear this."

Marcus, with his fierce eyes, spoke for Slytherin.

"That's right! If you can't educate your brother well, I suggest you let the professor take care of him."

The president of the Hughes Support Club also said indifferently.

Patsy, the prefect and brother of the person involved, was stared at by countless students so much that chills ran down his back, and he secretly cursed Ron for being a donkey poop ball.

He didn't know that at this time, Ron had become abnormal.

His expression and appearance were extremely perverse and violent.

Maybe he was a friend who became the savior at the beginning, but the harvest along the way was not what he expected!

Failed to perform color change and magic, was mocked behind the scenes and was caught on the spot, developed a quarrel with magical girls, envied Hughes's magical food, envied Harry for being selected for the team, envied Hermione for adding points to the academy...

In fact, it’s all caused by the inability to face one’s own identity.

When Harry first entered the wizarding world, he was like a blank sheet of paper. He was curious about everything, but he only had Ron as his friend.

Relying on him to help him explain things caused Ron to feel a sense of dislocation in his inner position.

"See, even Harry needs my help, so rounding things off I'm a savior."

"But why do you all only focus on magical girls and Harry?"

"What about me? What about me?"

"Why is everyone ignoring me?"

At this moment, in Ron's heart, there was a realization that "it was not me but the world that was wrong."

Hermione was also angry, but she was more worried about Emma's mood.

Glancing back, I found that Emma was no longer in her seat.

Looking around quickly, it turned out that Emma had unknowingly touched the backs of Ron and Harry.

She stretched out her jade arms, tightened her arms around Harry's neck, and pushed him down with her waist and horse together.


In pain, Harry held the back of his head and rubbed it.

"What are you doing? Bailian...Miss Emma."

Emma didn't wait for a moment, pushed Ron down again, sat on his chest, punched him left and right, trying to beat him into a pig's head.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Not to mention everyone else, even Percy and Hermione were shocked.

Hermione's head turned the fastest, and she quickly climbed onto the table and threw Harry to the ground who had climbed up and wanted to fight back.


Harry had no choice but to continue rubbing the back of his head.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's too much! This is the second time. I'm going to go crazy again."

Patsy's brain shut down, then he was shocked, then he was at a loss, and finally he realized that he seemed, as if, should stop them.

He whipped out his wand in a panic and pointed it at Emma and Ron, who were struggling together, trying to separate the two.

In the end, it was unknown whether it was Emma's hand or Ron's foot that flicked his wand away.

The errant spell hit a Slytherin student in the distance.

Immediately, the student's robe exploded, and an erroneous separation spell caused his sleeves and robe to say goodbye with lightning.

"We're under attack, fuck them!"

The Slytherin table rioted, and the little snakes pulled out their wands and fired magic at the Gryffindor table.

The battle between the two houses caused a chain reaction, leading to a melee among the four houses.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Hermione became demented.

Emma was still punching Ron.

"Beautiful, Miss Emma, ​​hit him hard, right on his nose."

Decorah ran over to cheer with a crazy expression, and he pushed Harry who stood up again.


There was another crunching sound as the back of the head hit the floor.

Harry looked like a bull, his eyes red and his nostrils steaming.


"Did I say, let go of the back of my head?"

"Decora, you are seeking death."

He pushed aside Hermione who was in the way and struggled with Decorah.

Hermione never imagined how a small farce could turn into a big fight between houses?

But under the chaos, she seemed to feel angry and angry for no reason.

She opened her bow left and right, helping Emma block the attacks that kept coming, and also stepped on Ron a few times.


A chicken leg flew out of nowhere and hit Harry in the face.

But in the chaos, he felt no pain, and his ferocity became even crazier, and he and Decorah strangled each other desperately.


Three hundred red-eyed students were shooting everywhere with fists, feet, or magic.

The scene was extremely chaotic.


The whole chaotic process lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before Professor McGonagall arrived in the auditorium.

So she was stunned by this scene.

When her female prefect found her, she couldn't believe it.

An internal dispute between the same college actually occurred in the auditorium?

Hogwarts is naturally divided into four houses, so struggles only occur between different houses, while the same house is relatively united internally.

