Douluo begins by marrying Bo Saixi

Chapter 25 Tang Hao fled in embarrassment

"Haha, as long as your Majesty Haotian defeats me, I will tell you my identity."

Tang Hao shouted angrily, took a step forward, waved his right hand, and a dark red Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his palm.

"Well, I also want to see if you have the ability."

"bring it on."

Lin Xiao's eyes turned cold, he tapped his toes on the ground, and rushed straight towards Tang Hao like a bullet.

And the Shura Divine Sword in his hand was swung out in an instant.

This is the second time he has used Shura Divine Sword. At this time, Shura Divine Sword has already felt a hint of excitement, as if he wants to taste Tang Hao's blood.

Tang Hao's expression remained unchanged, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his right hand went straight towards the Shura Divine Sword in Lin Xiao's hand.

Even though he was the youngest titled Douluo, he had no idea that this martial spirit was a god-level martial spirit and had a mechanism created by God Shura himself.

A bang.

A violent roar suddenly sounded, Tang Hao's eyes turned red, and before he knew it, the land in front of him was exploded.

When the two martial spirits collided, countless light splashed out and flew away in all directions.

The soul power Lin Xiao released would definitely not be lower than what Tang Hao released.

In addition, Tang Hao, who regarded himself as noble, did not bother to take advantage of Lin Xiao, which led to this scene.

But just when he thought he had completely suppressed Lin Xiao, after this blow, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Lin Xiao's movements did not stop, and the second sword quickly attacked Tang Hao.

As expected of a titled Douluo powerhouse, although he suffered a loss in the first collision, he reacted quickly.

While the body rotated horizontally in mid-air, the fifth spirit ring on his body lit up, and the muscles all over his body instantly swelled.

The Clear Sky Hammer in the right hand seemed to have been hit by something, and instantly became extremely stern.

"Fifth soul skill, Ling Tian strike!"

Facing Tang Hao's fifth soul skill, Lin Xiao's expression showed no emotion at all, as if he looked down on Tang Hao at all.

Therefore, Lin Xiao did not dodge. Instead, he swung the Seven Killing Sword in his right hand again.

In mid-air, a chopping phantom formed, and rushed straight to Tang Hao's fifth soul skill, Ling Tian.

Just when God Shura was about to collide with Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, Lin Xiao's own domineering power instantly became even crazier. Under his roar, he was like a glaring King Kong, and the surging momentum caused the earth and stone beneath him to explode inch by inch.

After the second violent collision between the two sides, Lin Xiao failed to blow away the Clear Sky Hammer, but the Clear Sky Hammer also failed to shake his body.

Tang Hao frowned. He never thought that this young man would burst out with such terrifying strength.

Could it be that this little guy has really reached the level of Titled Douluo?

Tang Hao jumped up with a whole body, and leaped forward with unparalleled momentum. When his left foot stepped on the ground again, a huge deep hole was created in the whole ground by his foot.

Amidst the loud bang, the Haotian Hammer became larger against the wind, the originally huge hammer was like a cloud, turning the entire sky into an incomparably dark darkness.

It hit Lin Xiao's direction hard like a mountain bearing down on him.

Tang Hao's soul power is obviously going to surpass Lin Xiao's, and his cultivation experience is even higher than his.How could he endure being completely passive?

Lin Xiao put his left hand back, stuck the Shura Divine Sword on the ground, took out a stream of strong wine from the soul guide, raised his head and drank it in big gulps.

Tang Hao roared angrily: "Arrogant boy, since you are seeking death, then I will send you to the King of Hell!"

Lin Xiao put down the wine bottle in his hand and looked at the Haotian Hammer that was getting bigger in the wind.

"Li Bai, tell me, can my sixth soul skill kill him instantly with one blow?"

"Master, with your domain, if you have the fifth soul skill or above, you can make him disappear into ashes."

"Hahaha." Lin Xiao laughed, "Li Bai understands me, but I don't intend to let him die so easily."

Lin Xiao picked up the Shura Divine Sword and raised it high above his head.

Red light suddenly burst out from Lin Xiao's body, and it wasn't just that.

Red red red red red!

The six 10-year-old soul rings lit up at the same time, and the entire forest trembled violently. Even with Lin Xiao's domain, it could not withstand the annihilation effect brought by the six 10-year-old soul rings.

At this moment, blood-red dark clouds covered the sky, and a blood-red long sword poked out from the blood clouds.

Tang Hao raised his head and looked at the giant sword in mid-air, "This is impossible, you... are twin martial spirits or something!"

"Haha, you are ignorant, don't worry, Tang Hao, I won't kill you, I will arrest you, live in a dark place all year round, and make you suffer the pain of scraping your bones and sucking your marrow every day!"

This is no joke, Lin Xiao has inherited the bloodline of God Shura, and if he disagrees, he will kill his whole family.

"The fourth soul skill...the wrath of the blood demon!"

Lin Xiao shouted angrily, and the soul power around his body instantly condensed tens of thousands of Shura Divine Swords, and even shot the giant sword in the air like arrows.

Also at this moment.

Using the Shura Divine Sword as a carrier, they gathered together to form a super huge sword, which was no worse than the huge Clear Sky Hammer in mid-air.

With a loud bang, a dazzling red light was suddenly released in the sky, and the violent aura suddenly destroyed all the trees in the nearby white rice.

Wherever it went, it was reduced to ruins.

Without Lin Xiao's domain, this place would have been destroyed, and even Shrek Academy would have been attacked. By then, there would be no chance of Flanders and others surviving.

After looking at the ruins around him, Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes, "As expected of Tang Hao, there is indeed something to save his life. Tang Hao, I hope you will have such good luck next time I meet you."

As a titled Douluo, it is not surprising that he has some means of saving his life, let alone Tang Hao.

At this time, two soul saint auras came from the distance. It didn’t take much to think about it, Flanders and Zhao Wuji.

The two of them rushed over as soon as they felt this aura. They both knew that even they couldn't resist this aura.

When they saw Lin Xiao, they thought that Lin Xiao was a powerful Titled Douluo. Little did they know that Lin Xiao's combat power had already exceeded that of a Titled Douluo.

As a powerful God King, God Shura has the ability to judge other gods, and he also has the ability to judge martial spirits. If Lin Xiao used the sixth soul skill of Heavenly Demon Judgment, Tang Hao would have turned into a ball of ashes.

However, Lin Xiao had to rest for a while after each cast, and he could only cast it once a day. This was also a test for his grandson by God Shura.

It would not be a good thing if he continues to be so powerful. He will have to inherit his position as a god in the future, so he cannot be allowed to go smoothly.

Flanders looked at the destroyed trees around him with fear in his eyes.

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