Douluo begins by marrying Bo Saixi

Chapter 20 Misidentification of Titled Douluo

But after seeing Lin Xiao release his soul power, he always felt that this aura was more terrifying than his father.

After taking back their breath, everyone exhaled.

"Your Majesty is indeed powerful. I didn't know that Your Majesty was a titled Douluo in that place."

At this time, a voice sounded from the direction of Shrek Academy, and a middle-aged man slowly walked out of it.

A middle-aged college man in his 40s, he is not tall, about 1.6 meters tall, but his muscles are the most important thing.

Especially the tattoo on his chest shows this person's domineering aura.

This person is none other than the vice president of Shrek Academy, Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji had already felt this aura just now, so he rushed over without stopping.

But after seeing Lin Xiao, he was a little convinced. Is this really a Titled Douluo? Why is he so young?

"You have misunderstood. My name is Lin Xiao. I am a level 63 attack spirit emperor with a martial spirit...sword."

"Huh?" Zhao Wuji obviously didn't believe it. He had clearly reached the level of a titled Douluo just now, so how could he be a Soul Emperor?

Could it be that this senior is just having fun there?

"Senior, please stop joking with me. I am Zhao Wuji, the deputy dean of Shrek Academy. If you have any questions, just ask. The dean is not at home at the moment. I am fully responsible here."

Lin Xiao was a little helpless, "Well, since you don't believe it, I can't help it. I'm here to apply for a teacher job."

Lin Xiao picked up Gu Yuena and said, "Why is my sister Na'er signing up as a student?"

Zhao Wuji was stunned. Titled Douluo joined Shrek?

Isn’t this going to take off?

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Zhao Wuji bowed deeply and said, "Your Majesty can join Shrek Academy. Shrek is really prosperous. On behalf of the dean, I welcome senior. Senior's sister does not need to take the test. She can directly Enter Shrek Academy."

"I will send someone to tell the dean, he will be back soon."

Lin Xiao nodded, "Okay, then take me to visit Shrek Academy."

"Senior, please!" Zhao Wuji said respectfully, casually making a gesture of invitation.

Under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, Lin Xiao and the two entered Shrek Academy.

Na'er's face turned slightly red and she asked in a low voice: "Brother, I'm already a big kid, and you...still hug me~"

Lin Xiao was amused, "Na'er doesn't like being hugged by her brother?"

"No~ Na'er likes to be with brother, but Na'er has grown up, brother should not treat Na'er as a child."

Gu Yuena smiled, picked up the candy in her pocket, tore off the packaging and stuffed it into Lin Xiao's mouth.

"Okay, okay, Na'er has grown up, and my brother won't hug you anymore."

Just when Lin Xiao was about to let go of Gu Yuena, Na'er hugged Lin Xiao's neck tightly and pressed her little head against his chest.

"I will forgive my brother this time~ Na'er likes my brother to hug me~"

Zhao Wuji next to him cast a doubtful look. These are still two brothers and sisters. Why do they feel that their language is weird.

Under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, the three came to the playground of Shrek Academy.

Shrek's playground is not big, only about the size of a basketball court. There are many wooden houses around it, which seem to be a place for students to live.

"Your Majesty, this is our playground, and over there is the student accommodation area."

"Well, it's okay." Lin Xiao nodded. He was not picky about where he lived, as long as he had a place.

"Your Majesty, if you have any requests, feel free to ask. I will do my best to satisfy Your Majesty. If the room is not good, I will send someone to build a house for you personally."

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Prince Fudo Ming is so polite."

After hearing the words "Fudo Mingwang", Zhao Wuji's heart skipped a beat. The only people who knew him were the elders of the sect and so on, except for some powerful people.

Lin Xiao was only 20 years old, but he actually knew it.It seems that my feeling is right, this young man is definitely a top powerhouse.

However, he was a little confused as to why Lin Xiao came to Shrek Academy. Shrek Academy was considered the worst among the intermediate soul master colleges. They did not have a mimic area and could not provide students with a better training environment.

Could it be that this senior is enjoying life?

Choose a breakthrough in ordinary life?

At this time, Tang San and others had also passed the postgraduate entrance examination and came to the academy's playground to prepare for the next assessment.

Not far away, a bearded man slowly walked toward them pushing a cart.

"Specialized in sausages, sold at a cheap price, the fragrant grilled sausages are delicious and affordable."

Na'er pointed to the sausage cart that was approaching in the distance, "Brother, I want to eat sausages."

You don’t need to think about it to know that this is Oscar, a sausage specialist.

Oscar was wearing simple gray clothes, and his hair was a bit sloppy, especially his little face covered with beard.

But Oscar also has advantages. He has big peach blossom eyes, but at this time he is still a bit wretched. Oscar's eyes always stay on the girls in the candidate team.

Na'er was a little frightened by the sight and hurriedly buried her head in Lin Xiao's arms.

Oscar parked his car in front of several people.

"What do you guys want to eat? This little sausage of mine is quite delicious, and it can also restore your soul power."

At this time, among the few people, a boy wearing blue clothes walked out first.

The boy was smiling. He hadn't eaten for a day, so he still wanted to buy a few sausages when he smelled the aroma.

"Uncle, please bring me two sausages."

Oscar's face clearly showed an ugly look.

"What did you just call me? Uncle?"

Tang San was stunned for a second, and then said: "Of course it's uncle, what, did I say something wrong?"

Oscar almost cried: "Of course there is a problem, brother, brother, I am only 14 years old, and you actually call me uncle. Where do you want me to put my face?"

Tang San was also shocked after hearing Oscar's words. The person in front of him was actually only 14 years old. It was really unbelievable.

"Let me tell you, my name is Oscar. I am 14 years old and a freshman at Shrek. You can't call me uncle, you have to call me senior. Do you understand?"

Not only Tang San, but several other people also showed ugly expressions. They never thought that Oscar, with his thick beard, was only 14 years old.

It’s really unbelievable that a 14-year-old has such a long beard.

At this time, Tang San's stomach rumbled again.

Tang San helplessly took out a few silver coins and handed them to Oscar: "I'm sorry, senior, I was rude just now. Please bring me some sausages."

Lin Xiao glanced at Tang San beside him and couldn't help but secretly thought: "It turns out he is Tang San, known as the doggiest man on Douluo Continent."

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