But when she saw it with her own eyes, the scene almost sent her away.

I saw that Mag’s lips were filled with anger.

Shouting: "Oh my God! Stop it..."

Unfortunately, the scene had already fallen into chaos. Professor McGonagall, who used to be majestic in the past, seemed to have no sense of existence. The students were still fighting with each other, and no one stopped.

On the other hand, Filch had already reported the movements in the auditorium to Dumbledore, and then other professors were naturally notified by the principal.

in the auditorium.

Even Dumbledore's scolding could not separate all the students who were in chaos.

"No, this is magic."

Snape reminded sharply.

Dumbledore also sensed it. With a fluid movement, he pulled out the Elder Wand and waved the wand in his hand like a conductor.

"Stop the curse!"

It has no effect at all.

No one noticed at this moment that Quirrell was hiding in the corner. Although his expression was full of panic and embarrassment, his eyes were filled with pride.

His hidden eyes stared directly at the Elder Wand.

Mag guessed: "Could it be a magic potion? Someone made a large amount of confusion potion and mixed it into the school's food, causing riots among the students."

Binns retorted on the spot: "Impossible. No one can penetrate the kitchen. This school's defense mechanism is much better than you think."

In desperation, the professors could only use the petrification spell and the coma spell to stop the fight.

The seven-member "Lighthouse of Wisdom" team far away in the kitchen had just finished enjoying the magical food and were about to leave.

However, a house elf, pushed by many companions, walked forward while rubbing his hands.

"Great and gracious master!"

"Please stay in the kitchen for a while. It's dangerous outside."


Hughes and others were stunned. What danger could there be in Hogwarts?

"Did you encounter any problems with your cooking skills again?"

"Uh, not really. It's just...it's just that Hogwarts is in chaos now. So, in order to protect the master, we would like to ask the master to stay."

The Seven were immediately fascinated.


"what's the situation?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"The school is fine, why is it so chaotic?"

Hughes looked at the elf calmly. For a moment, he subconsciously thought that Voldemort had led the Death Eaters into Hogwarts, but he immediately rejected this conjecture.

Considering the servility of house elves towards humans and his position in their minds, the house elves in the kitchen would definitely not lie to him.

So, he waited for the elf's explanation.

"Some kind of charm magic was cast on the auditorium, and the students fought with each other, and the four colleges fell into a big fight."

Hughes stopped a few people who wanted to rush to the auditorium immediately and asked calmly: "What kind of charming magic? Can't even Dumbledore solve it?"

"Principal Dumbledore and the professors all used the Stop Curse. But this is not a wizard's magic..."

"According to the records of our family, it may be hell magic. There is no counter-spell for magic from different dimensions. Only a small number of powerful human magicians can eliminate or resist it."

"So, I don't know who brought the magic of the Hell Succubus to Hogwarts."

Hughes asked curiously: "Is there anything you can do?"

"No...no, this is spiritual magic. We Pan-elves only have some understanding of this, but we have no way to eliminate it."

"Well, I understand. Thank you for your concern, but we still need to do our part."

Hughes took the lead and a group of seven people ran towards the auditorium.

"No, don't go out, Master."

"Ah~ We are all bad servants. We failed to protect our master."

The house elves in the kitchen were banging their heads against the front, the table, and the floor.

"Bobby, you chose the protection department. How did you learn "Protection from Chaos"? This first-level magic must not be difficult for you, right?"

At the critical moment, Bobby understood what Hughes meant.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, he directly blessed several people with this magic, which enabled them to gain a certain degree of spiritual immunity.


Hughes praised.

At this moment, he felt that setting up a study group was the right thing to do.

A flower is not beautiful when it blooms, but it is spring when it is filled with purple and red colors.

Because everyone was in a hurry, they were all gasping for air when they arrived at the auditorium.

"Huhu~" x7

"How's the situation, Dean?"

For some reason, Snape breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hughes coming from outside.

After he arrived at the auditorium, his first reaction was to look for Hughes. Unfortunately, the scene in the auditorium was chaotic and there was no sign of Hughes.

"Fortunately, you're not inside, otherwise Hogwarts would be destroyed."

