Douluo begins by marrying Bo Saixi

Chapter 17 Gu Yuena, who only knows her name

After arriving in the room, Lin Xiao opened the door and what he saw surprised him.

This is one of the most famous hotels in the Tiandou Empire, and it specializes in receiving nobles and members of the royal family. Although the appearance is ordinary, the decoration in the room is indeed a bit surprising.

If it weren't for the fact that it was getting late, the manager wasn't here, and the many gold soul coins Lin Xiao had given him, otherwise the waiter wouldn't have dared to let anyone else in, no matter how courageous he was.

The hotel room was very large, the largest room Lin Xiao had ever seen.

The first thing you see in the room is the red carpet on the ground, which extends to the end, as if to celebrate the arrival of distinguished guests.

When you walk in, you can see that the master bedroom is clearly defined, surrounded by tables and chairs made of fine wood.

There is also a balcony next to the window. As long as you open the glass door, you can see the night view of Tiandou City.

Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction, this room is indeed good, and it is not in vain to spend a hundred gold soul coins.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.


I saw a waiter walking in carrying a large wooden bucket, followed by several girls. The girl was holding a kettle, which seemed to be used to fill the bucket with water.

"Sir, would you like to put it in the bedroom or in the hall?"

"Let's go to the lobby."

The waiter nodded and quickly poured a bucket of hot water into it, and more thoughtfully poured a handful of rose petals, filling the whole room with atmosphere.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, indicating to a few people that it was ready.

The waiter nodded hurriedly, gave an understanding look, then turned around and took the girls out of the room.

After making sure everyone left, Lin Xiao looked at Gu Yuena who was squatting on the ground.

"Na'er, go take a shower."

Gu Yuena raised her head, her face flushed. She didn't know whether it was because she wasn't used to it or something, but she still didn't dare to come over.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly. It seemed that this girl still didn't believe in herself.

"Don't worry, the towels are on the table for you. I'm going to rest. After washing, that room is yours. If you need anything, just call me."

Lin Xiao walked to Gu Yuena, rubbed her head, then turned and walked into the bedroom.

Gu Yuena blinked her big eyes, stood up, quietly walked to the door of Lin Xiao's room, pricked up her ears and listened. After making sure that she would not come out, she relaxed.

He turned around and came to the bucket. When he saw rose petals floating on the water, his face turned red again, but he couldn't help but take off his dirty coat and sit in the bucket.

in the room.

Lin Xiao was sitting on the bedside, and Wang Zhaojun was washing his feet, which was a must for Lin Xiao every day.

While enjoying the soft feeling brought by Wang Zhaojun's little hands, I drank a little wine and felt so happy.

"Master, this girl is a spirit beast, why did you take her away?"

"No, no, Gu Yuena has ended her transformation. She probably lost her memory, and now she has become Na'er. There is another personality in her body, named Gu Yue. Their personalities are exactly the opposite. There will definitely be some in the future. Useful."

Wang Zhaojun shook her head. She still didn't understand why her master did this.

But she didn't ask any more questions. She would support whatever the master wanted to do.

"Zhaojun, do you remember the memories of your past life?"

"It's a bit fuzzy, but I just can't remember it."

Lin Xiao sat up and said with a smile: "Think carefully, are there many people who have pursued you?"

After Wang Zhaojun paused, he smiled and said: "People who covet my beauty are reflecting under the ice field."

After Lin Xiao paused, he burst out laughing, "Hahaha, that's interesting. Okay, you can go back soon."


After Wang Zhaojun wiped away the water droplets on Lin Xiao's feet, it transformed into a blue ice mist and disappeared into the room.

Lin Xiao turned to look at the door, wondering if the little guy was done.

Judging by the time, Tang San is studying at Notting College, and he is expected to go to Shrek College next year.

He didn't have a good impression of Tang San to begin with. He was ungrateful and unjust, and everyone could punish him.

Now that I have come to this world, it would be embarrassing to tell Tang San if I didn't give Tang San a violent beating.

Just when Lin Xiao was thinking about something and heading to Shrek Academy, a scream came from the room.


Lin Xiao suddenly frowned, and without saying a word, he pushed open the door and rushed out.

Could it be that someone discovered Gu Yuena's soul beast identity?

But when he rushed out, the scene in front of him made Lin Xiao's face turn red.

Gu Yuena stood on the floor, with her back to Lin Xiao of course. In front of her was a little kitten. She didn't know what came in, and Gu Yuena screamed in fright.

The back with skin as smooth as snow makes people want to hug her tightly, especially the bumpy figure, which makes them want to hug her tightly.

Especially the feeling of lotus water, which further highlights Gu Yuena's appearance and responsibility.

Bo Saixi's figure can be said to be hot, but Gu Yuena's figure is small and exquisite. Even though she is small, she has everything she should have.

"Go, go, little kitten, go away." Gu Yuena had no idea that a man was looking at her from behind.

He also bent down, picked up the bathrobe on the floor, and started to chase away the kitten.

It didn't matter if he didn't bend down. Lin Xiao's face turned red immediately when he bent down. Just when he was about to leave quietly, Gu Yuena also turned his head.

When their eyes met, Gu Yuena's eyes widened and she immediately shouted: "Ah~"

Lin Xiao was startled and came to Gu Yuena almost instantly, covering her cherry mouth.

"Don't shout!"

Gu Yuena looked at Lin Xiao aggrievedly, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Lin Xiao was stunned and whispered: "Don't shout, I will let you go. If you agree, just blink."

Gu Yuena blinked hurriedly, and Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this. If people knew that he had found a little girl to go to the hotel, his position as emperor would be in danger.

Lin Xiao slowly let go of his right hand and took a few steps back.

Gu Yuena picked up her clothes and put them on, squatted on the ground aggrievedly, and started crying again.

Lin Xiao was a little embarrassed, "Na'er, if you hadn't shouted just now, I wouldn't have come out. I was afraid something would happen to you."

Gu Yuena didn't listen to Lin Xiao's words and squatted in the corner, her nose was sore, and crystal tears slowly slid down her delicate cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry."

The most embarrassing thing for Lin Xiao in his life was when girls cried, especially beautiful girls.

"Look what this is!" Lin Xiao took out a piece of candy from the soul guide and waved it in front of Gu Yuena.


Na'er stretched out her hands as white as snow and snatched the candy from Lin Xiao's hand. Without tearing the wrapping paper, she threw it into her mouth and chewed it with satisfaction.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly when he saw this, stretched out his right hand to rub her cute little head. It seemed that Gu Yuena's second personality was now a child. He only knew his own name and knew nothing else.

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