The members of the lighthouse team did not stand and watch. They all stepped forward to help the professors control the chaotic students.

"Oh, Penello, your magic is amazing, but I don't remember teaching you?"

They used "Magic Hands" to separate the struggling students, and then used "Stunning Technique" to render them unable to move.

Flitwick had been a Charms teacher for decades, and he noticed the difference in these magics at a glance.

It is different from the petrification spell and the coma spell, which directly make the student's body become stiff or enter a coma, and then fall to the ground.

The effect of the "Dizziness Technique" is milder. The person affected by this technique will stay in place and be unable to move for a certain period of time, but the person will still be normal.

When Hughes arrived, he naturally couldn't escape Dumbledore's eyes.

He knew about Hughes's private study group.

He originally thought that Hughes was doing this just because he felt sorry for his sister and wanted to train thugs to deal with Voldemort like him.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and there is nothing new about Liaozhai.

He also knew that Cedric and the other six students were relatively talented students, but that was all, so he didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

But seeing the six people again today, my eyes really brightened up.

He kept holding on, but he began to have other ideas in his heart.

At the same time, Quirrell suddenly held his forehead and said in a voice that he could barely hear: "Master, don't get excited, we will be exposed."

But Snape just turned his head and looked at Hughes meaningfully.

Afterwards, Hughes had free time to observe the chaos among the students.

He anxiously looked for Emma and Hermione, but he was relieved when he saw that the two of them cooperated perfectly. Not only were they not harmed, but they also suppressed Ron and beat them wildly.

As for Harry and Decorah falling in love and killing each other, he couldn't control that much.

"The students are all red-eyed."

"She must have been under a charm spell and was delirious, so her eyes seemed to be bloodshot."

"Huh? Do you know what's going on?"

Snape asked quickly.

"Well, I know a little bit about it. It shouldn't be blood, but a charming breath. We'll talk about the rest later."

Snape was familiar with Hughes.

He could tell at a glance that Hughes was obviously confident from being nervous at the beginning to looking calm and collected now.

"Then stop inking and end this chaos quickly!"

"What happens next will be even more troublesome..."

He had already imagined that tomorrow's letters from students' parents would bury Hogwarts like snowflakes, and the Ministry of Magic would come to question Dumbledore.

Maybe, Dumbledore might be kicked out, in which case it would be very bad.

No fool would believe it if there was no mastermind behind this incident.

There is no need for students to write letters home. The outside world must be full of news about tonight.

Apparently, the enemy had launched an attack on them.

Hughes squinted his eyes to feel the magic, raised his hand to make gestures, and began to chant some kind of spell.

"The God of White Magic who protects the earth! I am chanting your true name here, Emperor Weishan. Use all your power to give me stronger magic power!"

Because the world is different, some spells cannot work.

Therefore, after Hughes's magic modification, the incantation of the "Magic Enhancement Curse" in the world of Xiu Dou Mage was changed from begging to the Dark Lord to begging to Weishan Emperor.

Not to mention, he tried it during the summer vacation and the effect was surprisingly good.

A magic circle emerged at the soles of Hughes' feet, attracting the professors' attention.

Flitwick thought to himself: "Another magic I've never seen before."

Dumbledore thought to himself: "This magic power is a bit like that of the Temple Mage. Are they the ones standing behind Hughes?"

Snape thought to himself: "You, you are not going to leave a way for other wizards to survive!"

Hughes did not stop, he continued to cast spells, and ended with a one-handed movement, "Protect Chaos!"

The enhanced magic enveloped the area within the walls of Hogwarts.

In the Black Lake, Hagrid's Hut and even in the Forbidden Forest, all the intelligent creatures seemed to feel something in their hearts and looked up to the sky.

Just when Snape and other professors thought that Hughes' magic was over, Hughes' actions told them that it was more than that.

"Protect from evil!"

"Protective Charm!"

"Protective Curse!"


Hughes was not familiar with extra-dimensional magic, so he didn't know if just one layer of protection from chaos was enough.

To be on the safe side, he used eight layers of protection in succession.

With the blessing of the enhancement spell and the Holy Stone Ring, the intelligent life within the walls of Hogwarts has gained super psychic counterattack capabilities.

For a time, whether it was wizards or magical animals, their hearts were clear and holy as the Holy Spirit, and they all fell in love with this feeling from above.

Dumbledore felt it the most. He looked at Hughes in disbelief and horror.

Facing the gazes of many professors, Hughes realized that he had gone too far.

"Sorry, sorry! This is my first time doing this. I added too much buff, and I didn't know the effect was so strong."

Listen to this, is this human talk?

Snape and others would have wanted to hammer him to death, if they were not reluctant.

Amazing magic, stunning effects, and a holy feeling...

Everyone was thinking about the future of Hughes and Hogwarts, so they really couldn't bear to teach Hughes a lesson.

Now, if someone doesn't have eyesight and dares to touch a hair of Hughes, he will probably be killed by all the professors at Hogwarts!

All the students finally recovered and looked around in confusion.

Then they recounted the entire incident in their minds.

"Oh my God!"

"How could this happen? It's terrible."

"I'm sorry, Teddy, I was hugging your thigh just now..."

"Ah, my hand is broken, mom, mom~"

"Stop howling, what happened to my face? I didn't even scream."

"Hey, why haven't you replied yet? It doesn't seem like an illusion."

"Just watch and don't touch me. It hurts~"

"Wow, can even a pig head study at Hogwarts now?"

"...Fuck Squid, Dunbar. I am your brother Henry."

Although the students stopped fighting, the chaotic scene did not improve.

Not to mention other professors, even Dumbledore's face was so serious that he could drink from his hands.

Generally speaking, McGonagall, the vice-principal, handles everything in the school.

When she thought about the fact that there was only one head nurse in the school, Madam Pomfrey would be too exhausted to treat so many students.

"Snape, Sprout, I'm afraid you need to cooperate with Madam Pomfrey immediately to prepare a healing potion."

McGonagall added: "No matter what happens at Hogwarts tomorrow, rescuing students will always come first, so I'm begging you."

At this time, Hughes interrupted.

"Wait a minute, Professor McGonagall. It's not that bad."

While the effect of the magic-enhancing spell was still there, he planned to send Buddha to the west.

"Sacred elves in heaven and earth, with the motherly breath of the earth, I pray you to save this person in front of me. Use your love and mercy to save him!"

"Healing spell!"

Hogwarts is located in a remote location, and humans have done little damage to nature, because there are many more elves living here than when Howard was last treated in the Lighthouse Country.

Soon, colorful fluorophores gathered in the auditorium. With the help of wood elves, water elves, earth elves, wind elves, and fire elves, all students' injuries were treated.

"The curse stops immediately!" The student who had been hit by the petrification curse recovered.

"Resume quickly!" The student who had been hit by the coma spell recovered.

"Recover like this!" The damage in the auditorium was cleaned up.


With Hughes casting the spell, everything in the auditorium finally returned to normal.

Except for what the memories of those present could prove, outsiders could not tell that a horrific riot had just occurred in the auditorium.

At this time, no matter how dull the students were, they knew that it was Hughes who saved them and prevented this tragedy.

Except for a few students who had various petty thoughts, the rest of the students cheered from the bottom of their hearts.

"Long live Carter!"

"Long live the Light of Slytherin!"

"Long live the Light of Slytherin!"

"Long live the Light of Slytherin!"

This fanatical cheering was the happiest thing for Snape.

Dumbledore walked up to Hughes and thanked him sincerely: "You saved Hogwarts, kid! Thank you!"

Far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean is the Holy of Holies in the Big Apple City, a lighthouse country.

Hamil walked behind Gu Yi and said respectfully: "This time he seems to have borrowed the power of Emperor Weishan."

"Want to go have a look?"

"I've met their principal once, so he should be able to give me some respect."

Gu Yi waved his hand and said, "Are you sure it's just a one-time relationship? How much kindness can he give to you, the person who seriously injured him?"

"I've been waiting for this for so many years, so there's no rush for this little time."

The voice is melodious.

"Those people are about to find the dark matter I left behind. There's no rush, there's no rush."

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